Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Cúrcuma com 1200mg de Pó de Cúrcuma Orgânica – Suplemento de Cúrcuma Curcumina
Descubra o poder da natureza com o nosso Suplemento de Cúrcuma, que combina 1200mg de Pó de Cúrcuma Orgânica com 95% de Curcuminoides, proporcionando uma fórmula potente e eficaz. A cúrcuma, conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, é um aliado valioso para a saúde das articulações e do sistema cardiovascular. A adição de BioPerine, um extrato de pimenta preta, potencializa a absorção dos nutrientes, garantindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios da cúrcuma.
Ingredientes Principais:
– Raiz de Cúrcuma Orgânica (1200mg)
– Extrato de Cúrcuma (95% Curcuminoides – 100mg)
– Extrato de Pimenta Preta BioPerine para melhor absorção.
Detalhes do Produto:
Nossas cápsulas são veganas, não contêm OGM, laticínios ou soja, e são fabricadas em uma instalação certificada pela GMP, utilizando ingredientes de origem global. Isso garante um produto de alta qualidade, seguro e eficaz.
Dosagem e Uso:
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas diariamente, acompanhadas de uma refeição e um copo cheio de água, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
Usos Recomendados:
Este suplemento é ideal para apoiar a saúde das articulações, a saúde cardiovascular, a função imunológica e o bem-estar digestivo.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Suporte às Articulações: Ajuda a reduzir a inflamação e a dor nas articulações, promovendo maior mobilidade.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A cúrcuma é conhecida por suas propriedades que ajudam a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
4. Melhora da Digestão: Auxilia na digestão e pode ajudar a aliviar desconfortos gastrointestinais.
5. Ação Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e o envelhecimento saudável.
Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 a 2 cápsulas do Suplemento de Cúrcuma diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. A ingestão com um copo cheio de água não só facilita a deglutição, mas também ajuda na absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
Mary –
I write few reviews, but this product takes the cake. Here’s a bit of back story. I’ve suffered with chronic pain for over 25 years, most caused by the 5 severe issues with my back. Now older, it’s my hips and arthritis in my feet caused me to think I could only get about in a wheel chair until I found the shoes OSOFF that are like walking on air. Ok, I could walk again and I was very thankful. I tried a few other similar brands with no success. I was thrilled, BUT, that I could walk obviously saved my life, because it’s just one step at a time down that road and soon a person loses strength and there ya go. Before the feet I had MRSA for one full year alone in my house, which I conquered with a slew of supplements and essential oils (the hospital was a total joke when I went to the emergency because I thought I was dying (it was dye off)). OK, I conquered MRSA although I still use 91% alcohol to kill the new bumps. It is said you can never kill it 100%. Those two bad issues fairly well conquered, I decided to take to the road for a couple road trips, which was honestly too much sitting, but some fun. Not sure why arthritis was setting in fast, but it did….feet, hands, knuckles, knees, elbows, and I guess hips, which were super excruciating – this from someone who has managed chronic paid for 25 + years, OK, it was HORRENDOUS. Sold two rental properties because I was literally crawling in pain after move-out cleanings and restorations. Another couple years and the pain had somehow tripled. TRIPLED. Trying to survive at all I was taking a pain pill and cognac, which would knock the pain down to almost tolerable, ALMOST. Then another renter moved out. I got desperate and searched Amazon for any sign of hope. And found THIS PRODUCT. Don’t follow my example, but the first day, I was so desperate, I took 2 pills every few hours, eight in the first day. Half way through the day I noticed I could move a little without that “suicidal pain”. By the end of the FIRST DAY, I was telling my son the pain is about 50% less and I don’t understand why. The ONLY thing I had done different (i still took one Loratab) was this product. I was at a completely trashed rental property, the renters completely damaged it to hell and didn’t pay their last months rent = going to court. Add stress big time, looking at thousands out of pocket and still paying mortgage with zero income. Stress always increases pain, like white sugar does. Day two was today. I thought back to six years ago when I crawled from my car to my bed in “suicidal pain” levels and thought how I needed to kill myself, which I’ve done many times since. It’s just not worth living in this level of pain. TODAY, my pain is seriously 65% better from taking these. Today I took 6. Tomorrow I guess I’ll go down to 4 and see, but I really want to shout from the hills. I worked all day on a rental property which just totals your body. I still could walk! I will always have some pain because the back is super gone, too bad for any consideration of surgery, etc. MY LUCK MUST BE CHANGING. THIS STUFF, IF THIS CONTINUES, IS THE MOST AMAZING SUPPLEMENT ON THE PLANET. And I am someone who has 10 drawers of supplements and 3 drawers of essential oils. I used both Tumeric and Curcumin along with others to cure (almost) the MRSA that covered 75% of my body. THAT WAS A DEATH TRAP THAT I FOUGHT MY WAY OUT OF. I know what this is doing. It reduces the inflammation so drastically that you feel less or no pain (inflammation is the root of all pain and disease). Reduce inflammation = reduce pain and disease. THAT IS BIG. Can I hug those folks who came up with this honest and affordable LIFE SAVER? I will never stop taking this – NEVER! Thank you so much! I feel like I might be able to continue to live now. THAT’S BIG! Hey, I don’t write reviews often, but I just had to yell from the rooftops about this amazing product. Some companies do actually care about producing a product that does what it says it does. This company DOES! Please don’t sell to some BIG PHARMA company. They always dilute the good products while raising the price based on reputation. Please please don’t sell your wonderful product to the greedy Big Pharma giants. Keeping helping “We the People” – we need this break!
Ericka Aanstad –
I work at a computer all day and very early in my career developed tennis elbow. It’s a pesky pain that creeps up from repetitive activity. It limited me from working out, it hurt to work at my desk all day, and was beyond frustrated with the medical advice I was given …. I went to PT, had cortisone shots, was on Prednisone BUT nothing worked LONG TERM! I tried these traditional methods for 3 years and eventually just gave up and thought I’d have to either get surgery or live with this forever and apply voltaren or biofrerze daily 🥺😩😵💫 one day I was doing some random searches for natural remedies…..I took a chance on buying and trying tumeric, and BOYYY I’m glad I did. This bottle has 1000% changed my life. $20 vs thousands of dollars spent at the doc and doing PT!
I’ve tried other tumeric capsules on Amazon but I never seem to feel the full effects on comparison to when I purchase from this company…!
If you try this for joint relief give it 2 months of consistency to see if it truly is working for you. I am now taking just one capsule every other day as more of a preventative and to help with other joint pain!
Do your research, be your own advocate, and never knock wholeistic remedies! 🙌💪🫵
Sarah W. –
I can only tolerate one capsule per day due to pepper content. I will return to non pepper product.
leigh denton –
My husband has been using this product for years. It keeps him moving. The aches and pains are gone. And won’t go a day without taking this product
Nyphrodel –
I LOVE this stuff! Good quality, no nasty taste & very easy to swallow. I am in remission after battling Lung Cancer. I just feel better knowing I am taking this every day. This will help keep that cancer away! I’ve researched this extensively and anything and everything I’ve read says the same thing: it works!
According to
Curcumin versus Cancer:
Turmeric’s active ingredient is an extracted compound called curcumin. Studies have shown that curcumin helps prevent several forms of cancer including breast, lung, stomach, liver, and colon because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It stops the development of cancer by interfering with the cellular signaling aspects of the chronic disease.
Lab results have found curcumin capable of…
• Inhibiting COX-2, an enzyme that causes negative inflammation, which can lead to cancer.
• Impeding vascular epithelial growth (a polypeptide that stimulates new blood supply) to starve cancer cells of their oxygen and fuel source.
• Inducing a tumor suppressor gene.
• Stopping metastasis (spread from one organ to another) of cancer cells.
• Killing large cell B-cell lymphoma cells (the most common reason for non-Hodgkin lymphoma).
• Preventing regrowth of cancer stem cells.
Turmeric is powerful and effective against more than cancer cells. Researchers are fascinated by the broad range of conditions it is capable of helping.
• Combats arthritis. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties aids in managing arthritic conditions. Those who suffer from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis have found relief by consuming turmeric on a regular basis, especially when eaten raw. Turmeric neutralizes harmful free radicals that can damage the cells of the body and lead to inflammation.
• Regulates blood sugar. Turmeric has the ability to improve the effects of diabetic medications and help in controlling the disease. It reduces the risks of developing insulin resistance, a physiological condition in which the cells fail to respond to the normal actions of the insulin hormone.
• Helps you lose weight. Adding turmeric to your diet helps increase the production of bile, a necessary factor in the breakdown of dietary fat. To help obtain your ideal body weight, a teaspoon of turmeric powder in your meals boosts this process. More efficient bile production aids in better digestion and prevents liver disease.
• Makes wound heal faster. You can use turmeric as a natural disinfectant because of its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. To heal wounds, sprinkle turmeric powder on the affected area. It has also been shown that turmeric can be used to treat psoriasis and other skin conditions.
• Prevents Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease is believed to be caused by rampant inflammation within the brain. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory property removes accumulated plaque and fats in the brain, improving oxygen flow.
I could go on and on, but I’d run out of room. Try it for yourself, you have nothing to lose. Oh yeah and stay away from SUGAR!!!