Descrição do Produto: Ancestral Supplements Grass Fed Beef Bovine Colostrum Powder Packets
Descubra o poder ancestral do colostro bovino com os pacotes de pó de colostro de carne bovina alimentada com pasto da Ancestral Supplements. Este suplemento de suporte imunológico e digestivo é uma verdadeira joia da natureza, reconhecida por suas propriedades benéficas que remontam a milênios. O colostro, o primeiro leite produzido após o nascimento, é uma fonte rica em prebióticos, fatores de crescimento e nutrientes essenciais que promovem o bem-estar geral.
Cada pacote contém 1000mg de colostro bovino, oferecendo uma gama de benefícios à saúde. Os nutrientes bioativos presentes não apenas favorecem a saúde digestiva e intestinal, mas também ajudam a manter níveis saudáveis de ferro, a saúde da pele, o crescimento capilar e o desempenho atlético. Para aproveitar ao máximo, basta adicionar um pacote do pó de colostro sem sabor a 180ml de água ou ao seu smoothie ou bebida favorita, misturando bem. É importante não misturar com líquidos quentes para preservar a biodisponibilidade dos nutrientes.
Sourced de gado alimentado com pasto em fazendas na Nova Zelândia e na Austrália, nosso colostro bovino é considerado “ouro líquido”. Como fundadores do Beef Organ Movement, nossa missão é tornar a nutrição vital acessível a todos, repondo o que o mundo moderno deixou de lado. Os pacotes de colostro pré-medidos eliminam a necessidade de medir porções, tornando o uso prático e conveniente, ideal para quem está sempre em movimento. Basta abrir o pacote e misturar com água ou sua bebida preferida.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Saúde Digestiva: Melhora a saúde intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável e equilibrada.
– Pele Saudável: Contribui para a saúde da pele, ajudando a manter a elasticidade e a hidratação.
– Crescimento Capilar: Estimula o crescimento saudável do cabelo, proporcionando nutrientes essenciais.
– Praticidade: Pacotes prontos para uso que facilitam a incorporação do colostro na rotina diária, sem necessidade de medições.
Para utilizar o pó de colostro bovino, abra um pacote e adicione o conteúdo a 180ml de água fria ou à sua bebida favorita. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Evite misturar com líquidos quentes para garantir a preservação dos nutrientes bioativos. Este suplemento pode ser consumido a qualquer hora do dia, tornando-se uma adição prática e nutritiva à sua dieta diária.
Jordan Holland –
As an avid health and wellness enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for supplements (especially whole food supplements) that can enhance my workout recovery, support my gut health, and provide a legitimate boost of energy. I stumbled upon Colostrum recently, and I must say, it’s been a game-changer in my wellness routine.
Regarding my workouts, after just a few days, I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my recovery time. Its worked wonders in repairing my muscles and reducing my post workout soreness. Whether I’ve had an intense weightlifting session or a grueling HIIT workout, I feel like I can bounce back quicker.
One of the most surprising benefits of incorporating Colostrum into my daily routine has been the noticeable improvement in my gut health. I’ve struggled with digestive issues in the past, but since adding colostrum to my diet, my bowels have never been better. Its helped to balance my gut microbiome, meaning smoother digestion and regularity.
The energy boost I’ve experienced is incredible as well. Without the jitters, colostrum provides a sustained source of energy that keeps me going throughout the day. Whether I’m powering through a tough workout or tackling a busy day at work, I’ve noticed an increase in both physical stamina and mental clarity. I feel more focused, alert, and clear headed.
Last but certainly not least, Colostrum seems to have boosted in my immune system too. I’m going to be taking this every day going forward! And I love the convenient stick packs… makes it easy when I’m traveling or at work.
I highly recommend this colostrum if you’re looking to optimize your health!
Charles Knihgt DC –
Product as described by seller.
KevinCY –
The Internet raves about colostrum these days, so I decided to purchase this to give it a shot. A couple of days after trying the powder, I started developing IBS symptoms. So I waited a couple of weeks and tried it again, same issue. Maybe it’s just my own gut issue, which is unfortunate, because I was hoping it would work for me.
Boricuamorenaoh –
I was so hopeful this would dissolve into my coffee as well as my collagen does. This product clumps up almost immediately when it hits any liquid. It also changes the taste of whatever you put it in.
Amazon Customer –
This company has great products and this is one of many I love the pre packaged portions seems silly but in the morning with a million things to do it’s so helpful and easy to pack!
Jordan Holland –
I’ve been taking ancestral supplements colostrum for a month or so now. I did notice an improvement in my overall gut health really high-quality sources from grass fed cows. However, their serving size is only 1 g, and their stick pack is very hard to open. I recently bought Fasted Athlete colostrum to compare, and I think it’s an overall better product. Fasted Athlete has 2x the colostrum with 2 gram servings and their sachets are so much easier to open. You get twice as much grass fed, pure colostrum with Fasted Athlete for a similar price with better packaging. It also mixes better. Both are good products, and I’ve seen improvements in my digestion, body composition, energy levels, skin and hair, and mood. Gut health should be top priority this year and these guys do it well.
claudia acevedo –
I have been taking this product for about a week now, and have noticed a significant improvement in my gut health. It tastes a bit like powdered milk, which I like. Do not mix it in hot liquids, it changes its properties. Recommended! Will be taking it every day.
KevinCY –
You feel a difference almost instantly.