Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Algas de Clorofila, Fitoplâncton Marinho de Activation Products – Suprimento para 1 Mês
Descubra o poder revitalizante do Suplemento de Algas de Clorofila, uma solução inovadora que combina a pureza do fitoplâncton marinho com a riqueza de minerais essenciais. Este produto é uma fonte concentrada de energia natural, projetada para ativar seu corpo e mente, proporcionando um suporte nutricional completo. Cada frasco contém uma mistura premium de duas cepas de fitoplâncton selecionadas à mão, garantindo que você receba uma dose poderosa de vitaminas, minerais, ácidos graxos essenciais e aminoácidos que nutrem seu organismo em nível celular.
O fitoplâncton utilizado neste suplemento é cultivado em condições impecáveis, utilizando apenas água do mar purificada, CO2 e luz solar. Isso garante que os minerais presentes sejam de alta qualidade e facilmente absorvíveis pelo corpo. Ao contrário de fórmulas comuns de ômega 3, a nossa mistura de algas marinhas é estabilizada com minerais traço de origem vegetal, assegurando frescor e biodisponibilidade.
Com uma composição pura e não adulterada, o Suplemento de Algas de Clorofila oferece todos os nutrientes necessários para um desempenho ideal do corpo e da mente. Este impulsionador natural de energia é ideal para melhorar diversas funções corporais, ajudando a manter o foco, reduzir o estresse e aprimorar a memória. A recomendação é simples: uma gota diária de Oceans Alive proporciona um impulso energético e melhora a função cognitiva. O conteúdo antioxidante natural desses suplementos ajuda a combater o estresse oxidativo, mantendo você em excelente forma.
Além disso, o produto é de grau farmacêutico, o que significa que você pode utilizá-lo de forma versátil. Pode ser consumido puro, misturado com água ou sua bebida favorita, ou até mesmo adicionado à sua rotina de limpeza para uma pele mais saudável.
– Aumento de Energia Natural: Proporciona um impulso energético sem os efeitos colaterais de estimulantes artificiais.
– Melhora da Função Cognitiva: Ajuda a aumentar a concentração e a memória, ideal para quem precisa de foco no dia a dia.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Os nutrientes presentes fortalecem as defesas naturais do corpo.
– Antioxidantes Naturais: Combate o estresse oxidativo, promovendo uma saúde celular ideal.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser consumido de diversas formas, adaptando-se à sua rotina pessoal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma gota do Suplemento de Algas de Clorofila diariamente. O produto pode ser tomado diretamente ou diluído em um copo de água ou em sua bebida preferida. Para aqueles que buscam uma rotina de limpeza, a adição do suplemento à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele pode proporcionar benefícios adicionais. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade dos nutrientes.
Tony Edwards –
This tastes what you think it would taste like. The underside of the swimming pier at your local pond.
Despite this I do put it under my tongue to get some quick action and results you can feel right away.
Who said medicine is supposed to taste like a sugar filled gummy?
-energy, clarity, focus, immune system boost, overall wellness feeling, STRONG taste, very potent
Both my wife and I take this stuff. We both still got sick, and I took 3 droppers full.
CH –
I’ve been using phytoplankton (Activation Products/Sunfood) for several years. It’s my most favorite & recommended supplement. I’ve had numerous situations where it’s made a big difference in my life. I like to use it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach & sometimes after a workout. I also have used it to help alleviate hunger when needed (such as when fasting). I usually just put a dropperful under my tongue, hold a few seconds & swallow. I don’t understand all of the reviews stating it doesn’t last long when it lasts me for months at 1 dropper. Also if you put it in at least 8oz of water, you should barely taste it. This is the most potent phytoplankton I have found as others tend to dilute it too much. It’s really useful for traveling & easy enough to carry.
The taste is difficult but there are ways around it – just take with juice. The first day that I took it it was 4:30 in the afternoon before I realized that I had not eaten all day and wasn’t hungry – its been 5 days and it still has that affect. I noticed elevated energy the first day, its subtle, no jitters, things were just better…focus, tasks, just a feeling of well being. Everything just flowed, at the end of the day I had accomplished a lot. I wake up looking forward to taking the 12 drops. I don’t sleep well, never have, twice I have taken Oceans Alive after 4 in the afternoon, I had only slept 4 hours the night before, I worked well into the night no problems. I’m just saying it may keep you awake if taken late in the day. I will order again, I hope I never get use to it and it loses its affect, nothing ever works on me like its advertised this does.
Maté Afficionado –
I am not going to lie, this stuff tastes like you’re swallowing the dead sea. It is potent. Here is how I avoid tasting it:
1. One ounce of orange Juice just enough to cover the bottom of a juice glass. Put the phytoplankton drops in the juice and swirl to mix.
2. Leave the lid OFF the juice, take a deep breath and hold it, swig the potion in one quick swallow.
3. Refill the glass with several ounces of juice and drink it down before taking your next breath.
I promise, you won’t taste the phytoplankton at all and you’ll thank me for the incredible benefits this product does to improve the health of your hair and significantly strengthens weak fingernails.
Southern Belle –
It’s only been a few days, but my hair is growing like mad.
Also, after I take this, I feel a sense of calm.
I’m hoping to see even more benefits as I continue.
The one downside: it’s really expensive, especially if you want to take a lot of it.
The taste doesn’t bother me. It’s strong, but I am starting to like it.
JJ –
Very rarely do I leave reviews but I’ve been taking this for a week now and I have to say it has not disappointed. I was skeptical, but did my research on the product, the company, etc. and decided to give it a try after reading about the many benefits of raw phytoplankton. After a few days I could tell a difference in my energy levels. It wasn’t like jumping off the walls but I didn’t feel as tired. I normally have a few days “on” with my energy and then a few days fatigued so I continued on the rest of the week taking only the phytoplankton and nothing else. I have to say as of yet the fatigue hasn’t hit which is not my norm and can only contribute it to this product. Matter of fact my energy and focus seem to be continuously improving by the day. I just feel better period and the mental fog I experience daily has started to lift. I’ve been taking at least 6 drops a day. I’d say prob every other day 12 drops. The taste is not appealing but it’s not horrid. I either mix it in juice or just drop the drops right on my tongue swallow and then chase it with something to get the taste out my mouth.
Ana Forrest –
We use this product to clean blood stream from toxins. Gets bowels moving too.
The last shipment I got was poorly packed. The rubber on the dropper was so old it crumbled in package, spilling Ocean’s Alive in the package.
When trying to contact Amazon & Oceans Alive about this, asking for a replacement both said I waited too long to contact them. This interaction definitely left a bad flavor in my mouth.