Descrição do Produto: Complexo de Magnésio – Lifted Naturals
O Complexo de Magnésio da Lifted Naturals é um suplemento inovador que combina as formas mais bioativas de magnésio: Bisglicinato, Malato e Taurato. Este produto foi desenvolvido para oferecer uma solução eficaz e gentil para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar. Ao contrário de outras fórmulas que contêm óxido ou citrato, que podem ser difíceis para estômagos sensíveis e têm baixa absorção, nosso Complexo de Magnésio é formulado para maximizar a biodisponibilidade e a eficácia.
O Magnésio Bisglicinato, uma das principais formas presentes neste complexo, é conhecido por seu suporte ao humor. O estresse diário pode esgotar os níveis de magnésio no corpo, e a reposição adequada é essencial para restaurar o equilíbrio emocional. Além disso, o magnésio desempenha um papel crucial em mais de 300 reações enzimáticas no organismo, sendo vital para a função nervosa e muscular, manutenção de ossos saudáveis, sono reparador, função cognitiva e suporte imunológico.
Na Lifted Naturals, a qualidade e a integridade dos nossos produtos são prioridades. Todos os nossos suplementos são fabricados em uma instalação certificada pela GMP nos EUA, garantindo que você receba um produto livre de aditivos desnecessários, conservantes e estearato de magnésio. O Complexo de Magnésio é uma escolha natural para quem busca uma vida mais saudável e equilibrada.
– Suporte ao Humor: Ajuda a melhorar o bem-estar emocional e a reduzir os efeitos do estresse diário.
– Melhora do Sono: Contribui para um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação do corpo.
– Função Muscular e Nervosa: Promove a saúde muscular e nervosa, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e desconfortos.
– Saúde Óssea: Auxilia na manutenção de ossos saudáveis, essencial para a prevenção de doenças ósseas.
– Apoio Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções e doenças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas do Complexo de Magnésio Lifted Naturals diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso garantirá uma absorção ideal e maximizará os benefícios do magnésio no seu organismo. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Colorgirl –
Because being around elevated levels of electromagnetic waves creates an elevated need for magnesium, I have found myself trying out more and more magnesium supplements to meet this need as I heal.
This supplement is a typical size. It is not difficult to take these. They go down easily.
I have not had headaches, stomach upsets, or other problems taking these.
I take these prior to bedtime. They help me relax and help me enter into a deeper sleep than when I do not take them. They do seem to help me with magnesium deficiencies and I am seeing a difference taking these. The level of cramps has gone down so far and that is excellent.
This is a good source of magnesium and seems to be working for me for what I need it for.
FIVE STARS. So far, I am seeing results and for that I am glad. Some magnesium supplements are not helping me with this elevated need for magnesium. These seem to help and for that reason , I would consider a repurchase.
Pamela Chinn –
I truly believe I have felt better since I started taking this magnesium! I’m taking one in the morning and one in the evening. I’ve noticed my sleep at night has improved a lot!
Jennifer Salters –
I have been using these for over a year now and I can tell the days I forget to take my magnesium!! Must have, so many benefits to this daily vitamin.
Tracy Delgado –
I felt writing a review for this Magnesium Complex was important . It’s important for others to know how it has impacted my well-being . I rely on reviews at times and knew I needed to share . Although all of us are different in our needs, it has been most beneficial for my own personal wellness journey . I have taken other magnesium products and this product by far has been the best . The complex makeup itself (3 forms) better supports what I need . There’s no need for a higher Mg because of this I feel . (I have taken other ones with higher mg.) I have suffered for years with many things despite eating very well and us owning a grass-fed farm . I have not had a full night’s sleep in years, struggle with nerve/joint/muscle damage and therefore it affects my overall disposition. I started taking this a few months back and I firmly believe it has supported the above ailments . My pain has dramatically decreased … dramatically. I have gone from pain during the night to maybe once a week . I wake up a lot less and it does not upset my stomach . My lab report last month showed my levels are now supported and normal since starting . Although I feel no product is a cure … I know a lot of factors need to be in place … diet, exercise etc… I do highly recommend this mag complex to support your own journey. It has really made a difference for myself and I will continue to use it . The capsule is easy to swallow and I take it before bed . A super bonus is the support you will get from Lifted Naturals as well . If you have a question or concern , the co-owner Sylvia Hall will respond via email as needed. I am a small business owner as well and her customer support rocks. I also take the company’s Mood Probiotics and they are nothing short of amazing . I have been through TOO many to count and they are in my cabinet to STAY. Thank you Lifted for lifting my body out of a rut after almost 50 years .
laura –
I am new to taking magnesium because even with a good diet you can still be deficient. I like how this is a lower dose than typical supplements because I don’t do well with high doses of things, they tend to irritate my stomach. This works great and I sleep very well since I have been taking it. I try and get my supplement equivalents from food but this makes it so I can have a little boost where I need it and not overload my system. I only take 2 a night and am happy with the effects of the supplement so I will continue to take them. I don’t know how long the bottle would last if you needed more than that so I am not sure if you need a lot that this is a great value but for me it works well.
jon s dines –
I recently discovered that adding magnesium to my bedtime supplements helped me sleep and improved my final stage of digestion. But with this formula I don’t have to take as high a dose to enjoy the same wonderful benefits. I like knowing its a formulated combination of magnesiums and I feel like it works beautifully for my body. I had no idea this was so needed! Plus, I then added their Mood Prebiotics for even more improved final stage of digestion. The magnesium alone was great improvment, but do consider adding their Mood Prebiotic too. I feel so much better now. I’m more rested and never struggle with that final stag of digestion anymore.
Beatriz Luisa Oquendo –
cumple con todos los requerimientos del magnesio
Precise Disarray –
It works to help me sleep so long as I use 4-5 capsules. Typical effect from magnesium for me. I have y preferences, but this seems fine.
70 mg per capsule. Doubt that it is elemental magnesium or it would state it as such–so maybe 10% of this is elemental magnesium- closer to 7 mg per capsule. I use magnesium every night to help me sleep, usually a variety, usually 7-10x this amount. I dont take it during the day because I am prone to get sleepy. I may consider trying this anyway because it is such a low dose. We’ll see. I am not a fan of having to remember to take something several times over course of day as a regular habit.
For typical dose, 4-5 capsules is about right. Makes this no more than 1 month supply.
Easy swallow capsules