Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Resveratrol True Nano, 60 Cápsulas
O Suplemento de Resveratrol True Nano é uma inovação no mundo da saúde e bem-estar, projetado para oferecer suporte ao sistema imunológico e combater os sinais do envelhecimento. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas fáceis de engolir, ideais para o uso diário. Com uma simples cápsula e alguns goles de água, você pode usufruir dos benefícios do hidrogênio molecular, que é absorvido diretamente na corrente sanguínea sem perdas. Para se ter uma ideia, a mesma quantidade de hidrogênio pode ser obtida ao consumir 1,25 litros de água rica em hidrogênio (1,6 ppm).
Dentro do seu corpo, o hidrogênio molecular (H2) atua como um poderoso antioxidante benéfico. Este suplemento ajuda a combater diversos problemas de saúde e os efeitos do envelhecimento. Ao garantir uma dose diária de hidrogênio, você proporciona ao seu organismo um impulso constante, aumentando a produção de colágeno, mantendo um peso saudável e promovendo uma vida mais longa, repleta de energia, saúde e foco. A ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de uma a três vezes ao dia pode ajudar a limitar significativamente os radicais livres, prevenindo problemas de saúde tanto no presente quanto no futuro.
Além disso, o Suplemento True Nano H2 Plus Resveratrol é um aliado na recuperação e na melhoria da resistência física. Para os jovens, isso se traduz em melhor condicionamento físico; para os mais velhos, significa vitalidade e menos fadiga. Os compostos de Resveratrol e Hidrogênio Molecular são reconhecidos como alguns dos melhores suplementos para reverter os sinais de envelhecimento, ajudando você a se sentir mais jovem, forte e cheio de energia. Especialistas sugerem que esses suplementos podem até mesmo prolongar a sua vida e manter sua saúde sem efeitos colaterais. Cada um desses componentes atua de maneira única, e sua combinação potencializa ainda mais os resultados.
O Resveratrol e o hidrogênio molecular também são eficazes na promoção de uma aparência jovem, protegendo colágeno e elastina, resultando em uma pele mais suave e radiante. Este suplemento não apenas apoia as defesas naturais do corpo, mas também mantém a saúde e a vitalidade à medida que os anos passam. Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação registrada pela FDA, sob as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), o produto foi testado quanto a metais pesados e microrganismos, atendendo a todas as especificações exigidas pela FDA e aprovado pelo controle de qualidade do fabricante.
– Aumento da Energia: Melhora a resistência física e acelera a recuperação após atividades.
– Combate ao Envelhecimento: Ajuda a reverter os sinais de envelhecimento, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo contra doenças.
– Saúde da Pele: Protege colágeno e elastina, resultando em uma pele mais saudável e radiante.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas do Suplemento de Resveratrol True Nano, uma a três vezes ao dia. As cápsulas devem ser consumidas com um copo de água, podendo ser tomadas a qualquer hora do dia, seja em casa, no trabalho ou em movimento. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
vkb –
Although it’s difficult to say the effectiveness of the product without scientific testing, what I can say is that it seems a decent quality product at a price that is about in-line with other products of this type. I haven’t felt any ill effect from consuming this supplement and there is no bad taste. It’s a gelcap that’s easy to swallow with a nice big glass of water.
Katy –
Supplements help close the gap between modern nutrition levels in our food, and the levels that were there when I was young. But, in my opinion, the supplement industry has both some of the highest integrity companies, and some of the lowest. So I try and give a detailed enough review to get to know the company and product better, to help you determine for yourself whether or not you want to try this one out.
This bottle comes nearly full to the neck, which is nice nowadays.
The suggested use is to take one capsule 1-3 times per day, in which case the bottle will last 20-60 days.
The manufacture date on mine is Apr 2024, it does not say how long the supplements are good for.
There is not much of a scent or taste to the capsules, and they are easy to swallow with water.
I like my supplements to say organic, non-GMO, GMP-certified, 3rd-party tested, and Made in USA. This says manufactured in the USA. The product page says GMP compliant.
I look into the supplement companies I use because I’ve come across so many questionable ones. There is a typo on the bottle: the set is not h2unverse, it is h2universe. The site is functional and informative, including videos, testimonials, publications, and more. They have a phone number and email as well as a contact form on the Contact page.
I seem to take longer than most to see results when starting a new supplement, but I’ve been drinking hydrogen water for a few weeks and am interested to see how these capsules compare. With hydrogen water you buy a bottle and that’s it, but with these capsules they also have a protocol on the website for if you are sick, and also says these are more potent than the water. My doctor told me not to supplement with calcium, but I need to check if he was speaking only about calcium carbonate. But I’m sure that I’m not a fan of the magnesium stearate that many companies say they need to use, but the manufacturers of the highest quality supplements I know about refuse to.
I suggest taking a look at their site and see what you think.
Thank you for reading, I hope it was helpful.
Katy –
I was given this bottle of True Nano H2 for free in order to provide an unbiased review as a part of Amazon’s Vine program. I have reviewed more than 470 products for Vine, some of which I have gone back and purchased from Amazon. True Nano H2 is the first product that I have purchased again prior to writing the review. I like that it is a veggie capsule and is easy to swallow. Both my sister and I found it to give us a boost in energy — what I would describe as how I feel after having two shots of espresso — with clearer vision and mental clarity. Obviously, that will defer from person to person. One important note is that it is necessary to drink at least 4 ounces of water per capsule. I hope this helps you.
AC –
Probably 15-18 years ago I read one of the first studies regarding the older adult population in France, who drank a glass of red wine or two per day and aged well and had better brain comprehension as compared to other folks in their age bracket around the world. It extoled these benefits as being a result of the resveratrol found in the wine they consumed. I only drink about one or two glasses of red wine a week, so I began to take a resveratrol supplement. When someone asks me how old I am, they are always surprised when I tell them I am 78 years old, and they will say something like WOW! I knew you are retired, so I would have guessed 65 or 66, but no way would I have ever thought you were 78. Now I ask them back and say, “How old do you think I am”, when I get the question and they are always 10-15 years off (estimate me younger). So, even though I don’t “feel anything” happening when I take resveratrol, long-term it must be working, as I am only on one prescription right now, when many friends my age are taking 3-5 meds a day. I believe I will stick to my regimen of taking resveratrol, because when taken in combination with a healthy lifestyle, (I walk two to three miles a day, still) I believe the polyphenol type antioxidants in resveratrol can promote healthy aging and help keep in check destructive reactive oxygen in stressed cells. The proof is in the pudding, as the old saying goes.
JR in Chicago –
I tried it for a couple of weeks, really don’t feel any difference, my body still feel tired.
Denny –
I’m aware that hydrogenated water and H2 supplements are supposed to be very beneficial but I haven’t taken either one before. For me, the main draw of this product, True Nano H2, is the addition of resveratrol which brings additional benefits.
I found pretty quickly that there’s a fair amount of controversy around the H2 concept with experts and studies unable to prove whether or not it works, although most say it’s not harmful. However, I find that’s true for many supplements once you dive into the details. I still don’t understand how this H2 works. There are only 3 ingredients: resveratrol, calcium, and magnesium. The calcium and magnesium are derived from magnesium dolomite and there’s agreement that it’s not the best source for your magnesium or calcium because it may have some negative effects. In spite of this, I am taking True Nano H2 for a month. The amount of calcium (33 mg) and magnesium (45 mg) is so tiny compared with what you would in a multivitamin (calcium 1,000 mg; magnesium 400 mg), I consider it a small risk. PLEASE NOTE: I am not recommending this approach. This is a decision I made for myself. You should evaluate and do what you’re comfortable with.
I’m taking one capsule per day, which is easy to take, and I have no negative effects after the first week. True Nano H2 is made in the USA.