Descrição do Produto: Pure for Men Daily Psyllium Husk Fiber Supplement Pure for Her | Digestive Regularity
O Pure for Men Daily Psyllium Husk Fiber Supplement e o Pure for Her são suplementos de fibra de casca de psyllium de alta qualidade, projetados para promover a regularidade digestiva e melhorar a saúde intestinal. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente balanceada, esses produtos oferecem uma fonte rica de fibra solúvel, que ajuda a manter o trânsito intestinal saudável e a prevenir problemas como constipação. A casca de psyllium é conhecida por sua capacidade de absorver água, formando um gel que facilita a passagem das fezes e proporciona uma sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle do apetite. Ideal para homens e mulheres que buscam uma solução prática e eficaz para melhorar sua saúde digestiva, o Pure for Men e o Pure for Her são perfeitos para o uso diário, integrando-se facilmente a qualquer rotina.
1. Melhora da Regularidade Digestiva: Ajuda a manter o trânsito intestinal regular, prevenindo constipação e desconfortos.
2. Apoio à Saúde Intestinal: Promove um ambiente intestinal saudável, contribuindo para a flora bacteriana equilibrada.
3. Sensação de Saciedade: Aumenta a sensação de plenitude, auxiliando no controle do apetite e na gestão de peso.
4. Fácil Integração na Dieta: Pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou receitas, tornando o consumo prático e saboroso.
5. Produto Natural e Sem Aditivos: Feito com ingredientes naturais, sem conservantes ou aditivos artificiais, ideal para quem busca uma alimentação saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Pure for Men ou Pure for Her, misturada em um copo de água ou suco, uma vez ao dia. É importante consumir o suplemento com uma quantidade adequada de líquido para garantir a eficácia da fibra. Para resultados otimizados, mantenha uma hidratação adequada ao longo do dia e combine o uso do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e rica em fibras.
Chuck Flecker –
Easy to swallow, no aftertaste, helped digestion , quality ingredients.
Kalle Beck –
This review is for the Pure for Men Daily Psyllium Husk Fiber Supplement Pure for Her | Digestive Regularity & Gut Health Support | Soluble Fiber Powder, 2,175mg Per Serving | 150 Capsules
Well, first off, these aren’t necessary for men only — women need lots of fiber, too! As a woman, I was able to use this product with no concerns of my sex/gender!
The bottle holds 150 capsules, which is 50 day supply, as they recommend 3 capsules per serving. That, however, is still not enough fiber for the entire day per the bottle ingredients chart!
The capsules are quite large (think “horse pill” size) but I swallowed them without difficulty. You can also purchase pysllium husk powder, but the portability of this is unmatched.
The price to me seems decent although perhaps a bit high compared to raw psyllium husk powder.
Dianne L. –
There are many supplements that claim to clean out the bowels and allow functionality to return to your digestive system, but this product is quite different than the rest in the following ways:
– Capsules are easy to swallow and are able to be stowed in countless places for simplistic travel.
– Psyllium Husk is the main ingredient in these capsules, which is easy to find at your local grocers and at a more cost-effective price.
– Dependable of a supplement as any, especially, when implemented into a daily diet that is rich in fiber.
Pure for Men is a dependable and reputable company that has been around for quite a while! I’ve taken their products routinely and can attest their efficacy, so, I can recommend these capsules easily.
Raye –
Taking these helps me stay more regular as I don’t eat much fiber in my diet.
Riley –
I’ve been wanting to try this brand and stumbled across the psyllium fiber. Great product if you’re looking to add more fiber to your diet— will purchase again.
Raye –
This is a great value psyllium supplement. It’s just a big bottle of pure psyllium powder. Each capsule contains around 700mg psyllium powder. I personally find that closer to 6 capsules is necessary for benefits.
I actually prefer psyllium powder to this. Yes, it’s messier and tastes bad, but it seems more effective and I’m always worried that I won’t fully swallow these capsules.
The quality is great – but I would prefer certified organic.
Overall – great bulk psyllium capsules. They work perfectly, but I personally like powder more despite the mess and inconvenience.
Riley –
I got this because of the benefits Psyllium Husk may have for my digestive system. I actually many years ago read a study where they noticed after the cleaning effect the Psyllium Husk Powder had on the digestive system that the intestines appeared to absorb vitamins and minerals more efficiently. That idea made total sense to me as to how that could work as I imagined it like a cleaned filter system so to speak. And seeing that I take a lot of supplements I am always on the lookout for ways to make sure I avoid waste. This study also surprisingly ( at least to me) noticed that the healthy gut microbiome seemed to like the cleaning effect as well, due to their marked increase in numbers and health. I was very happy to hear that of course seeing how important they ( the bacteria in our digestive system) are so important with our general health especially with our digestive immune system. So my concern then was that this was going to be high carb since it is a fiber. But once again very surprisingly this is very low carb once you subtract the dietary fiber out. And as a side this definitely helps me stay regular ( which I like). I take 5 of these and the dose on these are 725 mgs each for a total of 3625 mgs. That’s real close to my normal dose of 750 mgs a cap. I take these first thing in the a.m. with my coffee before any food and vitamins and supplements. After about an hour I give myself the green light for food and what not. I do not feel anything with these Psyllium Husk Powder caps.. I once tried this in a powder form added to water and saw it made a sludge. So that’s what I guess it does in the stomach and its journey in the digestive system. Makes a sludge going down the pipes gently cleaning them. This does not appear to be third party Lab tested but I only know of one company that does that with Psyllium Husk. This is however from a small business which I love to support. These are easy to take and I had no sides. Some people claim this makes you less hungry but I never noticed that. I suppose if I took more then possibly !? Good Luck and I Hope this was Helpful.
Wesley –
3 of these a day! This is a great soluble fiber supplement. I’ve been taking with no side effects for weeks now – make sure to take with water. The quality is there with the potency and ingredients. Great value for the money. Odorless and tasteless, easy to swallow. They work, I noticed a change within 2 days.