Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Quercetina com Bromelina
Descubra o poder da natureza com nosso suplemento de Quercetina com Bromelina, uma combinação potente que oferece suporte ao sistema imunológico e propriedades antioxidantes. Cada frasco contém 120 cápsulas vegetais, formuladas para promover a saúde das articulações e aumentar a produção de energia. A Quercetina, um bioflavonoide conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, é complementada pela Bromelina, uma enzima digestiva extraída do caule do abacaxi, que potencializa a absorção e utilização da Quercetina pelo organismo.
- COMBINAÇÃO POTENTE: Nosso suplemento de Quercetina com Bromelina combina o poder antioxidante da Quercetina com a ação digestiva da Bromelina, proporcionando uma absorção otimizada e benefícios sinérgicos para a saúde.
- SUPORTE AO SISTEMA IMUNOLÓGICO: As cápsulas de Quercetina garantem uma resposta imunológica adequada, inibindo a formação de radicais livres e apoiando a saúde circulatória, especialmente a integridade dos pequenos vasos sanguíneos.
- SEM INGREDIENTES DESNECESSÁRIOS: Nossas cápsulas de Bromelina são veganas e não contêm soja, glúten, laticínios, ovos, nozes, conservantes ou aromatizantes artificiais, promovendo o bem-estar geral sem aditivos indesejados.
- VANTAGENS EXTRAS: As cápsulas veganas de Quercetina ajudam a manter a saúde imunológica, o conforto das articulações, a digestão saudável, a saúde respiratória e a resposta inflamatória, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral.
- SUPLEMENTO DIETÉTICO: As cápsulas de Quercetina de alta potência contêm 1000 mg de Quercetina e 200 mg de Bromelina em uma porção de 2 cápsulas vegetais, adequadas para a maioria das preferências dietéticas, sendo uma opção ideal para suporte imunológico sazonal.
1. Apoio Imunológico Eficaz: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a manter a saúde durante as mudanças sazonais.
2. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e reduzindo o estresse oxidativo.
3. Saúde das Articulações: Contribui para o conforto e a mobilidade das articulações, ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida ativo.
4. Digestão Saudável: Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, otimizando a saúde gastrointestinal.
5. Energia e Vitalidade: Aumenta a produção de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e melhorando a resistência física.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas vegetais ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação.
Jana F –
Love it!!!!
Mindy –
I take Quercetin daily, as it’s a great supplement in my immunity arsenal. It’s great for preventing allergies,too. I love that this one has Bromelain in it, as pineapple has many health benefits. I can’t really eat pineapple, it’s just too acidic for me, so this is a great way to implement it into my diet. My only issue with this supplement is that it does not state anywhere on the bottle that it’s made in the USA, which means it could literally come from anywhere. It does say it’s made in the USA on the site description, but I like to see it directly on the product. I dislike when I have to hunt for information and do extra research, when that info should already be on the bottle for consumables.
Donna P –
I have been taking quercetin with bromelain for several years, but this is my first time trying this particular brand. I really appreciate the dosage and potency. I like the simple ingredient list that is easy to understand. I take these as part of my daily supplement routine to hopefully boost my immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve my overall health. These capsules are easy to swallow, and I have not noticed any stomach discomfort or any other adverse reactions taking them.
Michelle L. Hankes –
This company did not test for sulfites. Bromelian, 50%+ of them contain sulfites due to the drying process, just like coconut flakes and other dried fruit- they had sulfur dioxide.
Jana F –
I always like to begin my reviews on supplements by talking about the packaging, smell, and taste of the product. First, the packaging. This Quercetin comes in a very dark brown plastic bottle which is nice as I’ve been reading that the darker bottles keep the supplements fresher by preventing sunlight from getting inside. The label is a bit boring and could use some graphic improvement to make it a bit more eye-catching. It was extremely difficult to find and read the expiration date but I finally found it stamped lightly on the bottom of the bottle. The date is just a bit over one year out so in comparison to other supplements this is a short time period. Although personally, I will definitely use it by then.
There is an odd mild smell to these veggie capsules. It’s not a good smell but not that bad either. There is no taste at all to them.
The serving size is two capsules which give you 1,000 mg of Quercetin. I take Quercetin upon the recommendation of my doctor so I’m always on the lookout for a good, quality brand. This is a perfect amount from what I’ve read. I’m not familiar at all with Bromelain and this supplement contains 200 mg of that as well. This seems to be a lower amount from what I can figure so if you are basically just after Bromelain you might want to try something else. I’m in it for the Quercetin and the Bromelain is a plus for me.
addison camp –
I’ve been taking Quercetin for about 5 years from the same maker, and I thought I would try these vitamins from Native Logic. They are a lot cheaper, but I don’t like the taste and they seem harder to swallow. I can say that Quercetin has greatly improved my immune system due to its anti-inflammatory properties and anti-viral properties. I no longer suffer from seasonal allergies and sinus issues, and I have had only one cold in the past few years. These supplements do seem to have similar ingredients as the ones I have been using and worth a try.
Carol H –
This supplement is awesome!!
Steve Bramblett –
I take quercetin every day as suggested by my doc. These are a good option. I like that they are a good dose, easy to swallow, have bromelain and no flavor. Ingredient list is super-simple too.