Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de GABA 1000 mg em Forma Lipossomal para Absorção Ideal – GABA Sem Melatonina com L-Teanina, Glicinato de Magnésio 220mg, 5HTP, Vitamina D3 e B6 para Calma Mental, Humor e Sono
O Suplemento de GABA 1000 mg em forma lipossomal é uma formulação avançada projetada para proporcionar uma absorção superior e eficácia máxima. Este produto combina GABA (ácido gama-aminobutírico), um neurotransmissor essencial que ajuda a promover a calma e o relaxamento, com L-Teanina, um aminoácido encontrado no chá verde que complementa os efeitos do GABA, favorecendo um estado de tranquilidade mental. A adição de Glicinato de Magnésio, conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, contribui para a redução do estresse e da ansiedade, enquanto o 5HTP (5-hidroxitriptofano) apoia a produção de serotonina, melhorando o humor e a qualidade do sono. A Vitamina D3 e a B6 são essenciais para o funcionamento adequado do sistema nervoso e para a regulação do humor, tornando esta fórmula uma solução completa para quem busca um suporte natural para a saúde mental e o bem-estar geral.
1. Absorção Superior: A forma lipossomal garante que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos de maneira mais eficiente pelo organismo.
2. Sem Melatonina: Ideal para quem busca relaxamento sem os efeitos sedativos da melatonina, permitindo um sono mais natural.
3. Apoio ao Humor: A combinação de GABA, 5HTP e L-Teanina ajuda a melhorar o humor e a reduzir sintomas de ansiedade.
4. Relaxamento Muscular: O Glicinato de Magnésio contribui para a redução da tensão muscular e promove um estado de relaxamento profundo.
5. Saúde Mental: A inclusão de Vitaminas D3 e B6 apoia a saúde do sistema nervoso, ajudando a manter a clareza mental e o bem-estar emocional.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do Suplemento de GABA 1000 mg ao dia, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Para melhores resultados, a cápsula deve ser ingerida com um copo de água, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos de forma eficaz. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um médico em caso de condições de saúde preexistentes ou uso concomitante de outros medicamentos.
Arkady K –
I know about the benefits of GABA and have been taking these GABA supplements for about a month now. So far I am pleased with the results. I frequently struggle with occasional sleeplessness, and this supplement is a good melatonin-free alternative. The softgels are easy to swallow, and I typically take two with dinner, as recommended. I notice a subtle calming effect – not drowsiness, but a gentle easing of tension. It doesn’t knock me out, but when bedtime rolls around, I find I’m falling asleep more quickly and sleeping more soundly through the night. The ingredients are a blend of L-theanine, magnesium, and other vitamins. The liposomal delivery seems to make a difference in absorption, as I’ve tried other GABA supplements before with less noticeable effects. It’s not a miracle cure for insomnia or anxiety, but it does take the edge off on stressful days. I wake up feeling more refreshed, without the grogginess I’ve experienced with melatonin. Overall, if you’re looking for a gentle, non-habit forming way to promote relaxation and better sleep, this GABA supplement is worth trying.
Tiffany –
I have been taking this for 2 months. Took one a day for a month & a half…then went to taking it every other day. I’ve noticed a difference from the start, more calm, body is not as anxious…able to manage better.
Please do not stop making this!
Vicky –
In general, melatonin does hardly anything to my body, so I prefer sleep supplements that do not contain it. That’s why I decided to try this one, which features GABA, 200 mg L-Theanine, 200 mg 5-HTP and some magnesium, among other ingredients.
It comes in easy-to-swallow softgels, and the serving size is 2 capsules, which is not excessive.
Instructions state to get those before “each main meal”, which is logical based on some of the ingredients, especially vitamin D3 that need some fat to absorb – but that makes is a “calm” aid, not a “sleep” aid. Something to regulate stress, and the ingredients indeed point to it. Think of it as a “reverse coffee with benefits” for lunch time rather than a “take before bed to help you sleep” type of pill.
Even though I was really more looking for something to help me sleep, I decided to try this one more as a lunch / coffee add on, as I am used to stacking L-Theanine with coffee anyway. It’s not bad for a stressful day for my body, but, to be honest, not what I was looking for.
That being said, it really depends on what you are looking for. The supplement hits the more important boxes (made in USA, in a cGMP certified facility, and it is lab tested), and it comes from a reputable company. The stack in it is interesting, even though I don’t understand why many manufacturers feel the need to add vitamin D3 to formulations like that – a fat soluble vitamin with daily limits as to how much you should be taking, and this one has 2000 IU per serving.
So, not a sleep aid for me. I love the rest of the ingredients, but I would be happier without the vitamin D3.
Jennie Genz –
Love this. Fell asleep quickly and slept solid.
jeffrey L –
They really seem to take the edge off. And these GABA Sups seem to work better then others i have taken.
Carol C –
I like that it doesn’t contain melatonin. It just doesn’t work at all for me in any capacity or strength. I LOVE the combination of ingredients of these easy to swallow soft gels. The glycinate, l-theanine and the 5HTP, are the three main things I usually take separately as well as the D3 and the B. So, add those up and I’ve eliminated three pills right off the bat with these GABA soft caps. And it’s not just the elimination of needing to take so many to get to them all in…it’s these work! Highly recommend these!
Also, this is just a personal observation and a plus on its own, I like that they don’t look EXACTLY like a lot of other supplements that I also take daily. These stand out and I’m not scratching my head thinking…’wait, is this one that one? Or didn’t I already take these’. I understand it’s minor and I could be much more organized with my supplements but these things happen if you’re taking many a day. These are a nice size and a soft gell cap (a lot smaller than my Advil get cap that I can barely choke down when I need one). Highly recommend these!
Jennifer M. –
I have a hard time sleeping, and for the price this has helped me so much. Within the first few nights I saw a huge difference in my sleep patterns as well as my mood.
Rebekah –
I take these before bed, and paired with a few spritzes of magnesium oil, by the time I lay down I’m much more relaxed.