Descrição do Produto:
Suplemento de Extrato de Hawthorn: O extrato de Hawthorn é um poderoso suplemento natural extraído das flores e frutos do espinheiro. Reconhecido por suas propriedades cardioprotetoras, este extrato é amplamente utilizado para apoiar a saúde do coração, ajudando a regular a pressão arterial e melhorando a circulação sanguínea. Além disso, o Hawthorn é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres e promovem a saúde geral.
Suplemento de Folha de Oliveira: O suplemento de folha de oliveira é derivado das folhas da oliveira, uma planta tradicionalmente utilizada na medicina natural. Este suplemento é rico em oleuropeína, um composto com propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes. O uso regular da folha de oliveira pode ajudar a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, melhorar a saúde cardiovascular e regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue, tornando-se uma excelente adição à rotina de saúde.
Suplemento de Extrato de Alho: O extrato de alho é um suplemento concentrado que oferece todos os benefícios do alho fresco em uma forma prática. Conhecido por suas propriedades antimicrobianas e anti-inflamatórias, o extrato de alho é eficaz na promoção da saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a reduzir o colesterol e a pressão arterial. Além disso, o alho é um potente antioxidante que pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico e melhorar a saúde geral.
1. Saúde Cardiovascular: Os três suplementos ajudam a manter a saúde do coração, regulando a pressão arterial e melhorando a circulação.
2. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combatem os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e prevenindo doenças crônicas.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A combinação dos extratos ajuda a aumentar a resistência do corpo contra infecções.
4. Regulação do Açúcar no Sangue: O suplemento de folha de oliveira é especialmente eficaz na manutenção de níveis saudáveis de glicose.
5. Praticidade e Concentração: Os extratos em forma de suplemento oferecem uma maneira conveniente de incorporar esses poderosos ingredientes à dieta diária.
ypwf –
I have been taking this supplement for 2 weeks now. All in all I feel it has been beneficial. I do take Tobias Omega 3 Fish Oil and a Co Q 10 supplement as well as Holy Basil tablets. I walk 30 minutes a day, well pretty much everyday also. I do not want to take pharmaceutical drugs for blood pressure. I want to find a natural solution that benefits me in the long run. I will say I have prayed and believe by the grace of God that He has led me to a lot of these natural remedies. The Systolic number fluctuates from 120 somedays to 150 other days the diastolic number stays pretty steady around 75 to 80. So I will continue on this regimen and see what happens. I am encouraged on the 120/75 days and determined on the 150/80 days. But bottom line is that I would recommend this supplement.
Missy –
I decided to try this supplement as it has a money back guarantee, unlike many. It does have many ingredients known to lower blood pressure. Unfortunately it didn’t lower my blood pressure at all and it gave me headaches. However, my money was refunded quickly without hassle so it’s worth a try. It does have caffeine in it so don’t take it at night.
Michael Montgomery –
The reason I like it is because I think it is working.
I do not rely on just taking this medicine only to help control my blood pressure.
As a precaution I also include other items to take at the same time with this medicine.
I take Nature’s Way Beet Root Powder Capsules.
I take 2 or 3 Tylenol aspirin.
I take all of these items at the same to help control my medicine.
I have not TRULY tested your medicine by taking it without the beet root and Tylenol.
I have not seen my doctor in over 6 months because of personal reasons.
My real prescriptions only require me to take them once a day. I take these only near bedtime.
I am glad that I only have to take two prescriptions.
I do not take any other blood pressure medicine in addition to yours. Only what I have just described what I take with yours.
Since I take your medicine about 2 or 3 times a day (which is only when I am eating) I would have to say it is doing a excellent job.
Based on my experience with prescriptions which I have been prescribed for me in the past I do not have bad symptoms or any bad side affects from your medication. After I have seen my doctor it is likely that I will stop taking your medicine But I know that I can rely on your medicine as a substitute. The reason I take the other items as an addition with your is because I did a little homework and discovered on the internet that beets help control blood pressure and aspirin helps control the flow of the blood in our veins. I have not gotten around to taking flax seed or ginger yet but I will some time in the future. But I must honestly say that since I see that yours work I have a great temptation to test other medication on Amazon’s website. I am not going to try ALL only just a selected few which I think may work me. There is one more thing I also do. It is adding GARLIC to my meals some of time. This also controls blood pressure.
I am 64 years old. Thank you for research.
topper27 –
My blood pressure had creeped up to 142/90 pretty much averaging that a little above a little below since taking these pills as directed my blood pressure is now in normal range 116 over 76 and various other readings pretty much around the same number all within normal range and I feel better I truly feel better I highly recommend this and may not work for everybody as well but I’m sure it would bring your numbers down but for me it has worked like a prescription I order every month now no side effects except feeling better more energy less fatigue and normal range numbers fantastic fantastic fantastic five big stars!!!!
Long time Customer –
Well I should have listed to the negative reviews on this one. This indeed caused an increase in my BP, there is Green tea listed in the ingredients.
White Tea 30-55 mg
Green Tea 35-70 mg
Oolong Tea 50-75 mg
Black Tea 60-90 mg
Coffee 150-200 mg -the caffeine content may actually cause a temporary rise in blood pressure because of the rapid rate the body absorbs it. I can’t afford an increase in my BP temporary or not, it defeats the purpose of purchasing this support. That’s $20.00 down the drain for me, this item cannot be returned.
Naca –
This formula with Hawthorne Berry and Olive leaf extract has helped bring down my systolic BP from an average of high 160s to 130s. Lisinopril 20mg , halved to 10mg per day and many days I do not take it because my BP systolic is in the low 100s. I have experienced the ‘flushing’ that the bottle warns about. It goes away after 5 mins. The capsule contains niacin and that is to be expected. In the last 3 weeks since I started having BP problems, I’ve stopped coffee & no added salt & no added sugar. I’m beginning to exercise again and not worry about my heart beating hard on my chest. My goal is to stop the prescription medication and continue with the Premium Blood Pressure Support formula. I highly recommend this formula.
Byron –
I have had stubborn high blood pressure for years and have been on beta blockers, mainly Lisinipril. Because I developed such a bad cough and bronchial infection as a side effect of this medication, the doctor changed my prescription to Losartan. After a while I developed a similar cough and bronchial infection, only worse. I stopped taking this medication and ordered and started taking the blood pressure support from Sigmaceutical. It’s all natural herbs, not harmful to the body. I know from my past, that in getting off of my regular blood pressure medication my systolic and diastolic readings would shoot up to as high as 180 over 120. I started taking these herbs and it almost started working right away. After two weeks my blood pressure is 126 over 81 and that is phenomenal knowing my history with this condition. Thank you Sigmaceutical for an awesome product! Five stars plus!!!