Descrição do Produto: First Endurance OptygenHP Endurance Supplement (120 Cápsulas)
O First Endurance OptygenHP é um suplemento de endurance clinicamente comprovado, projetado para atletas que buscam maximizar seu desempenho e resistência. Com uma fórmula avançada, OptygenHP combina ingredientes de alta qualidade que ajudam a aumentar a capacidade aeróbica, melhorar a recuperação e otimizar a performance em atividades de longa duração. Cada cápsula contém uma mistura potente de adaptógenos, aminoácidos e antioxidantes, que trabalham em sinergia para reduzir a fadiga, aumentar a resistência e melhorar a eficiência do uso de oxigênio durante o exercício. Ideal para corredores, ciclistas e praticantes de esportes de resistência, OptygenHP é a escolha perfeita para quem deseja superar seus limites e alcançar novos patamares de performance.
1. Aumento da Resistência: Estudos clínicos demonstram que OptygenHP pode aumentar significativamente a resistência, permitindo que você treine por mais tempo e com maior intensidade.
2. Melhora na Recuperação: Os ingredientes do OptygenHP ajudam a acelerar a recuperação muscular, reduzindo a dor e a fadiga após treinos intensos.
3. Aprimoramento da Capacidade Aeróbica: O suplemento melhora a eficiência do uso de oxigênio, essencial para atletas que praticam esportes de longa duração.
4. Redução do Estresse Oxidativo: Com uma combinação de antioxidantes, OptygenHP protege as células do corpo contra danos causados por radicais livres durante o exercício.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: O produto é feito com ingredientes naturais, garantindo segurança e eficácia para o uso diário por atletas e entusiastas do fitness.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 4 cápsulas de OptygenHP diariamente, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes do treino ou competição. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água e, se possível, utilizar em conjunto com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de treinamento adequado. Para atletas que participam de eventos de resistência, o uso contínuo do suplemento pode ser benéfico para maximizar a performance e a recuperação.
tamara fortney –
I’ve enjoyed this product a shame it was delivered broken and now I have to go without waiting to see if I will get a replacement. I’m hopeful 😃
Beth Daugherty –
Limitless Stamina especially on runs.
This will take your workouts to the next gear.
Excellent Brand indeed and all of their products are legit. Worthy investment fo sho.
Beth Daugherty –
Product allowed me to push myself harder on runs. Whether or not it’s real or a placebo effect is debatable. But one thing is for certain and that is it’s way too expensive. It used to be a little over half the cost it is now. I stopped purchasing it a few months ago and probably won’t go back to using it.
moustapha –
As a cyclist, I’ve been using Optygen VO2 for over 15 years (since 2006). It’s been improved over the past 15+ years but each version worked well. When I first used it, I was amazed how much it improved my oxygen, especially hard efforts and climbing hills.
Kyle –
As an older female athlete, 61 years old, Optygen gives me an extra boost in my endurance training. I am currently training for a half marathon and a short distance triathlon. I’ve used this product on and off over the past 20 years, specifically, if I am training for a long distance triathlon. It’s not a magic pill, but I can definitely feel the advantage when taking it.
Kyle –
This stuff is great, this is the only supplement I take besides a multivitamin and I noticed a dramatic increase to my cardio after about two weeks of usage. But…. If I can’t get it in one piece due to lazy packaging then this is worthless. Amazon doesn’t refund or replace this product even if it’s damaged.
Consider this before buying from Amazon.
$84 dollars chalked up to the game, you’re welcome Amazon 🫡
Michelle S –
I am an Ironman triathlete. I have participated in 15 full distance Ironman races, and I qualified for the Ironman World Championships two years in a row. I am in the top 5% in my age group, and I take my training very seriously!
This is not an inexpensive supplement, but I can truly see the difference in my performance when I take Optygen regularly! I was skeptical at first, but now I make sure I take these daily. When I run out, I immediately see the difference in my performance.
I don’t understand the science behind why these work, but I am 100% certain this supplement helps me perform at my best!
My wife was convinced I was experiencing a placebo effect and she complained constantly about the cost! Without telling me, she emptied a week’s worth of capsules and filled them with sugar. After the second day I was complaining my V02 max was lower, and I wasn’t having a great workout. I thought maybe I was getting sick. I could not understand what changed! After I complained 5 days in a row, my wife finally confessed. At least now she doesn’t badger me about buying this supplement! Although I was aggravated when she told me, now I am 1000% sure this works! It’s a must for any serious athlete who wants to perform at their best!
alaska12 –
Delivery was delayed, but only for a day. These things happen. No big deal. The delivery person placed the package just as I had requested, All good!