Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Colágeno Multi Peptídeos em Cápsulas
Descubra o poder transformador do nosso Suplemento de Colágeno Multi Peptídeos, uma fórmula avançada que combina a eficácia do colágeno hidrolisado com a conveniência das cápsulas. Este complexo de colágeno é projetado para atender às necessidades do seu corpo, promovendo a saúde das articulações, ossos e pele, enquanto combate os sinais de envelhecimento. Com uma mistura única de proteínas de colágeno (Tipo I, II, III, V e X), nossas cápsulas oferecem um suporte abrangente para a vitalidade e bem-estar.
- Suporta Articulações e Ossos Saudáveis – Obtenha sua dose diária de vitaminas de colágeno com nossa poderosa fórmula de super colágeno. As cápsulas de Peptídeos de Colágeno ajudam a fortalecer seu sistema cardiovascular, ossos e articulações, enquanto auxiliam na construção muscular e queima de gordura.
- Mantenha a Pele Jovem e Radiante – Preserve o brilho juvenil da sua pele com estas cápsulas de colágeno. Estas vitaminas para cabelo, pele e unhas fornecem ao seu corpo a quantidade necessária de colágeno para que permaneçam saudáveis e nutridos.
- Promove Vitalidade e Retarda o Envelhecimento – Uma formulação tudo-em-um, nosso impulsionador de colágeno contém proteínas de multi-colágeno (Tipo I, II, III, V, X) para ajudar a combater a deficiência de colágeno. Ele oferece um bom suporte energético enquanto ajuda a manter seu brilho juvenil.
- Seguro e Eficaz – Mantenha seu brilho juvenil com nosso complexo de colágeno. Criado através de um bom processo de fabricação em nossa instalação de classe mundial nos EUA, garante segurança e eficácia. É vegano, sem glúten, não transgênico e não contém produtos químicos nocivos.
- Peça com Tranquilidade – Experimente o bem-estar total sem riscos ao encomendar um frasco de Peptídeos de Colágeno Bondi Morning. Se você não estiver satisfeito com esta fórmula de bem-estar, entre em contato conosco. Devolveremos seu dinheiro em até 30 dias.
1. Fortalecimento das Articulações: Ideal para quem busca suporte nas articulações, especialmente atletas e pessoas ativas.
2. Pele Saudável: Contribui para a elasticidade e hidratação da pele, reduzindo rugas e linhas de expressão.
3. Apoio à Saúde Óssea: Ajuda na manutenção da densidade óssea, essencial para a prevenção de osteoporose.
4. Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso energético, ideal para o dia a dia corrido.
5. Fórmula Segura e Natural: Com ingredientes veganos e sem aditivos prejudiciais, é uma escolha saudável para todos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas do Suplemento de Colágeno Multi Peptídeos diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água, durante uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos do colágeno no organismo. Mantenha o uso contínuo para resultados visíveis e duradouros.
Michael JC –
My husband has had good luck since beginning a multi-collagen regimen. He’s been on it for about six months now and the improvements are obvious. His previously awful nails are growing in better and stronger, the hair on his abdomen that disappeared a few years ago has returned, and his skin — wow! That was the first thing we noticed. Once he neared sixty, his cheeks started looking gaunt. It’s all but gone now and it’s taken years off his face. The skin repair became obvious in a month.
While talking about this supplement — Bondi Morning — he showed me the skin on his upper arms. It had been getting that mummy-look, and now his skin looks better than mine! I just took my first dose and will continue from now on!
This is also supposed to be good for joint pain and he has been complaining less and less.
Honolulubelle –
When I first started taking collagen about five years ago, it was from chicken cartalige only. I’ve recently tried the options that add shellfish and bovine for a wider spectrum of collagen types. I can’t say that I notice a dramatic difference between the two options, however they both work really well for me. My skin, hair, nails and joints have gradually gone back in time and I’m loving it! Of the dozen supplements I take, there are only two that I find are life changing and collagen is number one. Don’t expect immediate results but in a few months of daily intake you’ll be a believer, too. These are reasonably priced, easy to swallow and resulted in no unpleasant side effects.
Cassandra Strand –
I’ve never had good nails, my hair has always been dry and brittle and over the past decade has really started to thin, my skin has never been great, and my joints have started to age poorly. I’d heard a lot of people touting the benefits of collagen and biotin for those issues so, I started taking collagen about 2 years ago. I will add that I pair taking collagen with biotin and for best results I’d recommend the same to others. My ideal way of taking vitamins is in a gummy form but I’d really only seen collagen in a pill form like these or powder for adding into drinks. I tried the powders but I hate the taste and texture they add to a beverage or smoothie. Some say you don’t taste anything and it doesn’t change the texture of your drink, but it did for me and I found myself gagging on it trying to get it down. However, I noticed dramatic results after having taken it for only 1 month! My nails were starting to grow, my hair and skin were healthier, and my joints were even starting to feel better. So I persisted but never stopped looking for a new way to take collagen that was more tolerable. Then I found collagen in a gummy and I thought it would be perfect but it was horrible, tasted like fish and was so thick it was like chewing through a tire. So, I decided that pills would be the best choice. Do I love them, no, but they are relatively easy to swallow, don’t have a taste, and provide the same great results that I’ve been getting from collagen over the past two years. These are reasonably priced and as easy to swallow as a capsule can be without any aftertaste (or any taste at all), and they don’t seem to cause any stomach upset or anything and they don’t make me gag while trying to take them.
Tamara Thorne –
I’m still learning about the different types but my husband’s doctor recommended he start using this type of supplement. This one was tasteless, easy to swallow, and covers all the different types so it looked like an excellent starting point.
Michael JC –
These collagen pills are filled with collagen powder. If you don’t like swallowing pills, you can easily empty the pills into a drink. However, if you are doing that you might as well buy a tub of collagen powder, which is far more cost effective. However, if you want a low dose of collagen, and you don’t mind the expense involved, and you like the convenience of a capsule, these are fine. I haven’t noticed any negative effects from taking them. Does this stuff do anything? I don’t know. Supplements are really hard to judge in this respect because it could take months to see results, and the results you see might come on so gradually, and they may not be dramatic, so you may never notice when there are effects. Anyway, I think I’ll keep to the powders mix into drinks because they are easy to incorporate, most of them are unflavored, and you get a lot more bang for your buck. However, these might be a good option for travel if you don’t want to deal with mixing powders into drinks.
Rpm –
So far I’m loving this collagen supplement! It arrived quickly and well packaged. The capsules or standard size capsules and easy to swallow. There’s no discernible taste or odor. I haven’t had any negative reactions. I take two in the morning and two at night and so far everything’s great!
Phyllis Staff –
According to the sales page, this bottle contains a 30=day supply of collagen peptides with five types of collagen protein. The bottle states that each serving (three capsules) contains 1500 mg. That’s about the same amount as I get from a scoop of collagen powder. That’s good. However, the bottle indicates that the collagen in this product is a proprietary blend, so I am unsure what I am getting.
The bottle states that the product is made in the USA, but the manufacturer is in Australia, thus the name Bondi. Neither sales page nor bottle state that the product is made from grass-fed collagen.
I am left unclear on the contents of this product.