Descrição do Produto: Zone Calcium Supplement
O Zone Calcium Supplement é uma fórmula avançada que combina nutrientes essenciais para promover a saúde óssea, melhorar a qualidade do sono e controlar os desejos alimentares. Este suplemento contém cálcio de alta qualidade, magnésio glicinato, vitamina D3 e K2 MK7, que trabalham em sinergia para fortalecer os ossos e garantir uma absorção ideal de cálcio. O metilfolato, uma forma ativa de ácido fólico, é adicionado para apoiar a saúde cardiovascular e o bem-estar mental. A berberina e o picolinato de cromo são ingredientes poderosos que ajudam a regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue e a controlar os desejos por doces. A canela, conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes, complementa a fórmula, enquanto a melatonina é incluída para promover um sono reparador. Este pacote duplo é ideal para quem busca uma solução completa para a saúde geral e o equilíbrio do corpo.
1. Saúde Óssea Aprimorada: A combinação de cálcio, magnésio e vitaminas D3 e K2 MK7 fortalece os ossos e previne a osteoporose.
2. Melhora na Qualidade do Sono: A melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, proporcionando noites mais tranquilas e reparadoras.
3. Controle de Desejos Alimentares: A berberina e o picolinato de cromo auxiliam na regulação do apetite e na redução de desejos por açúcar.
4. Apoio ao Metabolismo: A canela e o picolinato de cromo colaboram para a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de glicose no sangue.
5. Saúde Mental e Cardiovascular: O metilfolato contribui para a saúde do coração e melhora o humor, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante beber um copo de água ao tomar o suplemento. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto de forma contínua e combine com uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios regulares. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Abby –
These vitamins are keeping me ‘sane,’ and hopeful that I am not destroying my otherwise good health!
I have also noted that the PM ones have helped my sleep to be more secure, with less wakefulness.
It’s a good feeling to know I am doing what I can to preserve my health through this difficult time.
Meredith –
The morning bottle was missing in my delivery and Dr Meghan mailed me a replacement ! Appreciate the great service. I had bought an other full set before I even wrote to Amazon and Dr Meghan. I could not risk running out. This is actually helping me taper. I didn’t want to interrupt my daily two time usage. My purple spots are practically gone. I’m not as tired. The pain is bearable. I don’t need Tylenol!!! It’s helping a lot. Great product.
mb, roseland, nj –
Catlover1v –
When I had to take Prednisone a few months back, I was so scared of the side effects. Dr Megan’s videos about Nutranize are so reassuring that there is a powerful supplement which gives back the nutrients Prednisone steals, plus which counteracts possible side effects. Her invention has proved that she is true to her word. I have had no negative side effects at all, and I have been feeling so good!!! I have been off Prednisone for a while now but Nutranize is going to be my companion should I have to take it again.
Kah –
I am very happy with the results from Nutranize Zone. I do want to respond to the reviewer who gave 1 star and said that this product is not FDA approved. Just wanted to make sure everyone knows that dietary supplements are NOT approved by FDA so this product could NOT be FDA approved.
From the FDA website: “The FDA does NOT have the authority to approve dietary supplements for safety and effectiveness, or to approve their labeling, before the supplements are sold to the public.”
Betty C –
I have been taking Nutranize Zone since Jan. 2024 as a way to restore and stabilize the vitamins and minerals being depleted by medications currently prescribed for me. My overall sense of wellness and physical comfort has been much better since adding Nutranize Zone to my daily routine. I find the capsules easy to swallow and the ingredients to be high quality bio-available versions manufactured in the USA. I especially appreciate the specialized source of cinnamon (Cassia Bark (Cinnamomum cassia) being used in these supplements. Purchasing Nutranize Zone is an investment in my health which is priceless to me. – Betty C
Amazon Customer –
Product is not FDA approved, & return process is very complicated trying to obtain the correct address that is acceptable.
Von –
Nutranize Zone has been just the supplement I needed to restore depleted vitamins and minerals during my recovery. It helps me carry on with a normal life with renewed energy. The bedtime pill has helped me get a good nights sleep. Very grateful!