Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Enzimas Digestivas (90 Cápsulas)
O Suplemento de Enzimas Digestivas é uma solução inovadora para quem busca otimizar a digestão e desfrutar de uma alimentação mais variada e saudável. Com uma fórmula potente que combina enzimas de origem vegetal, bile purificada, pancreatina e betaina HCl, este produto é ideal para homens e mulheres que desejam melhorar a absorção de nutrientes e aliviar desconfortos como gases e inchaço. Apenas uma cápsula antes das refeições pode fazer toda a diferença na sua experiência alimentar.
À medida que envelhecemos ou enfrentamos situações de estresse, a capacidade digestiva do estômago, pâncreas e vesícula biliar pode ser comprometida. O Suplemento de Enzimas Digestivas foi desenvolvido para suprir essa deficiência, fornecendo os elementos necessários para a quebra eficiente dos alimentos. A fórmula de espectro completo inclui:
- Pancreatina 10X: Uma fonte concentrada de proteases, amilases e lipases, que atua na digestão de proteínas, carboidratos e gorduras, respectivamente, com uma concentração dez vezes superior à original.
- Bile Purificada: Otimiza a digestão de gorduras e apoia a saúde da vesícula biliar, garantindo um extrato livre de contaminantes e com alta concentração.
- Pepsina: Com uma concentração de 1:10000, esta enzima essencial promove alívio da indigestão e do inchaço, atuando como um verdadeiro aliado na digestão de proteínas.
- Bromelina e Papaína: Extraídas do abacaxi e da papaia, essas enzimas são conhecidas por suas propriedades digestivas suaves e eficazes, utilizadas há séculos para melhorar a digestão.
- Betaína: Aumenta a produção de ácido estomacal, melhorando a digestão e reduzindo a indigestão, com comprovação científica de seus benefícios para a saúde gástrica.
1. Melhora na Absorção de Nutrientes: Aumenta a eficiência na digestão, permitindo que o corpo absorva melhor os nutrientes dos alimentos.
2. Alívio de Desconfortos Digestivos: Reduz sintomas como gases, inchaço e indigestão, proporcionando uma sensação de bem-estar após as refeições.
3. Suporte à Saúde da Vesícula Biliar: A bile purificada ajuda na digestão de gorduras, promovendo a saúde da vesícula biliar e prevenindo problemas relacionados.
4. Fórmula Completa para Todas as Idades: Ideal para pessoas de todas as idades, especialmente aquelas que enfrentam a diminuição da produção de enzimas digestivas devido ao envelhecimento ou estresse.
5. Uso Prático e Eficiente: Com apenas uma cápsula antes das refeições, é fácil integrar o suplemento à rotina diária, melhorando a qualidade de vida.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula do Suplemento de Enzimas Digestivas antes de cada refeição. Isso garantirá que as enzimas estejam disponíveis no momento em que os alimentos forem ingeridos, otimizando a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde em caso de dúvidas ou condições específicas.
brotherleeks –
This is like a super hero supplement! If you over eat- no stress; support digestion is here to save the day. If you have sushi and worry about any food poisoning- support digestion! My stomach used to be so sensitive but not anymore, With Support Digestion I get the help I need to digest food.
Jaguar Woman –
I’ve eaten Nonfat all my life. It became critical for me to get meat and good fat in my diet. I was un able to digest it. I thought I’d try this product and it worked great. No more stomachaches and I feel like I’m able to take in the nutrients that I need.
Ann by the Sea –
My friend hands these out whenever we are out for a junkie meal, so I decided to try them. And I like them more than other digestive enzymes I’ve tried. I feel like they help my body process the things it struggles with while not causing me digestive upset. I haven’t started carrying them around yet, but I’m considering it. I appreciate their gentle yet effective results.
Sarah B –
My favorite product I use and recommend to clients for digest enzymes! They are specifically to use before you eat to help break down your meals!
Crissa –
I guess a week is a little soon to tell how great these are, but so far I think I notice a difference. I’m pleased with this product.
P.S. –
I bought this product to help with my digestion after a meal. Unfortunately due to my work schedule and low income, I often resort to fast food choices 3-5 days per week. I decided to give this product a try and have been very pleased. I tried taking a similar product a year or two ago but quickly gave up on it because it upset my stomach. This product does not though, I feel better after eating and don’t get the afternoon drowsiness like I have in the past. Great supplement to add to your diet for all those like me that eat way too much fast food.
Corina Darley –
I have been taking enzymes for years but had a hard time staying with one company as ingredients and prices always changed. I have food allergies and enzymes have been the only way I knew to combat these but never seemed to completely solve my problem of digestion. Then I went to F.D.N. it was through this online certification I learned that food allergies had a lot to due with a congested liver and bile flow so I changed gears and started doing liver/ gallbladder cleanses and switched to this product. It goes far beyond what mere enzymes can do. Through my education I learned that enzymes only play a partial role in the digestion of food and that when you eat, your body produces hydrochloric acid and bile in addition to enzymes for breaking food down. I learned that if your body isn’t making enough of these chemicals you will also experience food allergies and a congested liver. This product contains hydrochloric acid, bile and some enzymes so in one product you’re getting a lot more coverage for the digestive system. And if we’re covering as much as we are, I’ll share this with you. It’s not normal to have to buy enzymes for the rest of your life when your body makes them naturally and if you want to correct this problem at its source you need to address your intestinal Villi. Your stomach uses hydrochloric acid and bile to break food down into particles before it passes through the intestinal villi. These villi look like millions of tiny fingers called brush border. The particles of food will pass through this brush border of the villi and as they do, enzymes are created to break these particles down even further as they move through the villi into the body. When the brush border of the villi get blunted, imagine these millions of fingers turning to fists. They are no longer able to produce enzymes to break your food down as it enters through the villi into the body. So your body experiences reactions like there’s a foreign invader and the immune system goes to work attacking it. This is where you experience inflammation when in reality it’s just food particles that weren’t completely digested. So in addition to your current protocol you really want to focus on fixing these villi by taking l glutamine and quercetin. Remember taking enzymes don’t fix the villi, they’re just replacing what the villi are supposed to be doing but aren’t. So. Now that you’ve had a little lesson on digestion, you might be asking yourself, ” How do I know which part of my digestive system is not working properly?” Do I need just enzymes or is my body not producing enough bile or hydrochloric acid to break down my food?” Well there is a test through FDN that you can take that will answer these questions. I personally took this test and learned that in addition to enzyme deficiency I also wasn’t producing enough bile so this supplement is perfect for me! I take this product “support digest” to address EVERY aspect of my digestive system and I’m taking l glutamine and quercetin to heal my villi thus addressing the entire digestive system. I love this product and won’t ever go back to just taking enzymes again. This is a very reputable company that works with F.D.N. so if you try this product and don’t like it, they’ll refund your money. One important thing you need to know when taking this is if you have h pylori (ulcers) you cannot take this product.
Jerry P. Danzig –
For some time I had been getting great heartburn relief results from an enzyme-based product available at Amazon.
Then a month or two ago, Amazon replaced the brand I had been buying on a Subscribe & Save basis with another brand, and the new formula didn’t work as well.
So I saw these enzyme-based digestive pills available for review via Amazon Vine and thought I’d give them a try.
Well, I’m sorry to report they don’t seem to give me the heartburn relief I was hoping for. Attacks of heartburn still wake me up at night. These pills also most definitely do NOT alleviate gas!
In conclusion, my search for an effective enzyme-based heartburn remedy goes on…