ORPHIC NUTRITION CLA Safflower Oil Supplement
O suplemento de óleo de cártamo ORPHIC NUTRITION CLA é uma escolha excepcional para aqueles que buscam otimizar sua saúde e bem-estar. Com 780mg de Ácido Linoleico Conjugado (CLA) por cápsula, este produto não estimulante é formulado especialmente para homens que desejam manter um peso saudável e promover o crescimento muscular. O CLA é um ácido graxo que, quando combinado com uma dieta equilibrada e um plano de exercícios, pode ajudar a gerenciar o peso e a quebrar a gordura teimosa, proporcionando um suporte eficaz para suas metas de fitness.
Este suplemento é feito com ingredientes premium, extraídos do óleo de cártamo, que incluem Ácido Oleico, Ácido Palmítico, Ácido Esteárico e Ácido Linoleico. Cada cápsula é fácil de engolir e formulada com Gelatina, Glicerina e Água Purificada, garantindo que você possa utilizá-lo com tranquilidade. Com 95% de CLA ativo em cada cápsula, este suplemento se destaca no mercado, oferecendo a máxima eficácia para o seu corpo sem os efeitos estimulantes de outros produtos.
Além de ajudar na manutenção de um peso saudável, o CLA também apoia a saúde e o crescimento muscular. Ao complementar suas longas sessões de treino com este suplemento cuidadosamente formulado, você pode reter e aumentar a massa muscular magra, contribuindo para um físico mais definido e forte. É importante ressaltar que essas afirmações não foram avaliadas pela Food and Drug Administration, e o produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
– Ajuda a manter um peso saudável quando combinado com dieta e exercícios.
– Suporta a saúde e o crescimento muscular, ideal para quem treina intensamente.
– Feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
– Contém 95% de CLA ativo, o que maximiza os resultados.
– Fácil de usar, com cápsulas que podem ser ingeridas sem dificuldade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do suplemento ORPHIC NUTRITION CLA diariamente, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante integrá-lo a uma dieta equilibrada e a um regime de exercícios regulares. Mantenha uma hidratação adequada e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Diana P –
Did some research and this product contains the necessary ingredients I was looking for to help lessen bloated stomach issues due to onset menopause. When taken as directed it seems to be helping within a week. I recommend if you are looking for adding CLA oil supplement.
Zoey M –
I am usually skeptical about supplements that help you lose weight or gain muscle but I have to say that I am blown away by this! I have only used it for a little over a week and I was at a standstill for weight loss even though healthy low carb and working out 6 days a week. Not only am I losing weight literally a little each day but I finally got through my 4 month stuck point that even intermittent fasting wasn’t. I am about 1/2 pound per day. With zero lifestyle changes. I currently take it at least two times per day. Be prepared to have rather speedy metabolism after eating. Not terrible by any means. I am also seeing some inches come off in my clothing. I do not make this up and not getting paid or anything. Just excited to find a product that actually works. Ordering a second bottle since I don’t want to run out.
Amazon Customer –
Have been taking for 20 days. I gained some weight and usually when i adjust my diet to low carb i can Quickly see the difference. However, i think the stress from last few months has made it difficult. A friend recommend this product and now after 20 days of taking it i have seen some progress. Same low carb diet no exercise yet have lost 5lbs and 1 inch on my waist. Does it work?? Well water weight ,less carbs , less stress maybe the reason idk but i will continue taking it because it keeps me motivated to continue to eat healthier.
Mary S. –
I love this product! First the fact that the capsule is organic is a major plus, I’ve taken other CLA pills in the past and did not like the flavor or trying to swallow them. The 2000 mg is one of the higher levels of potency you can get and I felt the results within using the first bottle. I recommend this product to anyone looking for high quality and firm results.
loni –
Very impressed with how quickly this works. I’ve been taking 2 every morning, “trying” to follow good eating habits and I got to the gym a couple days a week. I’m 51, menopause mom belly “pouch” … 3 weeks in and I’ve notice a HUGE reduction in the belly area. I truly believe that this would work even if you didn’t work out (I still eat carbs, it’s never going to change, just reduced the intake). I’m ordering 2 more bottles to stock up and hopefully by summer I will feel comfortable in my bathing suit! The very best thing I love about this is that I have felt ZERO, ZERO side effects. I feel full and when I do eat, I’m eating less and getting full fast. Love it!
no need to know –
Listen, the stuff is good and fine. But this company DOES NOT support their own coupons that are attached to the bottle. Not appropriate to have coupons and do not honor them.
Shaylee –
I was super skeptical about purchasing this product. However, it’s been about two weeks since receiving it and taking two capsules a day..and I’ve lost about 6lb. Keep in mind, I do not work out everyday and I have switched up my eating habits. Not so much calorie intake since with my schedule, I consume well under 1000 calories a day. I have stubborn post pregnancy weight and this stuff is helping the process of removing it. Next, I’d like to try the Cambodia ones when I have more time to exercise. I can’t wait for next summer! I have more energy during the day and find myself sleeping better. It doesn’t curb my appetite like others, but that’s okay. It’s making me drink more water to help with that aspect!
I’m 4’11” currently 112 (was 118 when starting). Goal weight is pre-pregnacy weight of 98 🙌 Let’s goooo.
AmAz –
My husband and I have been taking these pills for a few months now. I don’t have an issue with the way they work, my problem is that every single bottle I’ve purchased was short by one pill. If it happened once, I’d let it go but it’s been multiple times. I also take the garcinia cambogia from the same brand and have the same issue (the bottle is always short by two pills). On top of that, every time I call the customer service number on the bottle and on their website, you do not have the ability to talk to someone. You have to leave a message so someone can call you back. Well, guess what? I’ve left messages almost everyday and no one is calling me back. Horrible. I’m taking my business to a different company.