Descrição do Produto: InnovixLabs Turmeric Curcumin com Extrato de Pimenta Preta
A InnovixLabs apresenta seu suplemento de cúrcuma e curcumina, uma combinação poderosa que remonta às tradições milenares da medicina chinesa e ayurvédica. A curcumina, um composto bioativo encontrado naturalmente na raiz da cúrcuma, é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde das articulações e a função cognitiva. Este suplemento não é apenas uma adição à sua rotina de saúde, mas uma verdadeira revolução na forma como absorvemos os nutrientes.
Com uma potência aprimorada, o suplemento de cúrcuma da InnovixLabs contém C3 Reduct, uma forma ativa pré-convertida de curcumina. Com 95% de tetra-hidrocurcumina, este produto é rapidamente absorvido pelo corpo, sendo três vezes mais potente do que o extrato padrão de cúrcuma. Isso significa que você pode aproveitar os benefícios da cúrcuma de maneira mais eficaz e rápida.
Além disso, a fórmula inovadora deste suplemento incorpora BioPerine, um extrato de pimenta preta que proporciona uma absorção de liberação prolongada. Enquanto o extrato padrão de curcumina é eliminado do corpo em uma ou duas horas, a combinação com BioPerine garante a liberação sustentada de curcuminoides por 5 a 7 horas, prolongando sua atividade e eficácia.
Os benefícios multifacetados deste suplemento são notáveis. Com apenas duas cápsulas diárias, você pode promover o conforto e a flexibilidade das articulações, melhorar o humor, apoiar a saúde cognitiva e fortalecer a resposta imunológica. A cúrcuma com Bioperine é uma adição valiosa à sua rotina de bem-estar, trazendo harmonia ao seu corpo.
A qualidade é uma prioridade para a InnovixLabs. Este suplemento vegetariano de cúrcuma e curcumina é cultivado na Índia e, em seguida, tableteado, testado e engarrafado nos EUA. Cada lote passa por testes de terceiros para garantir pureza, potência e frescor, assegurando segurança e confiabilidade.
– Saúde das articulações: Promove conforto e flexibilidade, essencial para quem busca um estilo de vida ativo.
– Função cognitiva: Apoia a saúde do cérebro, ajudando na concentração e na memória.
– Resposta imunológica saudável: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, contribuindo para a proteção contra doenças.
– Melhora do humor: Contribui para um estado emocional positivo, ajudando a combater o estresse e a ansiedade.
– Absorção otimizada: A combinação de cúrcuma com BioPerine garante que você aproveite ao máximo os benefícios da curcumina.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas diárias do suplemento InnovixLabs Turmeric Curcumin com Extrato de Pimenta Preta. É aconselhável tomar as cápsulas com um copo de água, preferencialmente durante uma refeição, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações de uso para garantir a eficácia e segurança do suplemento.
Scott Steagall –
I have used this product before and its works great 👍
bglovestoshoponline –
Nurse recommended for my husband to start taking 1500 mg of turmeric twice a day for his pain. Well I researched different brands and options and this one really resonated with me so I purchased it mid-January. Had him start taking one in the morning for a few days, then 2, added 1 in the evening for a few days. Finally he was taking 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. The reason for going slow was to measure his reaction to something new. My husband is not like most of us when it comes to supplements and otc! Have to say- this works! He didn’t realize how little he was actually complaining daily about body aches and arthritis, but I did and within 2-3 weeks. Amazing! If you have any type of arthritis, etc., please try this. Much better than taking pain pills if this works for you. They are easy to swallow and I am very pleased with how they are helping my husband! He was paralyzed at one time, has arthritis in many parts of his body, and lots of other things including inflammation. Turmeric, especially InnovixLabs Curcumin Turmeric is working!
bav –
I used to be on Celebrex but it was causing me to have microscobic blood in my urine. Also, I had read about all the negative effects of this drug and never really wanted to take it. However, when one is in pain you do what you have to do to get some relief. I had heard about curcumin but thought this will be just something else that I will waste money on that doesn’t work . After researching everything I could find out about curcumin and the best possible brands, I decided to give this particular product a try and I am so glad I did! It was highly effective for me! It worked much better than the Celebrex and without the health risks of Celebrex and the extraordinary high cost!!! Before using curcumin, I had several cortisone or (something from the pain clinic) injections in my lower back. Over a period of time the injections no longer worked for me. I had compression therapy that helped some in the beginning but nothing totally eliminated the pain in my lower back until I got on a strict regiment of curcumin. This is my honest experience and no one is compensating me for this review!!! These pills have worked miracles for me! I started taking 2 pills per day @ 3 times daily. Curcumin does not stay in the body so you need to make sure it is in the body for 24 hours consistently by diving your dosage through the day. I no longer have to take 6 pills daily. I only take 2 (one in the morning and one in the evening). My back no longer hurts!! I am taking the two pills as preventive dosages. I started using these pills about 6-7 months ago. I saw results within the first couple of weeks. However, everyone is different and I hope they will work for who ever is reviewing this . I can only say what has been my experience and be hopeful that you will have the same positive one. Also, there is a guy on here with the initials of RWM I believe; he writes excellent comparison reviews of most vitamins and supplements.
Annie0135 –
This stuff is fantastic. Great brand, price and quality. Great absorption, easy to swallow with no upset to your stomach . I bought this as part of an estrogen cleanse (check out the toxic effects of estrogen toxicity, this problem effects both men and women and you can see its effects everywhere.) One of the benefits of these two powerful spices in this highly efficient delivery system is you can throw out your painkillers for, in my case.Migraines. aches and pains, and just about everything else. It has highly concentrated antioxident effects that stop inflammation, bloating, water retention, and a host of other problems. You will notice the effects immediately. I need only 1 tab/day. For me this is a life changing supplement and I am VERY careful with my health and my diet to begin with.
P. Hentges –
This is the second Curcumin extract I’ve tried, and I recommend the INNOVIX LABS product based on my results using it for osteoarthritis and those of a friend who has also used it. In fact, I initially researched this particular extract for a friend who was suffering from a recurrence of endometriosis symptoms just months after laparascopic surgery. After lots of reading, mostly from medical journals and clinical studies, it was clear that Turmeric, and Curcumin in particular, would be of some benefit to her. I’d been taking another curcumin product, which I also mix into my dogs’ food every day because one of my dogs had contracted a tickborne disease which affects the GI tract, and a friend who’s a vet recommended a high protein, high fat diet with curcumin after antibiotics were only partially successful. In all of my reading it became clear that the bioavailability of the Curcumin extract was critical. Most extracts, like the one I use for my dogs, is in a powdered form which must be dissolved in hot water and taken with lipids to allow it to be absorbed by the small intestine. A major factor in my decision to use the INNOVIX LABS product was a review by RWM; I did some further reading based on that comment and it was impossible to argue with the numbers, so I purchased a bottle for my friend, and one for myself.
My friend reported a major improvement in her condition after only 3 days, taking two capsules each day. After more than a month she is still pain free and feels more energetic as well. In my case the results have been equally positive if not as dramatic. I’ve been taking Celebrex (200 mg twice a day) for 15 years for osteoarthritis, and it works very well, but it is expensive. I’ve tried other NSAID’s with no success. If I miss two doses in a row, I am racked with pain, so even though I sometimes forget my medicines, the pain makes it hard to forget my Celebrex. But after taking this Curcumin product for two weeks, my prescription for Celebrex ran out, and I kept forgetting to pick up my refill. When another prescription ran out, I finally remembered to stop by the pharmacy, and realized that I had gone 6 days and nights without any Celebrex and had not been crippled by pain. The only change in my diet and intake was the INNOVIX LABS Curcumin, but I was still somewhat cynical. That’s when I called my friend (who lives in another state) and asked if she’d been taking the Curcumin I sent her, and she said yes, that’s when she began feeling better.
I take a number of supplements, none of which I would spend money on if I didn’t believe they were of some benefit, but this is the only product which I can say has shown a direct and almost immediate benefit, for both myself and my friend. The potential cost savings for someone like me is well over two thousand dollars a year compared to Celebrex, and there’s no way to put a value on the improvement it’s made in quality of life for my friend.