Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder do Suplemento de Magnésio L-Treonato com Magnésio Glicinato e L-Teanina. Cada embalagem contém 50 cápsulas de 2000mg, formuladas para proporcionar uma absorção superior e benefícios significativos para a saúde mental e física. O magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em mais de 300 reações bioquímicas no corpo, incluindo a regulação do sono, a função muscular e a saúde cardiovascular. O L-Treonato de magnésio é especialmente conhecido por sua capacidade de penetrar na barreira hematoencefálica, promovendo a saúde cerebral e melhorando a memória e a cognição.
A adição de magnésio glicinato, uma forma altamente biodisponível de magnésio, garante que seu corpo receba a quantidade necessária deste mineral vital sem os efeitos colaterais comuns, como desconforto gastrointestinal. A L-Teanina, um aminoácido encontrado no chá verde, complementa a fórmula, proporcionando um efeito calmante e ajudando a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade, promovendo um estado de relaxamento sem sedação. Juntos, esses ingredientes criam uma sinergia poderosa que não apenas melhora a saúde mental, mas também apoia a saúde física geral.
1. Melhora da Saúde Cognitiva: O L-Treonato de magnésio é conhecido por melhorar a memória e a função cognitiva, ideal para estudantes e profissionais que buscam aumentar sua produtividade.
2. Redução do Estresse e Ansiedade: A L-Teanina ajuda a promover um estado de relaxamento, tornando este suplemento perfeito para quem enfrenta dias estressantes.
3. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: O magnésio é fundamental para a regulação do sono, ajudando a combater insônias e promovendo um descanso reparador.
4. Apoio à Saúde Muscular: O magnésio é essencial para a função muscular adequada, ajudando na recuperação após exercícios físicos intensos.
5. Fácil Absorção: A combinação de magnésio L-treonato e glicinato garante uma absorção eficiente, maximizando os benefícios do suplemento sem causar desconforto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
bjspa –
I use this for insomnia, doesnt seem to work every time,
J. Gibson –
I am using this product, the Mecisco Magnesium L-Threonate Glycinate for my 94 year old mother who has sleep and brain fog issues. It contains both Threonate and Glycinate with a decent and generally recommended dosage for both. The Glycinate promotes calming effects and the Threonate may enhance learning and memory. It also has Theanine which may help one stay focused. A fourth component added is Apigenin but I don’t know why. It may reduce anxiety, affect immune health and regulate hormones BUT is unstable when removed from it’s source, the diet, so that’s a small, red flag. My main issue is with the dosing. I never understand supplement manufacturers who put way less than at least a month supply in the bottle. If you take this as directed, it will only last 16 days and you have to take 3 pills daily as well. So far, it seems to be working fairly well with my mother and I look forward to continuing this brand supplement for her benefit. I just wish the manufacturer would improve the dosage and remove the Apigenin or explain why it’s beneficial.
I’ve purchased this product numerous time as it’s the ideal mix of magnesium my body needs; quality at a great price.
Joe M –
This magnesium supplement seems to be a good quality option, made in the USA in a FDA registered facility. The magnesium content is quite high for the listed dose, but that takes 3 capsules. I found it better for me to just take a single capsule in the morning, and I use a magnesium gummy later in the day if I’ve gone out and done multiple hours of intense exercise during the day.
Lori –
I ordered these bottles of magnesium L-threonate, L-theanine & apigenin to help with my anxiety and depression. I’ve been looking for a natural supplement to help with my mental health.
The instructions indicate to take three capsules daily, but I am going to start with two capsules to see how the results are for me. I took mine in the morning, and they help calm and relax me. I think this would be better taken at night time before bed to help promote sleep. There are 50 capsules in each bottle. The four ingredients included are also supposed to help with brain support, as well as memory. I like that the pills are easy to swallow.
Customer Review –
I’ve been using this MG supplements for a couple of days now, and I’ve gotta say, they’ve made a noticeable difference, honestly I was a bit skeptical at first, but these capsules are the real deal, I like that these are made with natural ingredients and essential herbs. I take three of these bad boys a day, and they’re easy to swallow. And also, the fact that they’re tested for stability, purity, and potency gives me peace of mind. And let’s not forget the eco friendly packaging; big thumbs up for being recyclable. Now, they’re not magic pills, I mean, I haven’t turned into a superhuman or anything, but I do feel a bit more energized and on the ball. I’m pretty pleased with them and plan to keep them as a staple in my daily routine.
Happy with the product had more important ingredients than other magnesium tablets
Barbara.M.Lock –
No noticeable benefits to date but early stages and benefits may never be noticeable. I am taking it as preventative maintenance.
Joe –
I’ve been following Dr. Huberman’s sleep stack protocol for a long time now. It gets expensive, but it’s the most effective tool I’ve found that has helped my sleep supplement-wise.
Seeing this brand offer a product with everything in his sleep stack (other than Inositol which he only recommends for 4 days/week made me order it. The idea of taking fewer pills and having 1 bottle in the drawer with everything in the capsules rather than multiple bottles appealed to me.
That said, the proof was in the use and this works. I use an app called AutoSleep on my Apple Watch and since I began using this supplement my Sleep Rating has been 90-100 and my Sleep Efficiency has been 90-100%.
I fall asleep within 10-20 minutes (faster most nights) after taking this. I stay asleep unless I’ve drank too much water before bedtime and have to get up to use the bathroom. Even in that scenario, I fall right back asleep when I get back in bed.
This supplement works for me.
The price is amazing. Getting Magnesium L-Threonate, Glycinate, Apigenin, and L-theanine at this price point for a month’s supply is a great deal.
This listing is for 2 bottles because each bottle only contains 16 servings, so 16 days worth. You’ll need the 2 bottles to get through each month. Still, $22 for all of this is a good deal. Just trying to source the Mag L-Threonate on its own will run you about that much.
This isn’t a brand I’ve used before, but I honestly am planning to stick with this one. It’s more effective than the multiple supplements I was using to create this stack and it’s more convenient. 3 caps a night from 1 bottle.
Lori –
This is a powerful relaxing/sleep-inducing formula with 1.2 gram of Magnesium L-Threonate (the one form of Magnesium that passes the brain blood barrier), 500mg of Magnesium Glycinate, 200mg of L-Theanine and, 100mg of Apigenin. To me, this is the perfect combination and dosage of these molecules. I take three capsules (the serving size), on an empty stomach, one hour to thirty minutes before bedtime for a good and relaxing night’s sleep. This formula works perfectly for me. I highly recommend this supplement.