Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Magnésio de Alta Absorção – Complexo de 8 Formas | 500mg
Descubra o poder do nosso Suplemento de Magnésio de Alta Absorção, uma fórmula inovadora que combina 8 formas distintas de magnésio para oferecer um suporte abrangente ao seu corpo. Com 500mg de um complexo completo, este suplemento inclui Magnésio Glicinato, Malato, Citrato, Taurato, Cloreto, Óxido, Orotato e Lactato, cada um deles na dose ideal para promover calma, relaxamento e atender às necessidades de magnésio do seu organismo de forma eficaz.
O Magnésio Glicinato, conhecido por sua absorção superior e biodisponibilidade, atua como um auxílio natural para o sono, aliviando o estresse e melhorando a qualidade do seu descanso. Este tipo de magnésio não apenas facilita o adormecer e proporciona um sono mais profundo, mas também combate a deficiência de magnésio, acalmando a mente e aprimorando a memória.
Além disso, o magnésio desempenha um papel crucial na regulação da vitamina D, cálcio e zinco, todos essenciais para a saúde óssea e muscular. Nossa fórmula inclui três formas queladas de magnésio (Glicinato, Malato, Citrato) que trabalham em sinergia para aliviar cãibras nas pernas, reduzir a tensão muscular e promover um relaxamento geral.
Produzido com orgulho nos EUA, em uma instalação registrada pela NSF e certificada pela cGMP, nosso Complexo de Magnésio é testado por terceiros para garantir pureza e precisão. Sua satisfação é nossa prioridade; se você não estiver completamente satisfeito com sua compra, oferecemos uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro sem perguntas.
– Suporte Abrangente: 8 formas de magnésio para atender a diversas necessidades do corpo.
– Melhora do Sono: Ajuda a adormecer mais rápido e a ter um sono mais profundo.
– Saúde Muscular e Óssea: Contribui para a saúde dos ossos e músculos, aliviando cãibras e tensão.
– Apoio ao Humor e Função Nervosa: Promove um estado mental calmo e melhora a memória.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produzido em instalações certificadas e testado para pureza.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do Suplemento de Magnésio de Alta Absorção diariamente, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir. Isso maximiza a absorção e os benefícios relaxantes do magnésio. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Joe –
Apparently half of Americans consume the recommended amount of Magnesium in their diet. I’ve been supplementing with magnesium over the past few months as I’m a diabetic and at risk of having lower levels of the mineral in my body. I recently switched to this complex as it has several different forms of magnesium along with vitamins D6 and B3. I find it does help with my ability to get to sleep faster at night and I intend to get my bloodwork done in a few months to see what my levels are like. I’ll try to update this review when I get that done. The packaging includes a small American flag and the Amazon listing says it is made in the USA. The product is distributed out of Hacienda Heights, California.
George –
As far as benefits to the body, it takes a while for positive results from natural remedies and/or supplements to be noticed. This Magnesium Supplement seems like it will be very beneficial especially since so many Americans are assumed to be low in magnesium. Rather than focus on one type, this supplement contains all 8 forms. It also contains vitamin D3, another supplement many are deficit in due to spending so much time indoors since sunlight is a natural source of D3. This supplement also contains vitamin B6 which helps with magnesium absorption. The capsule is moderate sized so it is easy to swallow.
One advantage of taking this Magnesium Supplement is that a person need not purchase each supplement individually. Among other attributes, this combo is listed as helpful to mood, sleep, strengthening bones and muscles. If one is having leg cramps, this supplement doubtless would give respite from them. This supplement is made in the USA in a NFS registred, cGMP-certified facility, an asset in my opinion. It is listed as third party tested, another asset.
Unfortunately, it is too soon to tell overall the effects from this supplement but I have replaced the three contained in this combo which I was taking with this particular supplement and after only one week, there have been no ill effects. My biggest concern about supplements, especially if imported, is making sure they are pure. This USA company is doing that. I shall continue taking these and will drop back in with an update at some point. For now, however, I am liking this combo dosage. Since one gets 3 supplements in this formulation, then the price is great as well. I am happy for the opportunity to try this supplement.
CrazyAboutBooks –
Finally something that works.. I started 2 weeks ah and little by little I can feel the difference…
Cjoy –
These magnesium capsules are small enough to be easy to swallow with just a sip of water. There is no noticeable taste or odor.
I like that there are a variety of magnesium types in this mixture so that I don’t have to take multiple pills if I desire different effects. With the added Vitamin D, it’s also an efficient way to get this nutrient.
I prefer to take these after a meal, because I have zero G.I. upset when I take them this way. (I have had a small amount of “looser” G.I. issues when I take on an empty stomach.)
George –
There has been a lot of discussion and videos lately about if magnesium is good for you, and if it IS, what form of magnesium works best, is best absorbed. If you are unsure what form you should be taking, and whether adding certain vitamins such as D3 and B6 would aid in assimilating the magnesium, then end your questions and take eight forms of magnesium and these vitamins, and manganese thrown in all in one capsule.
Personally, I find that keeping up a regiment of magnesium appears to increase my energy level and aids in other functions such as keeping everything working well and regular with regards to the GI system. I’m informed that magnesium is involved in dozens, maybe more, chemical processes in the body and therefore it is vital to keep your levels up.
If you feel that you are not getting adequate magnesium from your diet, them in my opinion, these easy to take capsules are a great option. This product was sold in a 2-pack which in total is a 60 day supply (2 capsules per day with evening meal).
As with all supplements, do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients and stop using if you develop any unusual side effects. Consult with your doctor if you have any doubts.
mariela mendoza –
This is a fantastic blend of different magnesium sub-types. Whenever I try to find magnesium at my local shops, it’s hard to find anything other than magnesium glycinate for a reasonable price,
My only – small – dislike here is that 1 serving is two pills, I tend to prefer serving sizes that consist of a singular pill, but it’s honestly a personal nit pick.
Rach –
These supplements work well. East to digest no taste easy to swallow.
Gavin T. –
I was very happy to find this complex with 8 different forms of magnesium. This allows me to get the benefits from the different form in one vitamin rather than needing to source multiple different forms. Very easy to swallow and no stomach issues.