Descrição do Produto:
O Baby Booster Pregnancy Protein Powder é um suplemento vitamínico em pó especialmente formulado para gestantes, aprovado por OB/GYNs. Este shake nutricional é uma fonte rica de proteínas de alta qualidade, vitaminas e minerais essenciais que suportam a saúde da mãe e o desenvolvimento do bebê. Com uma mistura equilibrada de ingredientes, o Baby Booster ajuda a atender às necessidades nutricionais aumentadas durante a gravidez, promovendo um ganho de peso saudável e contribuindo para a formação de tecidos e órgãos do feto. Sua fórmula é livre de glúten e lactose, tornando-o uma opção segura e acessível para todas as futuras mamães. O sabor delicioso e a fácil solubilidade permitem que o shake seja consumido a qualquer hora do dia, seja no café da manhã, como lanche ou após o treino.
1. Apoio Nutricional Completo: Fornece uma combinação equilibrada de proteínas, vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde da mãe e do bebê.
2. Aprovação Médica: Produto aprovado por OB/GYNs, garantindo segurança e eficácia durante a gestação.
3. Fácil de Consumir: Sabor agradável e fácil solubilidade, ideal para o dia a dia corrido das gestantes.
4. Sem Glúten e Lactose: Adequado para gestantes com restrições alimentares, garantindo que todas possam se beneficiar.
5. Contribui para o Ganho de Peso Saudável: Ajuda a manter um ganho de peso adequado, essencial para a saúde do bebê e da mãe.
Misture duas colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 30g) do Baby Booster Pregnancy Protein Powder em 250ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se o consumo de um shake por dia, preferencialmente entre as refeições ou após atividades físicas. Para melhores resultados, consulte seu médico ou nutricionista sobre a inclusão deste suplemento em sua dieta durante a gravidez.
Amazon Customer –
I so badly wanted to like this, but I personally cannot get over the artificial taste. I used it once and could barely stomach to chug it – the rest of the bag has sat in the cabinet since and just needs to be thrown out.
Mary Sydnor –
I purchased this to enhance the fat content in my breast milk. I exclusively pump and needed to make sure my breast milk had enough fat considering I don’t get to eat as much with a newborn and two year old.
Unsure if it has helped yet but I will say the taste is good when mixed with milk. I think I will try blending strawberries and ice to make a smoothie next time. Would purchase other flavors to try.
Ashley Santana –
Taste great either way milk don’t recommend water good also when mixing with fruit
kailey osborn –
I personally HATE protein shakes in general but since being pregnant I have had a horrible meat aversion and I found myself struggling to get enough protein in my diet. I decided to try this protein powder to see if I could tolerate it more than meat as a last resort. To my surprise, I actually don’t mind the taste compared to other protein powders/shakes. I’d say it’s less chalky tasting and not as heavy which I prefer. I also like that the ingredients are pretty clean. I have finally got my recipe down after trying a few different combination’s
I make mine with:
-Strawberries, blueberries, and bananas (frozen or fresh)
-one scope of protein
-whole milk
-raw honey
LaurenAshley –
I love this product I’m pregnant with twins my nausea is the worst this shake helps with that it also taste really good I blend it with a banana and ice and milk taste like a milkshake I bought the strawberries and cream I really don’t want to try another flavor I made the mistake the first time of using juice with it to try to make it like a smoothie and added strawberries blueberries and a banana it was way too sweet. It doesn’t need a whole bunch of extras to make it taste good I’ve even had it with just milk but you have to shake it up really really really good if you drink it like that or it will taste sweet and clumpy
Shay R. –
The strawberry flavor IMO was probably the best one of the four. Smooth & little to no chalky aftertaste. Blends perfectly with desired frozen fruits & enjoyable. Not a strong strawberry taste either. I would purchase this one & the salted caramel again, vanilla as a backup, but def heck no for the chocolate. 👍🏾👍🏾
Jessica –
My physician recommended a protein supplement and after reading all the reviews touting the fantastic taste of this product, I was so excited to receive it! The taste didn’t disappoint; however, it still makes me feel “ick,” similar to other prenatal vitamins. I’m hopeful that once I’m out of my first trimester, my body will handle it differently.
Emily Rettich –
Great product! Helped me get nutrients when I had no appetite and keep the nausea away. I also loved the chocolate flavor. Coming the strawberry and chocolate for a great combination