Descrição do Produto: Nutritional Designs Clear 2 Go Prebiotic Inulin Fiber Supplement – All Natural Sugar
O Nutritional Designs Clear 2 Go é um suplemento de fibra pré-biótica que se destaca por sua formulação totalmente natural e eficaz. Comparável ao Benefiber, este produto oferece uma solução superior para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de fibras de maneira prática e saudável. Cada porção de 1 colher de sopa (tbsp) fornece impressionantes 7g de fibra dietética, enquanto a mesma quantidade do Benefiber oferece apenas 3g em 2 colheres de chá. Essa diferença significativa torna o Clear 2 Go uma escolha ideal para aqueles que desejam otimizar sua saúde intestinal.
Um dos principais componentes deste suplemento é o FOS (fruto-oligossacarídeos), que estimula o crescimento de bactérias benéficas no cólon. Isso não apenas ajuda a manter a integridade do cólon, mas também promove o equilíbrio hídrico, essencial para a regularidade intestinal e a prevenção de diarreia. Com uma fórmula 100% natural, o Clear 2 Go é livre de OGM, psyllium, glúten e trigo, e não contém açúcares, sais, sabores ou cores adicionados. Sua fibra solúvel é isenta de sabor, textura e cor, dissolvendo-se instantaneamente em qualquer bebida, tornando-o um complemento versátil para a dieta diária.
Além de apoiar a saúde intestinal e a regularidade, este suplemento é uma solução eficaz para o controle da constipação e para amolecer as fezes. É especialmente útil para pessoas que sofrem de constipação crônica, irregularidade intestinal, síndrome do intestino irritável (IBS) e diverticulite. Com um fornecimento generoso de 15,8 onças, o Clear 2 Go oferece 56 porções por embalagem, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma solução prática para suas necessidades de fibra.
– Aumento significativo da ingestão de fibras com apenas uma colher de sopa.
– Melhora da saúde intestinal através do crescimento de bactérias benéficas.
– Manutenção do equilíbrio hídrico no cólon, promovendo a regularidade intestinal.
– Produto 100% natural, sem aditivos artificiais, ideal para dietas restritivas.
– Versatilidade de uso em diversas bebidas, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se adicionar 1 colher de sopa (tbsp) do Nutritional Designs Clear 2 Go a qualquer bebida de sua escolha, como água, sucos ou smoothies. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme necessário, para permitir que seu corpo se adapte ao aumento da fibra. Para resultados ótimos, utilize diariamente e mantenha uma ingestão adequada de líquidos ao longo do dia.
AC –
When I took this out of the shipping package a poof of powder came out the top; it was not sealed all the way. I was told not to use in “in case” it was tampered with, but I think at least enough to do a review is ok. It looks like it’s happened to others as well, so that’s one thing to check.
There are 56 servings in the pouch and how long it lasts depends on how you use it. The recommended use says it’s good for occasional constipation, irregularity, and to support digestive health, and it is also a simple way to provide your recommended daily fiber. So daily, it would last almost two months, and occasionally, it could obviously last a lot longer. Check out the product page though because there are other suggested use amounts there. For me, I would go with what’s on the bag though.
The “best by” date on mine is June 2025, so just over a year from now.
I like my supplements to say organic, non-GMO, GMP-certified, 3rd-party tested, and Made in USA. This says non-GMO and Made in the USA.
I look into the supplement companies I use because I’ve come across so many shady ones lately. The product page says Nutritional Designs formed in 1986 by a pharmacist and has transformed since then, so the old site will take you to the current familystrongwellness one. It is functional, talks about those involved with the company, and has a working phone number and their brick and mortar address, which also shows up on Google Maps.
I seem to take longer than most to see results when starting a new supplement, but I like that I don’t have to search to find the company, their location, contact information, etc. The one thing I would still like to see is at least GMP and/or 3rd-party testing. I like the company and product, but with supplements how they are nowadays it’s nice to be able to verify purity, content, etc. Plus, they should talk to their manufacturer about sealing the pouches better.
Thank you for reading, I hope it’s been helpful.
Mrsgarvy –
Package arrived well sealed but all dusty. Expiration date is well a year ahead which is good. It does not smell nor does it taste like anything, both ++’s. However being such a fine powder, it is very difficult to dissolve, it just clumps. Tried with a spoon and electric mini whisk, uuugh. Spent too much time scraping off the clumps from the spoon and don’t get me started with the whisk wires to deserve 5 stars. I’ve started adding more powder to my liquids to compensate for the loss due to clumping. Have been using it for a few days now and really haven’t noticed a difference at all. Atleast there have been no adverse reactions. Will update if needed.
Mrsgarvy –
Powder everywhere not sealed in one corner and you can’t return it. I won’t use it how do I know it’s safe.
Zulema B Perez –
This is a good source of fiber. It takes a bit to dissolve, but a warm beverage or putting it in food helps. No sugar is a big plus. It is just fiber without anything else.
Zulema B Perez –
Unsure about product quality as seal is open somewhere and received product spilled all over the bag.
Riki G –
Looks good and works great
geg –
This item was shipped in a timely manner and is exactly as promised. This product is hard to find since Metamucil quit making it.
stoney thompson –
Item does not disolve in hot or cold liquids, it clumps and resembles what Crysco looks like in its tub. It may just be a bad batch. Unfortuntely, I was just out of my return time or I would have sent it back.
Iora Rua –
Product it excellent. packaging is flawed. Both parcels arrived with a tear in teh packet and the powder all through the parcel. will not buy again due to the mess. If you buy it – open it over the sink and be ready for a clean up.