Descrição do Produto: Seeking Health Riboflavin – Suplemento de Vitamina B2 para Suporte à Metilação
O Seeking Health Riboflavin é um suplemento de vitamina B2 que se destaca pela sua formulação avançada e eficaz, oferecendo 400 mg da forma biologicamente ativa de riboflavina, conhecida como R-5-P, em cada cápsula. Este produto é especialmente desenvolvido para apoiar a função de genes essenciais, como MTHFR, MAOA e GSR, que desempenham papéis cruciais no metabolismo e na saúde geral do organismo.
A riboflavina é fundamental para a produção de energia e para o metabolismo saudável da homocisteína, neurotransmissores e antioxidantes. Com a crescente preocupação com a saúde metabólica e a necessidade de suporte nutricional adequado, este suplemento se torna uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam otimizar sua saúde. Além disso, o Seeking Health Riboflavin é livre de alérgenos comuns, como glúten, ovos, peixes, crustáceos, nozes, amendoins, trigo, gergelim e soja, tornando-o uma opção segura para uma ampla gama de consumidores.
A qualidade e a segurança são prioridades na Seeking Health, que garante que cada etapa do processo de produção, desde a pesquisa até a embalagem, seja realizada com o máximo cuidado. Isso proporciona aos consumidores um suporte à saúde em que podem confiar, promovendo um estilo de vida saudável e equilibrado.
– Suporte à Metilação: Ajuda na metabolização da homocisteína, essencial para a saúde cardiovascular.
– Apoio Genético: Contribui para a função adequada dos genes MTHFR, MAOA e GSR, promovendo um metabolismo eficiente.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora a produção de energia celular, combatendo a fadiga e aumentando a disposição.
– Antioxidante Natural: Protege as células contra danos oxidativos, promovendo a saúde celular.
– Segurança Alimentar: Fórmula livre de alérgenos comuns, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Seeking Health Riboflavin diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
Diaspora –
I have been dealing with slightly “atypical” (my aura can last for hours as can facial tingling) migraine with aura on and off in frequency for about 25 years and I’ve either found most meds not helpful, or I cannot take them because they exacerbate other medical problems I have (such as trigger my Crohn’s disease or raise my blood pressure). I went to a new neurologist who said high dose riboflavin can greatly decrease migraine in some people. I went online and did my own research and I’m convinced it is true.
My doctor said it can take 3-4 months for riboflavin to reach its full effectiveness, which is great news for me because I’ve had a decrease in the number of migraines get, and their intensity, already after 3 weeks. I suppose it could be a random coincidence that I have had less migraines, but I do not think so, because I consistently get them the week before my period, but this month I did not. I have not had any auras. I have had a bit of breakthrough pain but it is mild, not moderate to severe. I have not needed to reach for a painkiller. Before the riboflavin, I’d feel a slight amount of headache pain with movement even when I wasn’t having a full-fledged migraine, about half the days of the month, but now, the majority of the 3 weeks since I’ve taken the riboflavin, I’ve had no pain at all. I had forgotten what that felt like and had thought some headache pain when I move was normal!
I have the MTHFR A1298c homozygous mutation (and others), and I know many of the B vitamins in high doses are supposed to be helpful for those, but it’s B12 and folate you hear about most. I wonder if the riboflavin treatment is more likely to be helpful for people who have MTHFR and/or similar mutations? None of my doctors know anything about MTHFR and I don’t know if there is research on this anyway, but I’m curious.
At first I thought this was expensive, but 60 pills last 2 months, so that’s actually $10/month which is not much more than it would cost to buy the cheaper 100mg bottles from other companies. Oh, and this turns my urine bright yellow but I don’t care.
Delaney –
My last B2 vitamin had such a strong scent that it made me gag when I would even open the bottle, and when I would put it my mouth I was gagging the whole way down. I take the B2 as part of my migraine treatment, so I needed an to try other B2 vitamins that didn’t make me want to hurl first thing in the morning.
These fit the bill. No taste at all. No smell at all.
Most exciting thing – neon pee. After a week of drinking lots of beet juice and eating beets so as not to waste my beets – neon pink pee for a random work drug test.
Henna –
My sister told me that 400mg. daily of B2 could possibly help prevent migraine headaches. I’ve suffered from Migraine headaches and have tried about anything to slow/stop them. I bought a bottle of 100mg. of a different brand which meant I had to take 4 capsules a day. Since I already take other supplements, I sometimes feel like I get a meal or two each day just in supplements so anytime I can reduce the number of pills each day is a good thing. I found this Seeking Health brand on Amazon and am happy to only take one of these each day. The capsule is not so small but is worth a bit of added size to only take one IMO. I had something very unusual happen when I finished the first bottle (different brand) of B2. I’ve suffered from ringing in the ears for almost 3 yrs. After 25 days of 400 mg. B2 the ringing stopped for almost 3 days!! I was in shock because I’d had it non-stop for almost 3 yrs. Granted it came back but there have been times when it is so much more quite. I’ve been turning the tv volume down a lot.The B2 supplement was the only new supplement I had started so I know it is the reason. The jury is still out on help for migraines as I’ve not taken it long enough. I’m very happy with the quality of the Seeking Health B2.
Bel Mac –
This product is a lifesaver or should I say brain saver. I have suffered from chronic migraines for 26 years. When I went to a neurologist he suggested taking 400 mg of Riboflavin (vitamin B2) to see if that would help. I tried taking four 100 mg pills a day and it was working. But, as we all know nobody likes taking pills, so I researched and found 400 mg Riboflavin available online. I have found that this brand has high quality and has kept me migraine free. The only side effect is that your urine will be bright yellow. I have been using this amount for four months now with no additional side effects.
Reviewer –
I have been diagnosed with “chronic migraines” with no explanation of why I get them, or any solution to prevent them entirely. I have been prescribed combinations of daily prescriptions as preventatives combined with emergency reactors since the age of 14. Three years ago I also started receiving Botox injections every 3 months. I still have debilitating migraines 2-3 times per week, and have frequent trips to the emergency room. I started taking 400mg of Riboflavin about 60 days ago. As a result I have been able to cut out one prescription from my daily routine completely, I am weening myself off another, and have an average of 1-2 migraines per week. This week I am on day 8 without a migraine, which is pretty spectacular. If I could supplement all of my toxic prescriptions with vitamins I would do it in a heartbeat. Not all treatments work the same on every person, but this has worked great for me. I am working closely with a Neurologist, and advocate strongly not to change any regiments without consulting your physician first.