Descrição do Produto:
Os Softgels de Suplemento de Magnésio da Vitaminer Shop são formulados com Magnésio Glicinato de alta absorção, oferecendo 500mg de magnésio por dose. Este mineral essencial é conhecido por sua alta biodisponibilidade, o que significa que é facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, proporcionando benefícios significativos para a saúde. O magnésio desempenha um papel crucial na regulação do sono, ajudando a relaxar os músculos e a acalmar a mente, o que pode resultar em noites de sono mais tranquilas e reparadoras. Além disso, a forma de softgel facilita a ingestão, tornando o suplemento prático e conveniente para o dia a dia. Ideal para quem busca melhorar a qualidade do sono, reduzir o estresse e promover um bem-estar geral, este produto é uma adição valiosa à sua rotina de saúde.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: O magnésio ajuda a regular neurotransmissores que promovem o relaxamento e o sono profundo.
2. Alívio do Estresse: Contribui para a redução da ansiedade e do estresse, promovendo um estado de calma.
3. Apoio Muscular: Ajuda na recuperação muscular e na redução de cãibras, ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas.
4. Saúde Óssea: O magnésio é essencial para a saúde óssea, colaborando na absorção de cálcio.
5. Fácil Absorção: A forma de magnésio glicinato garante uma absorção superior, maximizando os benefícios do suplemento.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 softgel de Magnésio Glicinato 500mg ao dia, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir, para otimizar os efeitos relaxantes e promover um sono reparador. É importante ingerir o softgel com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção. Para melhores resultados, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Michael –
Super easy to take and no harsh smells or taste. Magnesium supports muscle relaxation, energy production, and overall wellness. I always feel more relaxed the next day since I have better sleep. Really great and efficient supplement.
Amaz_Shopping –
I was taking a different type of Magnesium but my doctor told me to change up to magnesium glycinate. What a game-changer! These soft gels are easy to swallow, gentle on the stomach, and help me feel calm and relaxed without the sluggishness. I noticed a significant improvement in my sleep quality and muscle tension after just a week of use. Bonus: no weird aftertaste! If you’re looking for a natural way to support relaxation and better sleep, these are worth a try. They’ve definitely earned a permanent spot in my wellness routine.
India clerk –
Since I started using magnesium supplements, my sleep quality has improved dramatically. I used to have a hard time falling asleep at night because anxiety and stress kept me tossing and turning, but now I am able to fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and wake up feeling rested and energized. Overall, this magnesium supplement has been a huge help with my sleep, muscle recovery, and overall health.
Andy Curto –
I was taking some Magnesium gummies that I liked but I think they were upsetting my stomach so I decided to try these soft gels instead because I know that soft gels are usually more gentle on the stomach. There is a lot of magnesium in each serving and you get about two months from one bottle and for the price I paid that is a pretty good value. I like that it is non-GMO, Gluten Free, Soy Free (Why is Soy in EVERYTHING?), and Vegan. And I take magnesium to help my sleep, mood, and energy levels and I think this one is working just as well as any others.
Jorge –
I recently began taking these pills and am noticing a change in my sleep pattern. My sleep has improve some and I feel more relaxed. I feel more rested in the mornings and more relaxed at work. I have also noticed improvement in my focus.
Amaz_Shopping –
I have to hand it to this supplement that they nailed the size/texture of this. It is the perfect pill for swallowing! This size/shape/texture should be used on every supplement and I’d be very happy.
The reason I deducted 1 star is because I often take magnesium supplements, but in the time I was taking this one I had some weird health issues (massive back spasms that incapacitated me for a few days) and a few other things that I had never had before. I stopped taking these and was fine ever since.
I have absolutely no way of knowing if they’re related, and honestly it’s probably not, but this was one of the only new things I had introduced into my diet/routine at the time, so I felt safer just stopping. I don’t think that’s reason enough to not try them, my experience is probably just my own, I just want to be transparent.
Jorge –
As a busy office worker, long-term stress has caused me insomnia. Since I ate this soft candy, my sleep quality has greatly improved, which makes me relax. I eat one before going to bed and can quickly fall into deep sleep. I no longer feel tired when I get up in the morning.
Nique –
After trying many methods to deal with chronic fatigue and poor sleep, a friend recommended this magnesium supplement. After taking one capsule a day for a few days, I felt more energetic and slept more soundly at night. The softgels are very easy to swallow and do not have an unbearable taste. Magnesium has a great effect on muscle relaxation and nerve regulation, and my muscle tension has also decreased.