Descrição do Produto: Turmeric Curcumin com Pimenta Preta – Suplemento de Cúrcuma e Gengibre – 15X Alta Potência
O Turmeric Curcumin com Pimenta Preta é um suplemento premium que combina a poderosa cúrcuma, conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, com a pimenta preta, que potencializa a absorção da curcumina em até 15 vezes. Este produto é formulado para oferecer uma alta concentração de curcumina, o principal composto ativo da cúrcuma, que tem sido amplamente estudado por seus benefícios à saúde. Além disso, a adição de gengibre proporciona um efeito sinérgico, aumentando ainda mais as propriedades benéficas do suplemento. Ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde geral, reduzir inflamações e promover o bem-estar, este suplemento é uma escolha eficaz e prática para o dia a dia.
1. Ação Anti-inflamatória Potente: Ajuda a reduzir a inflamação no corpo, aliviando dores articulares e musculares.
2. Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, contribuindo para a prevenção de doenças.
3. Melhora da Digestão: O gengibre presente na fórmula auxilia na digestão e alivia desconfortos gastrointestinais.
4. Apoio à Saúde Cerebral: A curcumina pode ajudar a melhorar a função cognitiva e proteger contra doenças neurodegenerativas.
5. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e retardando o envelhecimento.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante beber um copo de água ao ingerir o suplemento. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto de forma contínua e combine com uma dieta equilibrada e hábitos saudáveis. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Brandi E –
It’s a good product however it feels so strong, that my esophagus gets so hot, it feels uncomfortable.
It relieves pain quickly for me.
JoMaMaz –
I have purchased various probiotics and digestive enzymes products over the last year, trying them out, but nothing has come close to Dr. Matthew’s in regards to quality of ingredients, packaging, company integrity, customer service, and obviously, if you’re reading this because you’re interested in these items – the actual “production results” from using them. I am in my 30’s and I have spent most of my entire life with either diarrhea at extreme times of eating certain foods, or loose stool. I have also had cramps, bloating, stomach pain, the instant urge to use the bathroom after eating, stomach rumblings, and sometimes when I eat things that affect my stomach in a negative way, I actually feel hungry more often and eat more. Well, I am SUPER HAPPY to report that I am producing solid, clean stools! I mean “clean” as they say that you should only have 2-3 wipes with healthy stool, and I am a 3 or 4 on the stool chart of 1-7, so I am right where I am supposed to be at for stool. To note, I take this probiotic 2x a day. The bottle says only 1 a day, but I emailed Dr. Matthew and 2 is fine if I choose to do so. These caplets for the probiotics are why they work so much better than all of the capsules I have tried. You can read about their reasoning from Dr. Matthew’s info, and they are legit! They last 6-8 hours, which is why I take two. I intermittent fast every day, not eating until lunch time, and at lunch I have 1 Dr. Matthew’s probiotics caplet, 1 Dr. Matthew’s Digestive Enzymes capsule, and 2 Dr. Matthew’s Turmeric Curcumin capsules. If the meal is an “iffy” one for my stomach, I’ll take another digestive enzymes in the middle of the meal. I eat as late as about 9 or 10 pm, so the two probiotics cover this entire time range. I feel better, my stomach is flatter, and my stool has NEVER been better! You can see from some other reviewers who did their research, this company is on the up and up when it comes to their production practices. Some companies are a bit sketchy, and this is something you are consuming, daily! Also, their ingredients, yes! They actually list them unlike some competitors, and for someone like me who eats a low FoDMAP diet, this is so important to know what’s in everything I eat, AND, they do not have ANY high FoDMAPs in their product! A lot of other probiotics have high FoDMAP ingredients. What’s also super-awesome to report is that I have been trying out a couple of “trouble” foods, and so far, so good! I had two egg burritos the other day, and I haven’t had flour tortillas in almost a year, and not only did my stomach not hurt, my stool was still good too! What!?! AMAZING! Oh, and how could I forget getting to have chocolate chip cookies for the first time in over a year and a half! They were SO GOOD! And NO stomach pain, no digestive issues, and my stool was perfect! YES! 😀 I do take a Dr. Matthew’s Digestive Enzymes with each meal, and two if it is a larger, potentially “trouble” meal, such as a second digestive enzymes before my second egg burrito. They have worked GREAT! The Dr. Matthew’s Digestive Enzymes are not only high quality in regards to the ingredients, but they have almost DOUBLE, if not more, of the actual amount you’re getting for each different enzyme! Also, with the probiotics, I have a better, overall “general sense of well-being” as others have posted before regarding taking probiotics, and I have more energy, in a good way, not a caffeine/over-hyped way.
Now, I’m posting this same review on all three products because I think they work well together overall as the Dr. Matthew’s Turmeric Curcumin supplements also help with digestive health along with other benefits. And some may think, “Wow, that is expensive buying all of these caplets/capsules!” Yes, it’s not the cheapest, but THIS, IS, YOUR, HEALTH, and you can pay for it right now where it’s not that expensive compared to other stuff in life and I can enjoy food, my life, not be in pain, etc, or I can save some money now, be in pain, not enjoy eating, have bathroom issues, and pay even more money when I’m older because of all of the digestive issues I have had for years. Here’s the thing folks, if my stool is off, some people say, “So what? Stop looking, just flush.” But, your stool is a representation of what occurred inside of you after you ate. If your stool is not in the “healthy” zone, that means your digestive system has an issue of some kind. With loose stool, or seeing a bunch of food chunks in your stool, this means that food items are not getting properly digested, which means certain nutrients are not actually getting to my body that needs them, and THAT is the dangerous endgame of not attending to this problem NOW!
Also, for saving money, yes, you could “save and subscribe”, but also, if you swipe to the last picture on Dr. Matthew’s products, you’ll see that if you buy more than one item at a time, you can get a really good discount! These are products that are way better than a lot of the other ones and are very “above board” on their ingredients, and the company’s business practices. You can actually get them CHEAPER than some of the inferior products with sketchy ingredients if you use the multiple-items discount codes.
And no, I did not do this for a free bottle, I did not get paid to do this, but when you have digestive issues/”bathroom problems” your whole life, and now you have nice solid stools, you feel great, you’re not as hungry because you’re actually full and can feel satiated instead of that “hollow” feeling from digestive issues, can confidently eat food without worrying about the potential troubles to come, you don’t have to “rush” to the bathroom, no stomach pains/cramps/bloating, you can LIVE LIFE, you too would write a glowing review and want others to know! I’m looking forward to trying out more foods that were previously causing issues for me! THANK YOU DR. MATTHEW!!! 😀 ^_^
JoMaMaz –
I am a skeptic about a lot of things because marketing is what it is. However, I decided to take a chance on this turmeric suppliment when I read the actual reviews.
I have a lot of back, neck, and hip pain due to injury. One of which involved a 1200 lb horse falling on me. I wake up every morning with low back and neck pain. Pain medications do nothing for me. I was suffering and wanted something natural to actually work. This suppliment has helped tremendously! I am so happy to have found something natural that actually works. I’ve tried a few other turmeric suppliments but saw no effect. I’m glad I decided to try one more. This really does work very well for the pain I have. I’ve also noticed that my digestion is better too. Most days after taking this, I feel no more pain the rest of the day. My husband is also taking it and says it is really helping his pain as well. I just reordered two more bottles.
Jessica Freitas Faria –
When using a couple other brands (not at the same time) I also purchased from Amazon, I could at least tell I had something. I am only taking two at a time of this product (same as the others), which purports to be more potent, taking more will make the price go up for the same result I achieved with other brands.
As far as absorbency goes, I have no clue, so I try to give the benefit of the doubt. I don’t burp it up… I guess it’s good in that regard…?
Jessica Freitas Faria –
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I love that this product is all natural and offers a variety of benefits for overall wellness.
pen name –
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I love how soft and easy it is to take this capsules and the best part no after taste. The benefits were instantly like they say you need to start from the inside out for a healthier look. Feels good look good !
Shilpa B. –
This is my first – and probably only – review of a Tumeric Curcumin product. Why’s that? Because two things never occurred to me: (1) Something would actually alleviate most of my lower back pain, which has ranged between severe and tolerable for decades.
Because the pain derives from multi-level degenerative disc disease, it is not operable. One surgically fixed disc could worsen another. Nice, huh? So when my average lower back pain level recently went from a 6 or 7 to a 2-3 two thoughts occurred: 1) Divine intervention, or (2) Dr. Matthew’s Tumeric Curcumin with ginger and bioperine.
Now, I wouldn’t want to leave the impression that a miracle occurred here, although, lower-back wise, it’s close. My knee pain (much more recent) is no better or worse than with a couple other products on Amazon. But here we are referencing the same marked knee improvement among leading brands, including Dr. Matthew.
And speaking of the good doctor, how many times does the owner personally respond to your emails? My concern? Oxalates that are sometimes found in “maybe-I-should-be-alarmed” amounts in some Tumeric Curcumin capsules. Well, not only did Dr. Matthew know all about oxalates and their possible connection to kidney stone formation; he was very familiar with the exact content in his product: so low that even hypochondriacs can rest easily … and why potential customers should be concerned enough to inquire.
So instead of a “buyer beware” stance, buyers should be aware that the owner not only does the owner/chemist stand behind his product, he’s available online for consultation. Maybe not personal hands-on service, but comfortably close.
Ms. Barbara Rosen –
I highly recommend it! I’m loving taking it, it’s doing me a lot of good!