Descrição do Produto: Amazing Formulas Magnesium Glycinate 120 Mg por Porção
Descubra o poder do Magnésio com o Amazing Formulas Magnesium Glycinate, um suplemento de alta qualidade que oferece 120 mg de magnésio por porção. Cada frasco contém 120 cápsulas vegetarianas, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para suas necessidades diárias de magnésio. Este produto é cuidadosamente formulado para ser livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e glúten, garantindo que você receba um suplemento puro e seguro. Além disso, o Amazing Formulas Magnesium Glycinate é testado por terceiros para assegurar sua pureza e potência total, oferecendo a confiança que você merece em cada cápsula.
Fabricado de acordo com os padrões de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), este suplemento é produzido em uma instalação moderna nos Estados Unidos, garantindo que cada etapa do processo de fabricação atenda aos mais altos padrões de qualidade. O magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções corporais, incluindo a regulação da função muscular e nervosa, a manutenção da pressão arterial e a produção de proteínas, ossos e DNA. Com o Amazing Formulas Magnesium Glycinate, você pode facilmente incorporar esse mineral vital em sua rotina diária.
- Magnesium Glycinate 120 Mg por Porção Supplement
- 120 Porções por Frasco, 1 Cápsula Vegetariana por Porção
- Non-GMO, Sem Glúten, Testado por Terceiros para garantir Pureza e Potência Total.
- Fabricado de acordo com os Padrões GMP.
- Orgulhosamente fabricado nos EUA em nossa instalação de fabricação de última geração.
1. Suporte à Saúde Muscular: O magnésio é fundamental para a função muscular adequada, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e promovendo a recuperação após exercícios.
2. Melhora do Sono: O magnésio glicinato é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, que podem ajudar a melhorar a qualidade do sono e reduzir a insônia.
3. Regulação do Estresse: Este suplemento pode ajudar a regular os níveis de cortisol, o hormônio do estresse, promovendo uma sensação de calma e bem-estar.
4. Saúde Óssea: O magnésio é essencial para a formação de ossos saudáveis, contribuindo para a densidade óssea e prevenindo a osteoporose.
5. Apoio à Saúde Cardiovascular: O magnésio ajuda a manter a pressão arterial saudável e a função cardíaca, reduzindo o risco de doenças cardiovasculares.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula vegetariana de Amazing Formulas Magnesium Glycinate uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção do magnésio, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal que possa ocorrer ao tomar suplementos com o estômago vazio. É sempre aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Robin’s Egg –
I’ve tried a variety of magnesiums. The magnesium glycinate seems to work best for my needs. These are easy to swallow and have no unusual tastes before or after taking them. So far my experience has been positive. I choose to take them at night and find it easier to get to a restful state of sleep. I also noticed that when taking a magnesium supplement my restless legs have reduced, as have ‘Charlie horse’ in my calves. I am pleased with my experience.
Christa Byrd –
Definitely helps with sleep, so take it with supper!
I’ve been taking 250 mg of magnesium glycinate daily for 9 years, never had a problem. I tried this brand and it gave me horrible diarrhea. Someone wrote that this brand can be very strong. Beware.
K. Weston –
My doctor prescribed these for my shin splints. Doesn’t work perfectly but I’ll keep trying.
Marci –
I love the help I get in sleep, with the use of this product. Mag is so necessary for the body. I will purchase this brand again.
Kevin Bastian –
First off, a bit of chemistry: magnesium glycinate molecules contain only 14.1% elemental magnesium, the rest being the amino acid glycine. So it’s important for supplement companies to be very clear when they list ingredients. Are they listing the mass of the ingredient, in this case magnesium glycinate, or are they listing the mass of the elemental magnesium contained in that ingredient?
I’m not 100% sure about this product, but I’d say I’m 90% sure that the 120 mg listed is elemental magnesium. For one thing, these are pretty big capsules. There is no reason for them to require such a big capsule if it only contained 120 mg of Mg glycinate, which would only yield 120 x 14% = about 17 mg of elemental Mg. My guess, partly based on the size of these capsules compared to others I have, is that these contain 120 mg of elemental magnesium coming from 850 mg of magnesium glycinate. I just wish they were clearer about this on the label. (I wish ALL supplement companies were clear about this! Fortunately, some of them are.) I hope someone from the company will read this review and decide to change their labeling in the future.
I’ve been taking these for about a month now, and while it’s impossible to really judge how well they work, I’m happy with them. I don’t expect my magnesium capsules to affect me like the caffeine in my morning coffee, or like ibuprofen when I’m in pain. Magnesium is much like a lot of other things in life: as long as you have enough, you take them for granted, and we only notice when they’re absent or not in sufficient quantity.
I really like magnesium glycinate as a source of magnesium. It’s readily absorbed, and it is thought to have additional health benefits as well. I’m going to continue to take these, along with another supplement that has magnesium L-threonate that may be effective in improving memory and cognitive functioning.
Full Disclosure: I received this product at no charge through Amazon’s Vine program in return for writing an honest, accurate product review. Amazon’s only requirement is that I review the products I order, not that I praise them. I don’t pull my punches; if a product is bad, I say so, and if I love it, I say that. I have an obligation to tell you, the shopper, what I think so you can make informed purchases. I also believe sellers/manufacturers need to know if their product deserves 5 stars, or if they missed the mark, how they need to improve it.
Leonard M. –
Amazing Formulas Magnesium (Glycinate) 120 mg
I take magnesium under doctors orders. I try to get magnesium on Vine as often as possible.
Since I do reviews of several different products, this is how I judge magnesium products. Primarily by quality and purity.
The manufacturer of the product must follow the tenets of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) agency. The agency presents guidelines as part of the US government.
The manufacturer should have the product analyzed for purity by a third party.
The product should look good, and not have broken or leaking capsules. Tablets should not be powdery, mis-colored, or broken.
The dose of elemental magnesium should be correct according to stated contents.
I disregard the made in USA label. It is unofficial, and the product could be made in the USA with untested ingredients from anywhere. A product made in an FDA approved facility does agree to follow GMP.
I compare the cost per 100 mg of elemental magnesium to the magnesium taurate I usually take, which costs 12.23 cents per 100 mg of elemental magnesium, and is excellent quality. I present the cost purely for information, it is up to the consumer to consider the importance of cost.
I may use other considerations occasionally.
For those taking magnesium as a supplement, the generally recognized minimum daily requirement is considered to be 450 to 500 mg of elemental magnesium.
The most important consideration is dose. For example a person might be told by their cardiologist to take 500 mg of elemental magnesium daily for a heart condition. An accurate dose is imperative.
Magnesium glycinate is 14 percent elemental magnesium; therefore, 1000 mg of magnesium glycinate contains 140 mg of elemental magnesium, or 70 mg elemental in 500 mg.
If the dosage is incorrectly stated in the product, or dose cannot be determined, then nothing else matters.
The bottle label is a little short on the information I want, so I went to the Amazing Formulas webpage. On that page, they state that they use GMP, but I could find no statement that they use third party analysis.
Amazing Formulas magnesium glycinate is 11.7 cents for 120 mg elemental magnesium, which is 9.7 cents per 100 mg of elemental magnesium, and is cheaper than the quality product I often take.
I am rating Amazing Formulas magnesium glycinate a 5 in spite of the fact that they do not indicate the use of third party analysis. The product appears to be of excellent quality, and the price is extremely competitive. A visit to the web page indicates high quality.
Savvy Shopper –
I’ve been taking various brands of magnesium glycinate for years ranging from expensive to inexpensive. After I started taking this brand, I noticed I was waking up several hours later with a sour stomach. Never had this reaction to mag glycinate before. I think I’ll try another brand next time