Descrição do Produto: Iron Plus (Suprimento para 30 Dias)
O Iron Plus é um suplemento inovador que oferece uma solução prática e eficaz para a suplementação de ferro, essencial para a saúde e bem-estar. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente desenvolvida, o Iron Plus é ideal para aqueles que buscam aumentar seus níveis de ferro de forma segura e eficiente. Os patches XLPatch, que acompanham o produto, são funcionais e fáceis de usar, permitindo que você incorpore a suplementação em sua rotina diária sem complicações.
- XLPatch patches são funcionais e fáceis de usar
- Múltiplos patches podem ser usados ao mesmo tempo
- Isento de ingredientes nocivos
- Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se usar os patches XLPatch por 8 horas.
Os patches são projetados para liberar gradualmente o ferro no organismo, garantindo uma absorção otimizada e evitando picos indesejados. Além disso, a possibilidade de usar múltiplos patches simultaneamente permite que você personalize sua experiência de suplementação, adaptando-a às suas necessidades específicas. Com a garantia de que os patches são livres de ingredientes prejudiciais, você pode se sentir seguro ao utilizá-los diariamente.
1. Aumento da Energia: O ferro é fundamental para a produção de hemoglobina, que transporta oxigênio pelo corpo, resultando em mais energia e disposição.
2. Facilidade de Uso: Os patches são simples de aplicar e podem ser usados durante o dia ou à noite, sem interferir nas atividades diárias.
3. Absorção Eficiente: A liberação gradual do ferro pelos patches garante uma absorção mais eficaz, minimizando desconfortos gastrointestinais comuns em suplementos orais.
4. Personalização: A possibilidade de usar múltiplos patches permite que cada usuário ajuste a dosagem conforme suas necessidades individuais.
5. Segurança: A fórmula livre de ingredientes nocivos proporciona uma experiência de suplementação segura e confiável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Iron Plus, recomenda-se aplicar um patch XLPatch em uma área limpa e seca da pele, como o braço ou a parte superior das costas. Certifique-se de que a pele esteja livre de cremes ou óleos antes da aplicação. Os patches devem ser usados por um período mínimo de 8 horas para garantir a liberação contínua do ferro no organismo. Caso deseje, você pode aplicar mais de um patch ao mesmo tempo, desde que respeite a área de aplicação e a integridade da pele. Após o uso, remova o patch e descarte-o adequadamente. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação.
T Model –
These do work, my iron has been improving on top of the pills i use
KCling724 –
I have acute iron deficiency and receive infusions. I was hoping these patches would maintain my iron level after the last round of infusions. My doctor reviewed my labs and did not see any advantage. So my case may be too severe for these to work. I used them for 9 months.
They are durable and easy to put on and wear.
Lavinia M –
Wear for full 8 hours without any discomfort or peeling issues. For someone who suffers from low iron these products have been fantastic and my doctor agrees, numbers are back up!
Stephanie Weed –
Works good, my doctor is pleased.
Amazon Customer –
I was so hopeful that these would work. I can no longer tolerate iron pills. It upsets my stomach so badly and causes inflammation. I decided to try these patches and was very hopeful. After 2 1/2 months of using these patches everyday, my blood tests showed my iron is even lower than it was before I started. Today I have a Dr appointment and will be looking into getting iron infusions.
Amazon Customer –
I absolutely hate taking pills, so this is the best alternative that I have found. I have low blood iron, so this is perfect for me to get my iron for the day and not have to take any pills. Especially because they irritate my stomach also, so this product is perfect.
Lavinia M –
I was tired of taking iron supplement pills so I decided to try a patch. It’s SO easy. I usually put it on my shoulder but put it on my wrist so you can see it. Just peel and stick. I love it
Myami –
I’ve always been anemic/low iron my whole life and I’m 49 years old. I’m allergic to all oral iron supplements. The most successful treatment was iron infusions does through IV at the hospital. But my insurance won’t pay for those. So two moons ago I had my blood iron levels tested and of course since I wasn’t taking iron in any way besides food (I had rny gastric bypass where they removed 75% of my stomach and removed 2feet of my intestines so that i can’t absorb fat very easily. Which also makes it hard to absorb any nutrients from foods so I can eat liver at every meal and still have low iron). I saw these and so I bought them used one every day. Felt no different. I’ve used these a month so my iron levels should have improved a little at least. I got blood drawn yesterday and they called me today saying my iron levels are even lower than they were two months ago when I wasn’t doing anything to get iron in me. So that’s clear proof that these patches do absolutely nothing. I wanted a refund but apparently they don’t let you get a refund for these bogus patches! These should be removed from all stores. They’re fake. Anyone who says they work havnt tested it through a doctors office before using the patches and a month after using the patches. They’re having that placebo effect. Mentally since they use it they think it’s working because they think it’s working they feel better. But the fact is it’s doing you no good at all. These should be banned. Don’t waste $19 a month on these because they won’t help raise your iron levels. I guess im just going to have to sell my body to get a extra $3,000.00 a month for iron infusions because that has been the only thing that I instantly felt a difference, felt great until the next iron infusion was due. I had my iron levels tested before, during and after stopping the infusions for a month. My iron levels had raised a lot from the test results. So those work, but are expensive and some insurance companies pay for them just not my insurance.
These iron patches are a total scam!!! I’m calling Amazon to send them screenshots of my iron tests before and during singing the iron patches for a month and I study they force a refund. Because I have documentation that proves these don’t work. Amazon gives the sellers the ability to remove bad reviews so I’m sure this comment will soon be blocked so they can keep selling fake iron patches to people who read reviews before they buy stuff like I do. But now that bad reviews can be hidden from the public, what’s good about reading reviews at all. Right? Amazon shouldn’t allow sellers to hide their bad reviews. Especially ones where I can prove their product is worthless. Plus the no refund policy they have is a big clue that they already know they’re lying to us all about this product. You should also call and speak to a human at amazon and demand a refund or you’ll boycott amazon. I pay amazon over $1,000.00 every month often more, so losing me as a customer they might not care. But if hundreds of people stopped using amazon because of no refund available for a fake product, then amazon will do something about it. I am leaving five stars as my review just in hopes they’ll miss this comment and not remove it as fast. You should do the same. People need to know the truth!