Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Rhodiola Rosea 500mg, 120 Cápsulas Veganas (Teste de Terceiros, Sem Glúten, 3% Salidrosídeos, 1% Extrato de Rosavinas) da Double Wood
O Suplemento de Rhodiola Rosea da Double Wood é uma poderosa fórmula projetada para aqueles que buscam melhorar seu desempenho físico e mental. Com 500mg de extrato de Rhodiola por cápsula, este produto é uma fonte concentrada de salidrosídeos, com um conteúdo máximo de 3%. Essa concentração é significativamente superior à de muitos outros suplementos de Rhodiola disponíveis no mercado, que frequentemente contêm menos de 1% de salidrosídeos.
A Rhodiola é um composto adaptogênico que tem sido utilizado há séculos para ajudar a equilibrar o corpo e a mente. Este suplemento não apenas apoia o humor, mas também aumenta os níveis de energia mental e física, permitindo que você se sinta mais motivado e focado em suas atividades diárias. A capacidade da Rhodiola de promover uma resistência saudável é ideal para aqueles que enfrentam desafios diários, seja no trabalho, nos estudos ou em atividades físicas.
Fabricado nos Estados Unidos com ingredientes de origem global, o Suplemento de Rhodiola Rosea da Double Wood é não-GMO, vegetariano e livre de glúten, garantindo que você receba um produto de alta qualidade. A empresa se compromete com a pureza e potência de seus suplementos, que são rigorosamente testados por terceiros para assegurar a eficácia e segurança.
- MAX SALIDRIOSIDE CONTENT OF 3%: O extrato de Rhodiola da Double Wood contém 3% de salidrosídeos. Este ingrediente ativo é ultra concentrado para apoiar um humor mais positivo. A maioria dos suplementos de extrato de Rhodiola contém menos de 1% de salidrosídeos.
- SUPPORTS MOOD AND MENTAL ENERGY: A Rhodiola é um composto adaptogênico que apoia o humor, a mente e os níveis de energia física.
- PROMOTES HEALTHY STAMINA: A Rhodiola apoia os níveis de energia física e mental para que você possa pensar e ser o seu melhor.
- ROOTED IN QUALITY: O Rhodiola Rosea da Double Wood é fabricado aqui nos EUA a partir de ingredientes globalmente selecionados, não-GMO, vegetariano e sem glúten.
- WE BOTTLE WELLNESS: Na Double Wood, fornecemos suplementos puros e potentes que oferecem um valor excepcional, todos respaldados por um cuidadoso processo de seleção e rigorosos testes de terceiros.
1. Melhora do Humor: Aumenta a sensação de bem-estar e reduz os sintomas de estresse.
2. Aumento da Energia Mental: Proporciona clareza e foco, ideal para dias de trabalho intenso ou estudos.
3. Apoio à Resistência Física: Melhora a performance em atividades físicas, ajudando na recuperação e resistência.
4. Qualidade Garantida: Produto fabricado nos EUA, com ingredientes não-GMO e rigorosamente testado.
5. Fórmula Vegana e Sem Glúten: Adequado para dietas vegetarianas e para aqueles com intolerância ao glúten.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Suplemento de Rhodiola Rosea da Double Wood diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso garantirá uma absorção ideal dos compostos ativos, maximizando os benefícios para o humor e a energia mental e física. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Rob –
I took this for about three months on and off. I would occasionally have days where I’d wake up feeling fatigued and sore that lasted for about 12 hours, but with no other symptoms. I just foght through it. Due to the inconsistency of the symptoms and me taking this supplement as well, it took me awhile to connect the dots. I thought maybe it was my diet or something, so I started drinking more water and eating a bit better. There was one particular weekend where I had the same symptoms again but dialed up to 11. Couldn’t hold down liquids, constantly felt thirsty, and felt like I got slammed with a wrecking ball. I was scared I had gotten Covid because the symptoms were that bad and I was bedridden for the next two days. That was when I decided to start figuring out what the culprit was by starting off with the Rhodiola Rosea. Here are the other supplements I take:
Choline bitartrate
Fish oil
One-a-day men’s multivitamin
On top of that, I take two prescription drugs:
Adderall XR
Most of these are taken for better mental health and to stay sharp. Lamotrigine is a medication often used to treat people who suffer from epilepsy or bipolar disorder. I take it for the latter and it’s phenomenal at treating my bipolar depression, but it’s not an SSRI. I started taking racetams and other “smart” drugs over 10 years ago as a recommendation from my friend who is also a psychologist. The best way I can describe it is that they keep me sharp, make me more creative, and basically compliments my Lamotrigine with no side effects. Amazing! I like to try out new supplements quite often and the Rhodiola Rosea is the first time something has made me sick.
In all fairness, it probably had a bad interaction with one of my other supplements, which is the reason I give it 3 stars. I’m sure under normal circumstances I would be fine. Just be aware if you suffer any of these symptoms.
Bev –
This really has some kind of potency to it within a week I was really feeling it. I actually had to cut back on it cuz I couldn’t sleep.
Countess Brae –
I will say that I wasn’t expecting this to work too well, I normally go for Aniracetam when I want a potent nooptropic.
But this gives a pep, a heightened mood, and focus that lasts for quite a while.
I will say though, the headache that happens sometimes is very hard to get rid of.
Adams –
You can tell within four days if it is working or not. I does everything that the reviews say it does.
Customer –
I noticed a change in my stress levels very quickly.. After around 10 days of taking this. Life’s stresses still exist and I notice them, but I’m not having the physical bubbling feelings inside. Knots in the stomach, feelings of anger in my chest. I don’t over react because the physical sensations of stress aren’t fuelling an extreme reaction. Sure, stuff still irritates me but it’s not over the top irritarion. I just feel more balanced. These are really good.
This works for sleep for a long time, then it stopped. But i’m still getting more deep sleep than my previous average and after researching further i’m going to keep taking it regardless. Seems its possibly a miracle supplement.
Dawn –
This has reversed how you look at life. You become more positive and have a optimistic outlook on life and it just makes you feel happier about your day. It truly works!!!
Rochelle H –
I take B vitamins, D3 and probiotic every day and have for a while to try and stay healthy and have energy. I think they help minimally but nothing super noticeable. I have tried those greens powders and could not notice any difference. I will try to post an update as I have only been taking for a few days but I can honestly say I think this is a game changer for me. I noticed a difference ever since the first day. As many others have stated I found I can only take 1 of these and it needs to be very early in the morning like by 7:30/8am. The first day I took it at 10:30am and then forgot I took it. Later in the afternoon I noticed I was not feeling sluggish at all and actually the opposite then it dawned on me I had take this supplement. I was not able to sleep well that night just wide awake and mind buzzing. I took it early in the morning the next 2 days and sleep was better. I am going to take a break from it over the weekend and see if I feel any different. Also I will add that I am neurodivergent (I don’t take medication for this) and I honestly feel like it helping me be more focused and actually able to complete tasks instead of having decision fatigue. I have been very productive the last few days and very good mood. I do get seasonal depression and the daylight is quickly fading here plus it has been overcast and rainy for several days now so normally I would be very lazy and no energy but that has not been the case since taking this supplement. So far I am incredibly impressed. I have always thought I had some hormonal imbalances or something making me have lower energy and the past year I have put on weight that’s been very difficult to lose (once I hit 30 it really hit). I am really hoping that continuing this supplement will help keep me more active and being able to complete more projects and tasks which I normally struggle with. I’m also hoping with the increased energy it will help me lose the weight I have gained over the last year. I’ll try to post an update in a few weeks but I definitely recommend giving this a try, so far I really like it! I think I actually could use a lower dose. I am curious to see long term if its something your body gets used to and you need more to be as effective or not.
dana –
I’m used to spending almost $55 on the same supplement. The cost so much affordable for the same product. I’ve used this brand before with ashwagandha and Irish Sea Moss. No issues using those supplements so I thought I would try the rhodiola. This really helps with my chronic fatigue. I feel like I have more energy. I work night shift and it gives me enough energy to get through my shift. Without the rhodiola my nights are groggy. I noticed a difference if I don’t take this supplement. I only take 1 capsules a day or the days I want to have more energy. I take before my night shift with food. No issues. No taste or smell. Take when you ready to start your day. Will continue to buy!!!!
Wyogirl –
I got this for energy. I was very tired all the time and sluggish. Within a week I noticed a huge difference
in my energy level. I have become very active and have completed many projects these past 2 months. I take one in the morning and around 2 or 3 I take a second one and that keeps me going. My husband now started taking one in the morning, he is a truck driver and always gets tired late afternoon so now he takes a second one and perks up.