Conheça o nosso suplemento de Potássio e Magnésio, Our Daily Vites Potassium Magnesium Supplement 1000 mg. Em nossas vidas agitadas, muitos de nós não conseguem obter nutrientes suficientes, por isso trazemos para você essa mistura exclusiva de complexo de potássio + magnésio (aspartato, óxido, glicinato, gluconato e citrato) na forma de cápsulas fáceis de engolir. Este suplemento é ideal para quem busca uma recuperação muscular eficaz e alívio de cãibras nas pernas, proporcionando uma poderosa combinação de 1000 mg de potássio e magnésio.
Garantia de máxima qualidade: Fabricado aqui mesmo nos EUA, este suplemento de potássio inclui ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados, sem enchimentos e não transgênicos, além de ser rigorosamente testado para garantir pureza e potência em cada cápsula. A formulação com 5 formas de magnésio garante uma absorção otimizada, permitindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios desses minerais essenciais.
Adequado para todas as dietas: Para consumo seguro por todos, garantimos que nosso suplemento de potássio e magnésio seja livre da maioria dos alérgenos comuns, como glúten, trigo, levedura, leite, lactose e soja. Sem sabores artificiais, cores adicionadas e conservantes, é uma escolha saudável e consciente para quem se preocupa com a qualidade dos produtos que consome.
Benefícios para a saúde: Apoie a vitalidade geral e atenda às suas necessidades diárias de minerais essenciais! Nosso suplemento ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, auxilia no movimento muscular regular e regula o equilíbrio de fluidos em nosso corpo. A combinação de potássio e magnésio é fundamental para a função muscular adequada e pode ajudar a prevenir cãibras e desconfortos.
Por que nos escolher? Todos os nossos suplementos são formulados após mais de 45 anos de estudos, pesquisas e ensaios clínicos. Eles passam por testes independentes externos para garantir o mais alto nível de pureza e potência, para sua tranquilidade.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suplemento diário de minerais essenciais: Obtenha uma dose diária de potássio e magnésio para apoiar sua saúde geral.
- 2. Qualidade garantida: Fabricado nos EUA com ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados e testados para pureza e potência.
- 3. Adequado para todas as dietas: Livre de alérgenos comuns e sem adição de sabores artificiais, cores ou conservantes.
- 4. Benefícios para a saúde: Fortaleça seu sistema imunológico, promova o movimento muscular regular e equilibre os fluidos do corpo.
- 5. Confiança e experiência: Nossos suplementos são formulados com base em anos de estudos e pesquisas, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
- 1. Melhora na recuperação muscular após exercícios intensos.
- 2. Redução significativa de cãibras nas pernas, proporcionando maior conforto.
- 3. Suporte ao sistema imunológico, ajudando a manter a saúde geral.
- 4. Regulação do equilíbrio de fluidos, essencial para a função corporal adequada.
- 5. Fórmula livre de alérgenos, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
Tome 2 cápsulas por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Não exceda a dose recomendada, a menos que indicado por um profissional de saúde. Consulte um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver algum problema de saúde. Para melhores resultados, mantenha uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo.
AHa –
I’m am an avid believer and user of supplements, but reviewing them is problematic, and my results may not be your results for these reasons:
1) I am not a laboratory scientist, I do not play one on tv, nor do I know one, so who knows what’s exactly contained in them.
2) It is difficult for consumers to see any actual difference in how you feel within a few days to a couple of weeks. Some supplements take as much as ninety days to see results.
3) Even if we do notice a difference, we all take other meds or supplements that may affect our results one way or the other.
4) We all have different physiologies, and are just different in so many ways (lifestyles etc). But we can hope for the best when we see others having positive actions going on, that are attributed to said supplements.
So my personal non doctor opinion of my own results:
I find that this helps with headaches and muscles issues
Professor H –
There are so many different forms of magnesium, it’s hard to know which one is best for you so this one gets the benefits of all of them + potassium. So that’s really covering your bases & helping with things like lowering anxiety, lowering blood pressure, helping with constipation, regulating blood sugar.
I wasn’t sure if this one would give me enough of the magnesium that helps to make sure you have a daily bowel movement, but I doubled the dose (one dose is 2 pills, so doubling it was 4 pills, eek!) and that worked for me. Normally I take 800-1000mg of magnesium oxide to have a daily BM, so was worried this wouldn’t be enough (as other forms of magnesium such as the magnesium-glycinate doesn’t help with constipation), but it was!
I’m not a big fan of having to take 2 pills instead of just one for a single serving, but we can’t have everything can we? And the ad says it may help with sleeping, which sadly was not the case for me (I take it at night & my insomnia is just as bad when taking it as when I wasn’t).
This is also a big help for people who have occasional night cramps (leg cramps) which one of my family members is taking it for.
Avid Reader –
Picked these up for when I get low on Potassium and Magnesium and the Charlie horses attack.
• 1x box of 90 capsules
• When added to my regular multivitamin for up to 3 days Charlie Horses clear up.
• Standard sized capsules, not over sized horse pills.
• I found no negatives to this product.
• N/A
• 1000mg total split between 5 varieties of 100 mg doses of Magnesium with 500 mg of a single variety of Potassium. This is my first supplement using this configuration, it seems to be more effective than others I have tried.
Helps rid the bane of Charlie horses at 2am. Enough said.
If you have any questions, put them here and I will do my best to answer them.
Amazon Customer –
Helps with cramps
AHa –
Potassium & Magnesium are two essential elements/nutrient that your body may use more than it gets from food you digest and hence the reason for this supplement. You may need one or the other and there are those who may need both .. this supplement is for that latter group.
As like any medication, you should consult with your primary doctor before taking any supplements as they may interact with other medicines that you may be taking. Also taking too much of any supplement can cause adverse reaction and or even allergies, cramps and abdominal pain.
I chose this combination mostly because of its magnesium and also because it doesn’t have any fillers, preservatives or binders. It’s also good to know that it’s made in the US and not made who knows where. At least this way they have to be truthful about what they represent on their packaging even though it’s not regulated by FDA. With that said, here are something that I researched and worth knowing if you’re taking this supplement:
Magnesium plays many essential roles in your body, such as supporting muscle and nerve function and energy production and hence why when your body is in short supply, you’ll end up with leg cramps and studies show that it can also increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease among other things.
Potassium on the other hand is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells. It not only regulates the heartbeat, it also ensures proper functioning of the muscles and nerves among other benefits.
Potassium deficiency may increase the severity of Magnesium deficiency. When Magnesium levels fall, potassium levels also fall, and this is referred to as secondary potassium depletion. Hence this may be why this particular supplement combines both of these essential elements into one pill for our consumption. But then again as with all drugs, you should consult with your primary doctor before taking any supplements.
That said, there is one thing that puzzled me and again I’m not a Pharmacologist or an expert but why did they add magnesium citrate in their formulation. This is one of the ingredient that is used for bowel prep medications since it increases the fluid in the small intestine.
Overall, I would recommend this supplement (with caution) for those who really need it but not for taking it like a vitamin everyday if you don’t need it.
juan morales –
Es perfecto muchas gracias –
Stuart959 –
I’ve always been a chronic muscle cramp guy. I grew up landscaping and by the end of the day my hands would be like lobster claws trying to wash my hair in the shower. Now in my 50s any time I do yard work or get slightly dehydrated any variety of muscles on my body will lock up painfully until I can manually extend them. This product helps, pretty quickly too!
For years, by the advise of a doctor, I’ve been using an ounce magnesium citrate whenever the cramps would start, and usually it would work. Sometimes I would need some more. The recent recall of that product has left me at a loss and scrambling for something for relief. I’m glad this product is out there! Two pills easily go down and I don’t have to worry about my calf turning into a softball when I get out of bed or off the couch for no apparent reason.