Descrição do Produto: Suplementos de Colágeno Hidrolisado para Mulheres com Vitamina C
Descubra o poder transformador dos Suplementos de Colágeno Hidrolisado para Mulheres, uma fórmula inovadora que combina 1.000 mg de colágeno hidrolisado com 120 mg de vitamina C antioxidante. Este suplemento em cápsulas é projetado para apoiar a saúde da sua pele, cabelo, unhas, ossos, articulações e sistema imunológico, proporcionando benefícios de bem-estar para todo o seu corpo.
- CANSADA DE CÁPSULAS QUE NÃO FUNCIONAM? Experimente nossas cápsulas de colágeno, adequadas tanto para homens quanto para mulheres! A mistura poderosa de colágeno hidrolisado e vitamina C oferece suporte essencial para a saúde e beleza.
- EVITE O RISCO DE EFEITOS COLATERAIS! Nossas cápsulas contêm ingredientes de alta qualidade, utilizando colágeno hidrolisado proveniente de vacas alimentadas com pasto, garantindo pureza e eficácia. A vitamina C é derivada de frutas não-GMO, potencializando os benefícios do colágeno.
- NUTRINDO SUA PELE: Livre de glúten, laticínios, soja e açúcar, nosso colágeno para mulheres melhora a hidratação, elasticidade e textura da pele, aproveitando os benefícios dos peptídeos de colágeno hidrolisado e da vitamina C.
- CHEGA DE DESCONFORTO NAS ARTICULAÇÕES! Nossas cápsulas otimizam a saúde das articulações e mantêm a flexibilidade, apoiando a produção de colágeno e promovendo a vitalidade articular.
- AUMENTE A FORÇA DOS OSSOS E MÚSCULOS: Experimente uma melhora na massa óssea e estabilidade, além de suporte ao crescimento muscular com esta combinação potente de colágeno e vitamina C.
1. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Aumenta a hidratação e elasticidade, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
2. Fortalecimento de Cabelo e Unhas: Promove o crescimento saudável e reduz a quebra.
3. Suporte às Articulações: Alivia desconfortos e melhora a mobilidade.
4. Aumento da Densidade Óssea: Contribui para a saúde óssea e prevenção de fraturas.
5. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: A vitamina C fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do colágeno e da vitamina C. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
JijieF –
i guess they work. i am not sure about these. the capsules are huge, so if you have a hard time swallowing pills, stick to powder.
Richard Chen –
Made in the USA but no information about what countries the ingredients came from. I like to know the actual countries the ingredients were sourced from on stuff I ingest.
Console –
I like to take collagen to help with hair growth, skin elasticity, nail growth and bone strength. This supplement also includes additional vitamins and minerals, which is nice. As always, you should check with a physician before starting a new supplement.
Ninny –
Products like these have very boastful claims. As long as the ingredients aren’t harmful they’re worth trying. These are easy to take and very reasonably priced so I would say they’re worth a shot. People react differently to things they take so my lack of noticing anything doesn’t mean it won’t work for the next person. It doesn’t say how long you should take them to see results but I gave them 30 days. For me it didn’t seem to do anything.
Nicole M –
Dislafarm Hydrolyzed collagen supplements have not been disappointing so far. I ordered them because I like the fact that they are in pill form rather than the college in powder that is so popular. I did try using the powder form and adding to my coffee in the morning, but I would either, forget it to frequently, or choose not to put it because even though it does say it is tasteless I feel that I do not like the flavor.
A pill form of collagen is much easier for me to remember to take and I think that is the big benefit because collagen does take a while to see results. That being said I have not seen any results at this point, but that is to be expected.
This collagen supplement was packaged very securely with proper seals and wrapping, and the ingredients are very straightforward and seem beneficial. I included photos of the size of this pill along with the nutrition information on the back. I like the idea of having vitamin C with my collagen since I do take a separate vitamin C, that is if I remember. The less pills to take the better for me. These collagen pills are a very reasonable price for a little over a months supply and I will Continue taking them as I have seen no adverse effects thus far.
Nicole M –
These capsules come in a large container and you get quite a lot of them. There was no bad odor when I opened the bottle and I found that the dosage was easy to swallow. I’ve had no adverse reactions to these whatsoever and feel that this was a good bargain for the price.
TonyaS –
I have tried many different collagen supplements and these are no different, except for the size! They are huge! I personally don’t mind that but for people who have trouble swallowing large pills, these are not ideal!
SafeMoneyTrendsDOTKOM –
Love my collagen! Your body just doesn’t make enough collagen after a certain age. So, for better skin, hair, teeth, bones, and all that, you need to supplement your collagen.
I use a variety of collagen-based supplements, and now have added Dislafarm to my arsenal. This collagen plus vitamin C formulation is great for creating healthier, longer nails and hair, among other things.
Easy to swallow and digest.