Descrição do Produto: Country Life Bone Solid
O Country Life Bone Solid é um suplemento inovador projetado para fortalecer a saúde óssea, utilizando a Microcristalina Hidroxiapatita (MCHA), uma forma natural de cálcio que se assemelha à composição óssea do corpo humano. Este produto é clinicamente comprovado para aumentar a utilização de minerais, garantindo que seu corpo absorva e utilize os nutrientes de forma eficiente. A fórmula avançada do Bone Solid não apenas fornece MCHA, mas também combina este mineral essencial com vitaminas K2 e D3, que são cruciais para a construção e proteção da densidade óssea.
Além disso, o Bone Solid oferece um suporte abrangente à saúde óssea, incluindo uma mistura de Magnésio, Fósforo, Zinco, Manganês e FruiteX-B, uma forma patenteada de Boro. Esses ingredientes trabalham em sinergia para otimizar o metabolismo ósseo, assegurando que seus ossos recebam todos os nutrientes necessários para se manterem fortes e saudáveis ao longo do tempo. O produto é certificado como livre de glúten pela GFCO e todos os ingredientes são obtidos de forma ética e rigorosamente testados quanto à pureza, garantindo a mais alta qualidade em suplementação para a saúde óssea.
– Fortalecimento Ósseo: A MCHA promove a absorção eficiente de minerais, essencial para a saúde óssea.
– Suporte Completo: A combinação de vitaminas e minerais oferece um suporte abrangente para a saúde dos ossos.
– Aumento da Densidade Óssea: As vitaminas K2 e D3 ajudam a construir e proteger a densidade óssea ao longo do tempo.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produto livre de glúten e com ingredientes eticamente obtidos, assegurando pureza e eficácia.
– Fácil Integração na Rotina: Suplemento prático que pode ser facilmente incorporado ao dia a dia para promover a saúde óssea.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 cápsulas de Country Life Bone Solid diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que seu corpo receba o suporte necessário para a saúde óssea. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
Veggienut –
The Doctor approved me to take it. I don’t know if it is working since, I just started taking it. I was taking the Calcium Magnesium with D and it was not working.
Amazon Customer –
This is the only calcium I would ever use. My calcium levels are good and it’s actually making my bones stronger. You won’t find a better product.
Cristina Rich –
Bought to keep my bones strong and healthy. Seems to work OK. Only time will tell just how well it works.
Gregory Janos –
Easy to take. Arrived as advertised.
Dragonfly –
This is the best calcium supplement I’ve ever used. Period. Considering the improvement in my fingernails, for example, you can tell it’s being used by your body. Very glad I found this, have been using it for over a year now, and very happy with it. The dose is 3 per day. I only take one per day, and it does the job for me. Excellent product. (For those of you who have trouble swallowing capsules, these should slip down if you drink adequate water when you take it. I have never had a problem with swallowing pills, so hard for me to comment on this.)
cj in mn –
I prefer this brand of multi-mineral b/c it includes the minerals necessary, balanced with each other including phospherous, for bone growth and maintance. Nearly all of the mineral supplements available do not. Bones are made up of several minerals, phospherous being just as important for proper bone growth as the others. And, since I am intolerant of all grains, no corn and no rice fillers. I searched the mineral suppements available on amazon only to be disappointed while this one was unavailable. They claimed to be formulated for bone gowth yet did not include phospherous, which is important for proper bone growth, and I couldn’t find out why. I highly recomend this brand for balanced minerals to maintain healthy bones.
Mary –
I’ve been using Bone Solid for a few months and when I showed my doctor the box with ingredients (which she kept) she was very impressed especially with the boron in it. I used to have so much lower back pain whenever I picked up something, not even that heavy, and now I recently noticed that I have absolutely NO BACK PAIN at all!! It must be the Bone Solid!! Wow! I just realized I haven’t had to take any Ibuprofen for weeks and weeks.. I used to take them on a daily basis. I’ll be interested to see what my dexa scan results will be but I’ll wait for a little bit. Right now I have osteopenia… Maybe I’ll be rid of it, now that would REALLY be impressive!! I’ll update after my dexa scan! I never realized I could be vitamins thru Amazon which is Great because they have the best customer service ever!!!
Garnett Grad –
Several years ago, I fell in a parking lot and broke a bone in my left knee and my right foot. Country Life Bone Solid was recommended at the time. Also at that time, my knees were hurting and I was getting steroid shots in the knees every three months, trying to avoid knee replacement surgery. Several months after taking just two capsules a day, the doctor couldn’t even find the break in my knee bone from the fall. I took the Bone Solid as recommended. Oddly, my knees stopped hurting and I stopped getting the shots! This was about four years ago. I still take Bone Solid, just two capsules a day, even though the bottle suggests a higher dose. Once in a while, I have a pain in a knee, but nothing like it used to be. I used to wrap my knees every day with ace bandages. This product has been amazing for me and I tell people about it all the time! It is truly a supplement that can make a difference in your life!