Suplemento de Cardo Mariano PurePremium com Silimarina – Suplemento de Suporte Normal ao Fígado – Extrato de Cardo Mariano para Função Normal do Fígado – Silimarina Vegana…
O Suplemento de Cardo Mariano PurePremium com Silimarina é formulado com os melhores nutrientes para apoiar o metabolismo normal e manter a função normal do fígado. Cada cápsula contém 450mg de extrato concentrado de cardo mariano, rico em silimarina, uma substância conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas para o fígado. Este suplemento é feito com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, não transgênicos e adequados para veganos, tornando-o uma excelente escolha para quem busca apoiar a saúde normal do fígado de forma natural.
Além de promover a função normal do fígado, o suplemento de cardo mariano PurePremium com silimarina também oferece suporte ao sistema imunológico. Sua fórmula avançada ajuda a combater os radicais livres no corpo, auxiliando na manutenção da função imunológica ideal.
As cápsulas deste suplemento são fáceis de engolir e digerir, sem sabores desagradáveis. Cada frasco contém 120 comprimidos suaves para o estômago, proporcionando suporte duradouro ao fígado para que você se sinta bem todos os dias. Além disso, o suplemento de cardo mariano PurePremium é fabricado em uma instalação nos EUA que cumpre todos os padrões cGMP certificados pela NSF. Cada lote do nosso extrato de cardo mariano é testado por um laboratório independente, garantindo a qualidade e segurança do produto.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Função Normal do Fígado: O suplemento de cardo mariano PurePremium com silimarina é especialmente formulado para apoiar a função normal do fígado, ajudando a manter a saúde hepática.
- Ingredientes Naturais: Nossa fórmula contém extrato de cardo mariano de alta qualidade, não transgênico e adequado para veganos, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto natural e saudável.
- Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A silimarina presente no suplemento ajuda a combater os radicais livres, fortalecendo o sistema imunológico e promovendo uma saúde geral melhorada.
- Fácil de Usar: As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir e digerir, tornando o suplemento de cardo mariano PurePremium uma adição conveniente à sua rotina diária de saúde.
- Qualidade Garantida: Nosso suplemento é fabricado em uma instalação nos EUA que segue rigorosos padrões de qualidade, e cada lote é testado por um laboratório independente para garantir a pureza e eficácia do produto.
- Suporte à função hepática normal, essencial para a desintoxicação do organismo.
- Ingredientes veganos e naturais, promovendo uma escolha saudável e ética.
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, contribuindo para uma saúde geral robusta.
- Fácil ingestão, ideal para quem busca praticidade na suplementação diária.
- Controle de qualidade rigoroso, assegurando a eficácia e segurança do produto.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula do suplemento de cardo mariano PurePremium com silimarina por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, fora do alcance de crianças.
Shelly Moore –
I have not had any side effects from the supplement, which is a plus. I am taking these after receiving labs results that worried me and reviewing studies of what to take to help and Pure Premium offered Milk Thistle for a great price. I will wait to have my labs performed again after I have taken Milk Thistle for a couple of months. I am not able to say that I feel any different taking them, but again, have not had any bad side effects, which is promising.
Joelucks1 –
I get my liver checked regularily, primarily because of the numer of drugs I take daily. At my last visit I was told my liver enzymes were tracking higher. While my Dr. did not prescribe any new medication, he dd indicate perhaps diet and limiting alcohol intake might help. Well since I dont drink and try to stay from red meat I began looking for other options. During my research I came across info on milk thistle. I purchased a bottle in November and began taking regularily. Well lo and behold, after my last visit I was told my enzymes had stabilized and liver function had improved. While this might not be the end all, your Pure Premium Milk Thistle has most certainly helped put my health on the right track..
suzysavin45 –
This is great! I have been taking this supplement for a while and it has a good potency so that I only have to take 2 a day, not 2 three times a day like others. They are bigger tablets, but smaller than my calcium magnesium zinc and D3, so they are not hard to swallow. I would recommend these to anyone needing to cleanse their liver! 🙂
GodsGardenGirl –
These are the first Milk Thistle Supplements that I’ve tried that are tablets rather than capsules.
I didn’t realize that when I ordered but was pleasantly surprised.
The tablets were easy to swallow. I did not notice any taste and I feel as if they digest more quickly, although I have no evidence to support that, scientifically speaking.
There were no broken tablets upon arrival, shipping was quick and packaging was efficient.
This just might be my new go-to for Milk Thistle.
boop –
People use milk thistle for different things… and So I decided to try out milk thistle because I was told it helped prevents hangovers. I don’t drink much to begin with but decided to give it a go after a holiday party. I didn’t get hammered, just 2-3 drinks. Just any amount of alcohol generally makes me feel really bloated and out of it the next day. Well I took two capsules after a night out and it seemed to help me wake up the next morning. I didn’t feel groggy and felt “normal.”
TM –
First time I have ordered this brand of milk thistle. I think the quality is good especially since the price is reasonable.
Angela Joy –
I think these work great, unfortunately out of all of my 8 vitamins I take daily these are the only ones I have trouble swallowing!
I made it to almost the end of my bottle now, but the last time I took one it got lodged halfway down and caused me sharp pains until 3am. The rest of the night I was getting up to pee after all the water I slogged down lol.
I see most other reviewers say they go down easily, so take my review with a grain of salt. I’m not upset, just perplexed as to why I personally have so much trouble with these.
Scott C. Evans –
Product arrived quickly and was packaged nice and discrete. I have been taking these pills for a few months now. I have seen an improvement in my liver lab values which is nice, and so I have since gotten my spouse to start taking them as well. I have some difficulty swallowing these pills, but have problems in general and do not attribute it to these pills specifically. As I do have trouble, when the pills start to dissolve in my mouth they don’t taste bad like so many other pills out there do. Overall I would definitely recommend to a friend or family!