Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Fibra Pré-Biótica Orgânica Solúvel (Inulina, Acácia, Casca de Psyllium), 2 Libras, Fórmula 3 em 1 de Fibra, Fibra Diária, Sem Sabor, para Saúde Digestiva, Controle de Fome, Vegano
O Suplemento de Fibra Pré-Biótica Orgânica Solúvel é uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais que promove a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar geral. Composto por inulina, fibra de acácia e casca de psyllium, este produto oferece uma fórmula 3 em 1 que não só melhora a digestão, mas também ajuda no controle da fome. Com 2 libras de produto, você terá uma fonte abundante de fibra que pode ser facilmente incorporada à sua rotina diária. Por ser sem sabor, é versátil e pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes, sopas ou até mesmo em receitas de panificação, sem alterar o gosto dos alimentos. Ideal para veganos e pessoas que buscam uma alternativa saudável e natural para aumentar a ingestão de fibras, este suplemento é uma escolha inteligente para quem deseja melhorar a saúde intestinal e manter um peso saudável.
1. Saúde Digestiva Aprimorada: A combinação de inulina, acácia e psyllium promove um trânsito intestinal saudável e previne problemas como constipação.
2. Controle de Fome Eficaz: A fibra solúvel ajuda a aumentar a saciedade, reduzindo a vontade de comer entre as refeições e auxiliando no controle do peso.
3. Fórmula Vegana e Orgânica: Ideal para veganos e pessoas que buscam produtos livres de ingredientes de origem animal, garantindo uma escolha ética e saudável.
4. Versatilidade na Preparação: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, desde bebidas até pratos quentes, sem alterar o sabor.
5. Suporte ao Microbioma Intestinal: Os pré-bióticos presentes na fórmula alimentam as bactérias benéficas do intestino, promovendo um microbioma saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do suplemento de fibra pré-biótica a um copo de água, suco ou smoothie, uma vez ao dia. É importante misturar bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para maximizar os benefícios, aumente a ingestão de água ao longo do dia, pois a fibra solúvel absorve líquido e ajuda a manter a hidratação. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Casey –
Works great.
Teffie –
I’m really impressed with this product. At this price point for 2 pounds. It’s a fraction of what I was paying for quality fiber. I will purchase this again.
Rich –
While the product itself, i.e. the ingredients, seem to be of good quality, it’s all for naught. Because most of the product is wasted. You can’t blend it. You can’t mix it. There’s no way I can find to mix this product in water/juice/tea/etc that doesn’t end up as a clump stuck to the bottom of your cup.
I’ve used a wisk. I used a spoon. A fork. I used the motorized mixer to make froth in your coffee. None of it works. 2 scoops go in. You maybe drink 8 particles of fiber, and the rest is a goo stuck to the side of your cup.
$30 down the drain. Well, not down the drain. It would probably just clump up at the bottom of your sink.
Bug –
I total up about 20-25mg a day (you’re supposed to get over 30 daily, I leave the rest to diet) which for most fiber supplements would break the wallet, leaving us deficient or eating overly caloric food to get there. This does its job and I don’t gain or bloat from it – sometimes it makes me a bit gassy but hey whaddya expect.
I pour the whole bag into a lined tin because using the bag is messy and I use my own scooper (which would be 4 scoops w the scooper provided). The trick is to add water and a shaker to your lidded bottle (don’t even bother stirring unless you want to stand there forever) BEFORE you put powder in. If the bottle doesn’t have a bit of water at the bottom, the powder sticks down there. After I do that, I top it off with some Kirkland unsweetened vanilla almond milk from Costco and a chocolate Premier protein. On its own I think it tastes like very very mild bran cereal, it’s totally inoffensive. With those things you can barely taste it if at all. It just thickens & adds a sort of yeasty richness to the shake. It’s very tasty. I’m sure it’d pair well with many nut & soy milks, maybe even regular milk (though I hate the stuff). It WILL dissolve it you work it right, even with thick liquids: Use a shakeable bottle! Start with that bit of water & a shaker! SHAKE the devil out of it! And voila, you get creamy results with 0, I’m talking zero, graininess. It’s easy to wash out too. I use a bit of hot water and it comes right out.
It works, even if I skip a dose here or there. I’m regular. Daily. Never miss a day – I use to go 2x a week. I feel like a new person every morning😂 You could probably get away with half the dose I do if you eat a lot of bread and carbs (I try not to) and then you’d double how long it takes me to go through the bag, which for me is still about a month to a little over, even though I’m about quadrupling the stated dose – not bad at all for the price. Highly recommend.
I wanted this prebiotic fiber supplement to get more fiber in my diet, but also to hopefully balance some digestive issues I have been having. I do not like ingesting polyethylene glycol which is essentially plastic polymer, or senna which can become addicting, so after some research I landed on this product.
— I can mix the small serving amount easily in a cool or warm drink, with no taste at all. The inulin (an oligosaccharide) has a slight sweet taste, but barely.
— This is a 2 lb/907g bag with 113 servings in it, since you use only about 1 scant teaspoon/8g (2 “scoops”, included). Well worth the cost I think.
— 6g soluble fiber per serving.
— It does indeed get things moving, but it takes a few days/weeks. Though it is fiber, this product is NOT a laxative, it’s a prebiotic, which beneficial gut flora feed on.
— This is not the fault of the product, but it does tend to cause bloating and gas if you overdo it on the serving amount. Ingester beware, and do use it as listed. Perhaps divide up the portion and ingest morning and night. Your mileage may vary.
BraKet –
Great mix of a variety of fibers
dissolves easily
great price for the quality
tastes mostly neutral with mild sweetness
I didnt have issues with bowel movements before – so cant say how effective it is after using this product. But, it gets more than my daily DV of fibers
None I can think of so far (have been using it for a week so far)
Note: All the three fibers in it are supposed to be gel-forming, but they dont even when the solution is left to stand for a while. Not sure what to make of it. Might be a good thing unless the processing is negatively altering the structure/efficacy of fibers somehow.
Virginia –
I’ve been trying every fiber blend on the market for my digestive problems. This blend is the least likely to cause discomfort. It also stirs up best, dissolving more than any other blend. It is ground as fine as cake flour. What small amount doesn’t dissolve isn’t gritty…actually, its sweet. There are no additives, so the sweetness must be the inulin, which feels like well-placed sugar Crystals that crunch nicely and blend perfectly. There is a faint taste suggesting crumb cake, which makes that undisaolved bit at the bottom quite tasty. it’s the only fiber I can comply and take daily. And YES, the fullness is long-lasting. I wish I’d known about it during the high school diet years.
I actually wrote my review twice because of copy-paste problems. Here’s the review for one-bag-later:
This is the smoothest dissolving, best tasting, least cramping fiber I’ve ever tried. Inulin is supposed to taste a little sweetm but for me it tastes like powdered sugar. It dissolves into cold water and tastes slightly sweet. The little bit at the bottom of the cup tastes like the glaze on a donut. I wish I were kidding but it really tastes that sweet to me. In the meanwhile, my sweets consumption is down and fullness is up. Definitely helps with constipation. I go through a bag very quickly because it works so well. I honestly can’t believe how sweet it tastes and think inulin might be a secret key to healthy cooking that just hasn’t been adopted yet.