Descrição do Produto: Catalase Supplement 15,000
O Catalase Supplement 15,000 é um poderoso suplemento vitamínico que contém uma das maiores concentrações de catalase disponíveis no mercado, com impressionantes 15.000 unidades da enzima catalase. Esta fórmula foi especialmente desenvolvida para ajudar o corpo a manter os níveis de catalase, que tendem a diminuir com o avanço da idade. A catalase é uma enzima antioxidante essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na proteção das células contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, promovendo assim a saúde geral do organismo.
- Uma das Maiores Quantidades de Catalase: O suplemento de catalase é formulado com 15.000 unidades da enzima, proporcionando um suporte robusto para os níveis de catalase do corpo.
- Suporte à Vitalidade do Cabelo: Os suplementos de catalase podem ajudar a manter a aparência jovem dos cabelos, apoiando a preservação da cor natural dos fios.
- Para a Saúde Geral: O Catalase 15,000 oferece a segunda maior concentração de catalase disponível, contribuindo para o bem-estar e a saúde geral do corpo.
- Fórmula Unissex para Fortalecimento Capilar: Desenvolvido para atender às necessidades tanto de homens quanto de mulheres que buscam cabelos robustos e brilhantes.
- Ingredientes de Qualidade: A Rise-N-Shine se compromete a oferecer vitaminas e suplementos de alta qualidade, fornecendo ao corpo os nutrientes necessários para funcionar em seu melhor desempenho.
1. Fortalecimento Capilar: Ajuda a promover cabelos mais fortes e saudáveis, reduzindo a quebra e o ressecamento.
2. Manutenção da Cor Natural: Contribui para a preservação da cor natural dos cabelos, evitando o aparecimento precoce de fios brancos.
3. Ação Antioxidante: Protege as células do corpo contra os danos oxidativos, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
4. Fórmula Unissex: Adequado para todos, independentemente do gênero, atendendo às necessidades de cuidados capilares de homens e mulheres.
5. Suplemento de Alta Potência: Com uma das maiores concentrações de catalase, oferece um suporte eficaz para a saúde capilar e bem-estar geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Catalase Supplement 15,000 diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que o corpo receba a quantidade ideal de catalase para apoiar a saúde capilar e geral. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
GardenCat –
I ordered this because I have a friend who is suffering with age-related hair loss. Their hair is no longer thick and lush. After much research, I suggested Catalase from RISE N SHINE because each capsule contains 15,000 IUs of catalase. It is made in the USA and manufactured in GMP certified and registered facilities.
My friend is pleased with the capsules. They’re easy to swallow and do not have any taste. No stomach upset has been experienced.
GK5040 –
I’ve been told about how well catalase helps reduce grey hair, and since I’m trying to keep a healthy beard, I’m trying this out. The bottle should be much smaller for the capsule size. I could probably fit 5 times as many in there, which is a horrendous waste of plastic. I hope the manufacturer reads these reviews, since I’m not the only one saying this. Aside from the plastic waste, the pills are tiny, and go down very easy. No weird tastes or side effects have been noticed since starting.
GardenCat –
This is a small capsule. The clear gel cap is full of yellowish powder. I can not smell it, and they don’t have any taste that I can discern.
The label says that it’s non-GMO and then it’s made in the USA. It advises that you take one a day with meals.
I have taken it with & without food and can’t tell the difference. I don’t have any side effects from this drug, and honestly I can’t tell that I’m taking it.
I’m taking it because I read that it was good for the liver and general health.
Mine arrived fresh and well sealed and has an expiration date of 09/23. The label is easy to read.
GK5040 –
These are the tiniest capsules! If you have a hard time with pills, you really should be ok with these! I took catalase a few months back and I didn’t realize it at the time, but my grey hairs are gone. They started coming back in a small patch above one temple that I noticed recently so I figured I would start taking these again to see if this was the supplement or if it was something else I was taking that removed the greys. Hoping this is it though!
DJ Faz –
This 4” tall bottle was too much for 30 TINY capsules! I had good luck with catalase pills, shampoo and conditioner a few years ago. It helped reduce the intensity of my gray roots. Now forget the gray, I just need hair. My hair is so thin from hormones, age, and I think having cov id. Catalase is supposed to help support hair growth which I desperately need. It’s made in the USA which is rare these days. Biotin did not work for me, hopefully this does. I will up date in August after finishing the bottle. These pills are tasteless and easy to swallow. You take one a day. I just wish the bottle was smaller as it takes up valuable real estate in my cabinet and the bottle could have been 1/2 the size.
reviewer –
Catalase is an enzyme that may have benefits, in particular preventing oxidation within cells. Part of its benefits may be in helping with gray hair, although I haven’t personally seen any benefit from that, although I only have a few gray hairs on my head and in my beard.
Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide, so if you mix this with that, you’ll see a pretty cool reaction.
The best way to take catalase is on an empty stomach. Enzymes can get taken up into the bloodstream to some degree, but it is best accomplished on an empty stomach.
The brand isn’t one I have heard of, but they claim testing throughout the manufacturing process on their website. I wouldn’t expect miracles for your hair, but it might help.