Descrição do Produto: Suplemento de Berberina 1200mg – WeLikeVitamins
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Suplemento de Berberina 1200mg da WeLikeVitamins. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas vegetarianas, proporcionando um suprimento completo para 30 dias de bem-estar. A berberina, um composto bioativo encontrado em várias plantas como o barberry, goldenseal, goldthread, uva do Oregon, Phellodendron e cúrcuma da árvore, é reconhecida por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde. Com uma dose diária de alta potência, cada porção de 2 cápsulas oferece 1200mg de Berberina Hidroclorídrica, garantindo que você receba o máximo de benefícios em cada cápsula.
A berberina é amplamente estudada e conhecida por apoiar a saúde intestinal e cardiovascular, tornando-se um aliado essencial para quem busca um estilo de vida mais saudável. Ao incorporar este suplemento em sua rotina, você não apenas promove a saúde do seu corpo, mas também dá um passo importante em direção a um bem-estar duradouro. A WeLikeVitamins se compromete com a qualidade, oferecendo um produto livre de glúten e não transgênico, ideal para todos que desejam cuidar da saúde de forma natural e eficaz.
– Suporte à Saúde Intestinal: A berberina ajuda a regular a flora intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de colesterol e pressão arterial.
– Controle de Peso: Auxilia na perda de peso ao melhorar o metabolismo e a sensibilidade à insulina.
– Ação Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo.
– Fácil de Incorporar: Com apenas duas cápsulas por dia, é simples adicionar à sua rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Berberina 1200mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção do composto, mas também minimiza possíveis desconfortos gastrointestinais. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga sempre as orientações do seu profissional de saúde.
M. Nakamura –
My doctor threatened me with Metformin. Triglycerides, blood pressure, and fasting glucose were creeping up. After starting berberine, in just over a month my triglycerides were halved, blood pressure was in the normal range, and HbA1c dropped 5 points. For two years I tried eating vegan, vegetarian, and low carb/high fat keto. While these helped, I was still at the threshold of metabolic syndrome, I feel that berberine really gave my body a boost to start working.
We Like Vitamins is a great store and I’m glad I found them on Amazon. The berberine I bought is of excellent quality and best bang for your buck.
SC,CaliGal –
I did find this to be the best value per mg of Berberine for my needs available on Amazon. The caps are filled with powder that is bright yellow-orange, seemingly top quality. This is my first Berberine purchase, so I have no other experience to compare this with. I’ve been taking these as packaged, also have mixed the contents with probiotics to make my own two-in-one caps, and also with boric acid & coconut oil to use hygienically. I’m excited about the benefits I’ve been reading to improve circulation, blood sugar, cholesterol, antimicrobial etc and I would lean towards it being noticeably effective so far, after a few weeks of use now. I read it’s best to take a break from it for a bit at this point. Also that it’s best coupled with GFSE and/or querectin. I’m recovering my health from chronic pain and fatigue from probable Lyme that peaked with bacterial strep B sepsis. I received an email from the seller encouraging my feedback. Hope this is helpful.
Enabler –
I don’t usually write these kind of reviews. However, this was worthy of one. While I wouldn’t ever say there’s any “secret” weight loss pill or method, from my experience this natural supplement seems to help your body to normalize blood sugar, consequently your hunger, appetite, etc. Kind of like undoing a knot, once this occurs I found myself eating less, then my stomach protruded less and I was able to manage my eating and didn’t crave foods (esp carbs) so deeply. My portion sizes seemed to reduce and I could go longer amounts without eating unfazed, while actually having more energy. And not the speedy hyper kind of energy from caffeine. My partner shared similar experiences to me. I can confidently say this does what it says. The only critique is that when I was adjusting to it there were a few days my stomach was a little upset but nothing that seemed unnatural. What actually seems unnatural, is consuming an excess amount of food, not having energy, a protruding stomach, a high BMI, cholesterol level, etc. I highly recommend, however always clear with your doctor or health provider and don’t consider it a magic bullet or substitute to also being mindful of the food you’re eating and to be sure you keep exercising and staying active!
I have now been using “We Like Vitamins” Berberine 900mg capsules for approx three months (1 bottle, 180 caps, 2 caps per day) and have recently ordered/received a second bottle. I started to use Berberine to enhance heart health, with the goal of eliminating the need to take cholesterol (simvastatin) and blood pressure (losartan) medications. One of the claims to fame of Berberine is its favorable impact on cholesterol and I’m happy to say, it did the trick and I’ve eliminated the need to take a statin drug (confirmed thru blood work). I was hopeful that it would also allow me to get rid of the blood pressure prescription, but alas it did not reduce my moderately high blood pressure and have restarted that medication. Clearly I’m happy with this result.
But the best impact has been weight loss! I’m 5’11” and when I started taking Berberine I weighed 198 lbs – not morbidly obese, but definitely on the heavy side. I had begun curtailing food and drink intake about a month prior to starting this regimen, but all together I have lost 30 lbs, with the majority of that weight lose attributable, in my opinion, directly to Berberine. Weight was coming off at a rate of a pound a day, to the point I thought there was a problem with our scale. I’ve now leveled off at about 168 lbs (haven’t weighed this in probably 25 years)
I couldn’t be happier. I’ve replaced a Big Pharma medication with a plant based product achieving the same results and have lost weight. Doesn’t get much better than that!
LJ Cole –
I’ve been taking 1200mg for 2 months and it’s worked GREAT on my blood sugars and weight loss. I went from 7.0 to 6.1 in 2 months, lost 15 lbs. I’ve been eating better too, but I think a good chunk was the support of Berberine. However, now I have intense low back pain, kinda into the hip joint. I didn’t have any adverse digestive effects, no problem at all, but now this. I stopped the Berberine and my sugars have crept up, putting my a1c at 6.3 after 1 week without it. Even though I’m still low carb. My back pain got better, then I tried going back on Berberine for 3 days and the pain is back. Anyone else experience this? I can’t find any information. I’d really love to go back on the Berberine!!