O Ox Bile 500mg da Allergy Research Group é um suplemento inovador que oferece suporte essencial para a saúde do fígado e da vesícula biliar. Com uma fórmula baseada em evidências, este produto é projetado para ajudar a combater desequilíbrios intestinais e promover uma digestão saudável. Os suplementos de bile de boi são particularmente eficazes para aqueles que enfrentam deficiências de ácidos biliares, que podem resultar em sintomas como tontura, náusea e fadiga. Ao consumir as cápsulas de bile de boi, você pode ajudar a ligar e remover toxinas do seu corpo, promovendo um intestino saudável.
As enzimas digestivas presentes no Ox Bile atuam como um auxílio digestivo, facilitando a quebra de gorduras e a melhor utilização de vitaminas lipossolúveis. Este suplemento é ideal tanto para homens quanto para mulheres que buscam otimizar sua digestão e absorção de nutrientes. Com a conveniência das cápsulas vegetais, a ingestão de bile de boi se torna uma tarefa simples e prática. Os ácidos biliares desempenham um papel crítico na regulação dos lipídios e da energia, sendo essenciais para a composição do microbioma intestinal.
Desenvolvido por médicos e com fórmulas hipoalergênicas desde 1979, o Allergy Research Group se destaca na criação de suplementos de qualidade profissional que apoiam a saúde e o bem-estar. O Ox Bile 500mg é uma escolha confiável para quem busca melhorar sua saúde digestiva e geral.
– Suporte à Vesícula Biliar e Fígado: Ajuda a manter a saúde do fígado e a função da vesícula biliar, promovendo uma digestão eficiente.
– Fórmula Baseada em Evidências: Combate sintomas de deficiências de bile, como tontura e fadiga, melhorando a qualidade de vida.
– Auxílio na Digestão de Gorduras: Facilita a quebra de gorduras, permitindo uma melhor absorção de vitaminas essenciais.
– Fácil de Usar: As cápsulas vegetais tornam a suplementação prática e acessível, sem complicações.
– Desenvolvido por Profissionais: Fórmulas hipoalergênicas criadas por especialistas garantem segurança e eficácia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Ox Bile 500mg com cada refeição que contenha gordura, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e observar como seu corpo responde ao suplemento. Caso sinta qualquer desconforto, consulte um médico para ajustes na dosagem ou na frequência de uso.
Gypsy82 –
I was told I needed to take this by my functional medicine doctor after having my gallbladder removed. Your western medicine doc will never tell you to take this after having your gall bladder removed so this will need to be a decision made by you. Honestly, I had no problems after my gall bladder was removed. Everything still felt and worked the same. I never had problems with bloat or gas. My problem was diarrhea. Do I know if this works? No. I’ve always had diarrhea before and after gall bladder removal so I don’t know. I still take it when I eat a meal with high fat content just to be safe. I also take it with high fat supplements such as Omegas or vitamin D. Maybe it helps with liver function? Not sure. Listen to your body and do what feels best. If 500mg is too high go to the lower dose. Take a digestive enzyme.
Adriana –
It finally arrived and I am happy it is here. It helps with Cholesterol and fat absorption.
r2d2 –
Works very well.
Christian Müller –
le communication avec le vendeur c’est en peu complique
Gordon –
This helps with bug meal sleepiness and discomfort and general digestion .
kswen –
I started taking these at the recommendation of my ND for fat malabsorption. If you have a gallbladder, then it’s highly likely you don’t need 500mg. If it’s too much, you will get SEVERE stomach cramps, nausea, and loose stools. I didn’t realize this was because of the ox bile because it would happen hours after I’d taken it. It got so bad one night I almost went to the ER.
If you eat a super fatty meal, then 500mg might work. But if you have nausea and are going to the bathroom more than normal, then take less. You’ll need to break open the capsule, and dump out half of it. Otherwise, buy a bottle that’s 250mg or lower.
Another side effect was losing weight too fast and muscle weakness from not being able to stomach any food and the digestive upset.
Basically, use a lot of caution with ox bile. It’s powerful stuff and too much can really mess you up.
I’m sure this brand is fine, the dosage is the problem. Going forward I’ll take it with more caution.
Amazon Customer –
Cris –
It works! Perfect size and very easy to swallow. The doctors here Rx me, magnesium citrus, not helping at all, it just makes me diarrhea w/ leg cramps daily. Just taking this small tablet once a day or whenever eating the no choice meal w/friends & family. I take an extra pill before or after (forget to bring along an extra) with you.
What it does, it helps reduce the belly size and helps discharged stool daily. Magnesium citrus helps only when your belly is bloated /or increasing & having trouble breathing. I’m an asthma patient.
JT –
Absolutely fantastic. I recently had my gallbladder out and, frankly, it’s not been pleasant. It’s been a struggle to feel normal after eating. That’s a major problem when you need to eat 3 meals a day. Having to deal with frequent bathroom breaks immediately after eating was just awful.
So part of the problem was my doctor didn’t tell me that I needed to take any form of medication or supplement after the surgery. Not uncommon, unfortunately. After doing a lot of digging and researching, I realized that I needed to take a mix of enzymes and Ox Bile. I decided on these enzymes. It took a while to see a real difference. About 2 weeks in, though, and I am seeing real progress. I’m no longer having to run to the bathroom after eating (this was most prevalent after eating dairy or a high fat meal). I’m feeling better in general after eating.
I can’t tell if it’s the enzymes or the Ox Bile, so this review will serve as one for both. It’s a great combo that seems to be working.