Descrição do Produto: Suplemento em Pó de Magnésio com Citrato de Magnésio
O Suplemento em Pó de Magnésio com Citrato de Magnésio da Vitaminer Shop é uma fórmula premium que combina a eficácia do magnésio com a alta biodisponibilidade do citrato. Este produto é ideal para quem busca uma maneira prática e eficiente de aumentar a ingestão desse mineral essencial, que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções corporais. O magnésio é fundamental para a saúde muscular, a função nervosa, a produção de energia e a manutenção de ossos saudáveis. Com uma textura fina e solúvel, o pó pode ser facilmente misturado em água, sucos ou smoothies, tornando-se uma adição versátil à sua rotina diária.
O citrato de magnésio é conhecido por sua absorção superior em comparação com outras formas de magnésio, o que significa que você pode aproveitar todos os benefícios desse mineral de forma mais eficaz. Este suplemento é livre de glúten, lactose e aditivos artificiais, sendo uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares. Além disso, sua formulação em pó permite que você ajuste a dosagem conforme suas necessidades individuais, proporcionando flexibilidade e conveniência.
1. Melhora da Função Muscular: O magnésio é essencial para a contração e relaxamento muscular, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e melhorando o desempenho físico.
2. Apoio ao Sistema Nervoso: Contribui para a regulação da atividade nervosa, promovendo um estado de relaxamento e reduzindo a ansiedade.
3. Aumento da Energia: Participa da produção de ATP, a principal fonte de energia do corpo, ajudando a combater a fadiga.
4. Saúde Óssea: O magnésio é vital para a formação e manutenção de ossos saudáveis, atuando em conjunto com cálcio e vitamina D.
5. Facilidade de Uso: A forma em pó permite uma mistura rápida e fácil, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se dissolver uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 5g) do pó de magnésio em um copo de água ou bebida de sua preferência. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O uso pode ser feito uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente à noite, para auxiliar no relaxamento e na qualidade do sono. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
BirdNerd –
This powder is very effective. I mix it with a small amount of very warm water from the electric kettle, and then I can add any cold drink I want for it to blend together seamlessly. The amount of water needed so small enough to not warm up my drink. Of course this can be done for tea or any other warm drink as well, and then the amount of hot water doesn’t matter. It seems to works faster in a warm beverage since warm liquid itself is also helpful.
Kris Zed –
i’ve been using magnesium for years for jaw tension and teeth grinding and i’ve noticed neither of those things happening since trying this brand of magnesium. it did not cause any stomach upset either (if you are new to taking magnesium, start with 1/3 dose and work your way up – it can have diuretic and laxative effects at first). the flavor is… slightly tangy… is how i would describe it. i like to mix it into cold water or iced tea and drink it fast. i will continue to use this happily and i would recommend it.
Average Joe –
I received the magnesium powder supplement undamaged in a reusable plastic container wth a screw top. THe powder dissolves in liquid after several minutes of stiring. Sometimes there are still remnants of undissolved magnesium powder at the bottom. Warmer liquid helps with dissolving.
Overall, I prefer magnesium supplements by gummies, but I thought I might try the powder form. It doesn’t dissolve too well in colder drinks, but it’s not too noticable if it’s in a shake.T he price is average.
John15v1 –
So easy to take this magnesium supplement, just add a scoop (3.4g) to water, a smoothie or other beverage, the powder is unflavored and doesn’t have much taste on its own, so I have been using it in my smoothie, the powder mixes easy as-well, each scoop provides 350 mg of magnesium citrate, this powder uses high quality aquamin magnesium that also includes 72 trace minerals, so far no issues taking this supplement, and it agrees perfectly with no side effects, as with all supplements it’s difficult to know how well they work with short term use.
Overall I highly recommend, includes scoop, bottled in the USA, non-gmo, GMP facility, provides 60 servings.
Denysa Padilla –
sabe feo
Blurryface –
I would recommend this mag citrate over other sources of citrate I’ve seen on the market simply because it’s only what you need and zero unnecessary additives, packaging, etc. You can add your own flavor if you need to, you can take it however you want to, however much you want to, and you can even encapsulate it yourself.
Magnesium citrate is a saline laxative, not the form of magnesium for muscle aches, heart, etc (other forms of magnesium are better for those things). As someone with chronic constipation despite a fiber-rich, whole foods diet, I don’t want to abuse laxatives so this is an ideal substitute for when I really need to go and taking 10 capsules is a pain because I need a higher mg dosage for results so this powder is soooo convenient. And because there are no added ingredients, I can take it on any diet plan, while fasting, etc, without having to worry about additives.
The flavor is easily masked in sweetened iced tea or various juices, etc, or just guzzle it quickly and it isn’t terrible. It’s sour like citric acid or vitamin c so it goes well in sweet fruity things as an acidic flavor.
Blurryface –
Magnesium Powder Supplement – Magnesium Citrate Powder Drink Mix Unflavored Made with Aquamin Magnesium – Bone, Heart & Muscle Support, Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Vegan, & Non-GMO – 60 Servings
Magnesium citrate really has only one purpose and that is to get you going. If you system gets backed up this will clear out the pipes and get you back on track.
While magnesium is great for sore muscles and sleep there are better forms to use for that.
If you do decided to take it, make sure to start with a tiny amount and work up to where you can tolerate it without causing an emergency situation. If you use a full scoop the first time I can just about guarantee you will regret it. Start with an 1/8th or 1/4 teaspoon of this. It is powerful and effective.
I have a fairly high tolerance for magnesium as I have take a lot in all forms over the years. This is a very effective formulation of magnesium citrate.
Mix it with some fruit juice. It does not dissolve quickly, so the juice will help you to drink it easier and get over the graininess.
K –
Dissolve fast compared to many other brands. Seem good. Haven’t tried it much yet. Fast delivery. I’m pleased so far