Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Myo Inositol
O Suplemento de Myo Inositol é uma fórmula avançada que oferece uma dose concentrada deste importante composto, conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde metabólica e hormonal. O Myo Inositol é um tipo de açúcar que desempenha um papel crucial na sinalização celular e na regulação de várias funções biológicas. Este suplemento é especialmente valorizado por seu potencial em apoiar a saúde ovariana, regular os ciclos menstruais e melhorar a sensibilidade à insulina, sendo uma escolha popular entre mulheres que buscam equilibrar seus hormônios e otimizar a saúde reprodutiva. Com uma formulação livre de glúten e lactose, o produto é adequado para uma ampla gama de dietas e estilos de vida.
1. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os níveis hormonais, promovendo um ciclo menstrual mais saudável.
2. Melhora da Sensibilidade à Insulina: Contribui para a redução da resistência à insulina, essencial para o controle do peso e da saúde metabólica.
3. Saúde Ovariana: Apoia a função ovariana, sendo benéfico para mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos (SOP).
4. Aumento da Energia: Pode ajudar a melhorar os níveis de energia e reduzir a fadiga, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
5. Suporte Emocional: Pode auxiliar na redução de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, promovendo um estado mental mais equilibrado.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 a 4 gramas de Myo Inositol por dia, preferencialmente divididos em duas doses, uma pela manhã e outra à noite. O suplemento pode ser misturado em água ou sucos, facilitando a absorção e a inclusão na rotina diária. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável o uso contínuo por pelo menos 3 meses, sempre sob orientação de um profissional de saúde.
Shantine Aldana –
This is my second bottle. I didn’t know I needed until I started taking it. I lost a lot of weight quickly I guess it was a lot of bloating. My cravings for chips and chocolate almost disappeared. That was apart of my diet like milk and bread lol. I didn’t know I had such a problem until the third day I went to the market to buy more and I had NO desire for the junk food. – I bought this because I self diagnosed myself with PCOS and felt I need to regulate my hormones.
So glad I bought this. Will be buying more as I run out
Rachal T –
Took me forever to find a dose that was only 2 pills instead of 3 or 4 large capsules a day. I haven’t been taking them long enough to really see a difference, but I’ve started to notice I’m using my epilator less frequently. I’ll update later when it’s been a few months.
Love it –
Been using it for about a month and it seems to be working well
F.Z.M –
I can’t believe how amazing this is. I used it to help with conceiving. Not sure if it worked yet but it definitely worked to curb my appetite in a beautiful way. I take two pills before my main meal (once a day only) and I can barely finish it. It helps make IF so easy too. Can’t recommend it enough
Heidi –
I bought these months ago but been taking them on and off. Recently I found them again in my cabinet and started taking them. I noticed my blood sugar getting high and wanted to see if these would help. I took them again for about a week and noticed my sugar levels has dropped some within that time, I was at 400 and it went down to 300. However I have been experimenting headaches lately and not sure if it’s from these or not. Also a lot of bloating and consitpation going on since taking these. That’s why I didn’t use them everyday. I am only taking one pill a day to see if it helps with it, if I take 2 at a time it’s messing with me. So I would recommend if your sensitive with pills, try one first a day and either take one in the morning and take the other at night. I also noticed when taking two together it made me sleep a lot fast during the day and I didn’t like that. So one a day has worked for me or spread them out throughout the day. So I am not to sure about this brand. I took other ones that also made me sleepy that’s why I am not to fond on Myo inositol to much, but I know it helps with pcos and to lower your blood sugar. Just not to sure if this brand is ok for me. The pills itself are easy to swallow and there is no taste or aftertaste. But I am experimenting major bloating everyday and headaches with these pills. So I mite switch to another brand to see if it helps me better. Good luck!!!
Heidi –
It really worked well for me in the first month. The appetite suppression was almost immediate. I’ve lost about 15 pounds so far. No diet changes outside of not wanting to graze all day. Unwanted hair growth…not so much, but maybe after I take it a while I’ll at least get less, I’m hoping at least. I have PCOS and I’m on Metformin but I felt like it wasn’t doing enough so I added this into the routine. The inositol did everything Metformin does but better, at least for me. I wish a doctor had told me about this decades ago.
Plush Electrofox –
So many of these 40:1 supplements are targeted towards those trying to conceive, which isn’t me at all. I have other hormonal concerns which this helps to mitigate, and goodness knows not every affordable supplement is equally effective. This is comparable to some of the other highly-rated brands on here and doesn’t seem to be targeted to a goal I’m not trying to meet.
I haven’t noticed any significant concerns with too high or too low a dose in here, and also haven’t noticed much in the way of side effects, beyond an upset stomach if I forget to take it with at least a snack. The upstream manufacturer appears to be reliable enough that I re-ordered this instead of continuing to shop around.
Obviously, speak with your medical care team about whether taking this or any supplement is a good idea. Ovaries, along with other internal reproductive organs, can get way out of whack as we get older, and sometimes something like this is what you need to give them a gentle nudge and explain that, yeah, it’s good to be regulated.
Melissa –
I was diagnosed with PCOS with high prolactin and been on metformin and cabergoline to I was on both of those since Feb 2020 and been trying to get pregnant since 2018, Ive never had a regular period my whole life maybe one ever six months and then it went away completely for a few years, so since I’ve been taking my prescribed medication Ive averaged a 30-36 day cycle I started taking these supplements for the last 6 months and Ive had a 33 day cycle religiously with confirmed ovulation blood tests, I did run out a few months ago for a few weeks before I realized that this was helping me have a consistent cycle and I didn’t have a 33 day cycle that month but since I started taking them right back on track with 33 days so I would say that this has helped regulate me alot so I do recommend