Descrição do Produto: VAL Chewable Magnesium for Kids
Apresentamos o VAL Chewable Magnesium for Kids, uma fórmula inovadora e cuidadosamente elaborada para promover o relaxamento e a calma nas crianças. Com uma combinação especial de Magnésio Glycinate, Citrate e Taurate, este suplemento foi escolhido por suas altas taxas de absorção, garantindo que seu filho receba todos os benefícios do magnésio de forma eficaz. Enriquecido com Vitaminas B6, D e C como cofatores, nossa fórmula é projetada para apoiar a absorção ideal de magnésio e contribuir para o bem-estar geral da criança.
A fórmula é totalmente natural e eficaz, pensada nas necessidades das crianças, oferecendo uma solução que promove a calma e o relaxamento. Com o objetivo de melhorar o humor, a concentração e a clareza mental, o VAL Chewable Magnesium for Kids não causa dependência, sendo uma escolha segura e saudável para os pequenos. Além disso, é isento de açúcar e glúten, tornando-se uma opção ainda mais segura para a saúde dos seus filhos.
Com um alto teor de magnésio, nossa fórmula é originada das águas cristalinas do Oceano Pacífico, garantindo um produto de qualidade superior. As deliciosas pastilhas mastigáveis com sabor natural de uva estrela fazem com que as crianças aguardem ansiosamente pelo seu suplemento diário, apoiando suas necessidades de calma e foco de maneira prazerosa e sem esforço.
Desde 1996, a marca VAL tem se destacado na suplementação de magnésio. Em 2017, expandimos nossa linha para incluir opções orais e transdérmicas, mantendo nossa missão de promover saúde e felicidade em todo o mundo. Confie na VAL para atender às necessidades de magnésio da sua família.
Produzido com orgulho nos EUA, o VAL Happy Kids é meticulosamente fabricado em uma instalação de ponta, certificada pela GMP. Estamos dedicados a oferecer um suplemento calmante premium para crianças, garantindo que apenas produtos da mais alta qualidade cheguem à sua família.
– Suporte ao Relaxamento: Ajuda a promover um estado de calma e tranquilidade, ideal para momentos de estresse ou agitação.
– Melhora da Concentração: Contribui para o aumento da clareza mental e foco, essencial para o aprendizado e atividades escolares.
– Fórmula Natural e Segura: Isento de açúcar e glúten, é uma opção saudável e segura para crianças com restrições alimentares.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor natural de uva estrela torna o suplemento atraente para as crianças, facilitando a adesão ao uso diário.
– Alta Absorção de Magnésio: A combinação de diferentes formas de magnésio garante uma absorção eficaz, maximizando os benefícios para a saúde.
Recomenda-se que as crianças mastiguem uma pastilha do VAL Chewable Magnesium for Kids diariamente, preferencialmente à noite ou em momentos de maior necessidade de relaxamento. É importante que o uso do suplemento seja acompanhado por uma alimentação equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se a criança tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver sob medicação.
I’m not sure what all of the hype is on the previous reviews but they almost deterred me from buying the product. Almost. Thankfully, I was willing to give it a try and I’m glad I did! Our tablets arrived orange in color (despite previous reviews) and yes, as you can see from the picture, they were slightly crumbling. Not nearly as bad as some of the pictures below show, and the bottle count was accurate. When you have a pressed vitamin with very little preservatives and additives, it’s bound to happen.
The first thing I did was eat one. Yes, they are sour! Not nearly as sour as a warhead candy but not quite as sweet as a sweet tart. They do have a chalky flavor but if your child takes chewable probiotics-they are the same chalkiness as those. A lot of chewable vitamins are the same consistency.
My daughter (8) is very verbal about foods she doesn’t like or won’t eat and she has been taking these with ease. It’s too soon to verify their effects completely, but I will update this post when I begin to notice a change. She suffers from anxiety and panic attacks so I’m hoping these will offer some relief. I’m leaving this review to help those that are the fence know that my order came as described and I am not disappointed. Give them a try!
So I was apprehensively awaiting this product in the mail because I read some reviews prior to purchasing this a second time, saying the formula has changed, the color is way lighter the taste is horrible and the pills now fall apart into powder and are arriving a mess. I purchased these during the summer and they really helped my son a lot and he liked the taste of them (before when they were the harder orange ones) but this time around he didn’t like the taste, he said it was horrible and he liked the other ones better. I just hope that this change didn’t effect the ingredients because that’s what is most important for us. The seller added this creme as a free gift I feel like to sweeten us up because of the formula change but I can’t be sweetened up that easily. The real determination will be if after a week or so I see the same improvement in my son as I did with the prior “happy kids” formula. If not, these are going back. I really liked the other formula and was going to buy them monthly but I honestly don’t know about it with this new one, but I’ll give it a fair chance. I’ll come back to update the review once I see how they work.
Update: over half of bottle is still sitting in the closet. I took some just to see what he meant about the taste and my god, sour isn’t the word. I can’t even get these down. It’s such a strong sour taste you have trouble getting it past your taste buds. As far as my sons vocal tics, which is the reason I purchased these to begin with. They were not subsiding when using these, the same way they had subsided the time we purchased them previously before their product reformulation. In fact he ended up regressing terribly. His whole body was jolting and everything. The old formula used to help him and he had a decrease in symptoms however the updated formula this company has now created just simply does not work. It’s so sad what a complete downhill turn this company has made. I went from feeling like I finally found the perfect supplement for my son and this is our new go to magnesium supplement I’ll purchase monthly, to I’ll never purchase them again. I now purchase another brand that’s here on Amazon it’s called Dr. Morris Magnesium Citrate for kids then I purchase a separate B6 complex gummy by lifeable brand that has the B6 and the C in it. I liked the Val ones because they have C, D3, B6 and magnesium and thier mag is 200mg per tab which is hard to find in a good tasting product for kids. The magnesium along with the B has been shown in studies to help reduce tics, which is why I need these two together. But if the Val has reformulated their supplement to where it taste absolutely horrible and it doesn’t work either, I have no choice now but to purchase 2 completely different separate products and just have my son take both. Val step it up, I don’t know why you chose to make this change in formula but it was a bad business move and most likely you will lose major business over it.
UPDATE: 3/24/22, I have decided to give this company one more chance, why? Because it stinks so bad that I ever had to stop buying from this company for my sons magnesium, this company is the only company that has everything included in one tablet like the magnesium and the B vitamins plus added extras. When I wasn’t buying this I would have to buy 2 separate other products. I came back and was reading reviews of people saying they don’t know what all the people in the negative reviews are talking about because theirs aren’t sour. Well I’m telling you that batch I bought last year made me and my sons lips pucker and eyes close; it was that bad lol and I’m not exaggerating. Buy I said I will give it another go, maybe the company took our reviews seriously and reformulated or something. So I buy some, and this time around as you can see in my picture, the newer batches tabs were much darker. They also hold together better and they aren’t as sour. I actually think they might have formulated it how it used to be again. I will update when my son has taken them for a little while to update how his tics are.
******new update, they fixed the formula a little bit they seem to be working better than the last time we got them they are sticking together better. They must’ve taken peoples complaints seriously. I’ve been buying them again with no problem-theres something wrong with my phone where I can’t post pictures but I’ll post once I figure it out 4/2023
Shantel –
My child has been taking this for just over two months. I searched high and low on and off of Amazon for a chewable magnesium glycinate for my neurodivergent child. That’s no easy feat. I only found ONE other acceptable option and it was a pineapple gummy. I don’t love how flooded the supplement market is with gummies and also only magnesium citrate. This Val brand supplement happily met most of my criteria. We started with the orange flavor and have moved to the grape flavor.
– Great flavor. Flavor is incredibly important to me and my child as he cannot swallow pills yet. I purchased the orange flavor first and it’s disgusting. So very sour and not in a palatable, sour candy kind of way. Skip the orange flavor unless they reformulate it. Grape got rated an ‘almost very good’ from my child.
– Just the right texture. Didn’t fall apart in the bottle like the orange flavored tablets did. I actually collected the orange powder at the end and used it as a couple servings worth to not waste it.
– Includes the exact blend of vitamins I was looking for. I was on the hunt for a blend that includes mag glycinate, D, C and B6.
– Magnesium in this supplement includes glycinate and not only citrate like every other supplement out there. Thank you! Why so much citrate on the market?! If you are unaware of the differences between all of the types of magnesium, please educate yourself.
– Free of artificial colors, soy and gluten.
– A rather low amount of vitamin C and also D. Many people in the northern hemisphere are deficient in vitamin D. For two tablets the amounts could safely be much more for both C and D. Especially if you are not taking this alongside a multivitamin.
– Very high amount of B6. I feel that it is too much for a child under 100 pounds. So we only take one tablet a day. On the other hand, taking only one tablet even further lowers the C and D. So I am continuously searching for the perfect unicorn blend of mag, C, D and B6. 🙂 I’m trying to avoid having my child take a handful of supplements each morning.
– I wish they did not include mag citrate in the mag blend here. Magnesium citrate is a laxative. My child does not have bowel issues that require this.
– I wish they sold this in bigger bottles because the label is misleading. A serving is two tablets. So this bottle will only last you one month. I only give my child one due to the extremely high amount of B6.
– Nothing special about the price. Not good. Not bad. Would be more apt to purchase if there were coupons for % or dollar amount off. I’ve never seen this on sale.
Satisfied customer overall. I will continue to purchase this magnesium blend unless I find a brand with better supplement ratios and minus magnesium citrate.