O suplemento de aminoácidos essenciais EAA é um complexo completo de aminoácidos em forma de pílulas, adequado para veganos. Este produto é ideal para quem busca otimizar seu desempenho físico e mental, especialmente antes dos treinos. Composto por 9 aminoácidos livres, incluindo os aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) e o aminoácido semi-essencial L-Histidina, ele oferece suporte essencial para a recuperação muscular e a função cognitiva.
- As cápsulas de aminoácidos essenciais Essential Amino Acids EAA Supplement Complete Amino Acid Complex Pills BCAA EAAS Tablets são uma combinação otimizada de 9 aminoácidos essenciais em um complexo de aminoácidos de forma livre. Este é o complexo de aminoácidos mais completo disponível no mercado. Composto por 8 aminoácidos essenciais (EAA) formados pelos aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA) e o aminoácido semi-essencial L-Histidina, esses suplementos de aminoácidos essenciais (EAAS) são ideais para apoiar o crescimento muscular, recuperação, reduzir a fadiga durante o exercício, impulsionar a saúde cognitiva, potência cerebral e promover um sono tranquilo. Sua absorção ocorre em 20-30 minutos, é livre de glúten, possui qualidade farmacêutica e é aprovado por nutricionistas.
- Essas pílulas de aminoácidos foram formuladas para uma alta absorção, proporcionando suporte ao crescimento muscular, recuperação após os treinos, aumento de força e desempenho cardiovascular de forma rápida. Além dos aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAAs), essas pílulas contêm todos os outros aminoácidos essenciais, tornando-as um suplemento perfeito de aminoácidos. Sua alta potência as torna superiores a qualquer cápsula ou pó de aminoácidos essenciais disponíveis no mercado. Com revestimento de celulose vegana, são fáceis de engolir e não possuem sabor amargo. Experimente agora uma saúde muscular, cerebral, cardiovascular e cognitiva otimizada e aprimorada.
- Sem adição de enchimentos, esses aminoácidos são puros e fazem parte de um complexo de aminoácidos de forma livre, que é instantaneamente digerido para fornecer suporte aos sistemas musculares, esqueléticos, enzimáticos, de massa muscular, nervosos e hormonais do corpo. São excelentes aminoácidos para veganos, pessoas com má nutrição, para melhorar o desempenho físico e cerebral, além de atletas de todos os tipos. Promovem a saúde cerebral e um sono tranquilo. Cada frasco contém 210 cápsulas e o produto conta com suporte de profissionais de saúde, sendo fabricado por um fabricante registrado pela cGMP e NSF, além de ser certificado pela cGMP e livre de toxinas.
- Rejuvenesça e revitalize todas as células com esses 9 aminoácidos essenciais, adequados para vegetarianos, que oferecem suporte a um sistema imunológico saudável. Trata-se de uma proteína completa, sem calorias, que auxilia na perda de peso saudável e na prevenção do ganho de peso indesejado. Esses aminoácidos foram projetados especificamente para promover a saúde muscular, cerebral e corporal, contendo altas quantidades de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAA). São adequados para dietas cetogênicas e fornecem energia e resistência para os treinos. São aminoácidos essenciais veganos incríveis. Repare os músculos mais rapidamente! Dúvidas? Conte com o suporte gratuito de profissionais de saúde.
- Nature’s 9 possui uma proporção especial de aminoácidos essenciais em um único suplemento, oferecendo suporte ideal para a síntese de proteínas, crescimento, metabolismo e todos os processos do corpo. Por cápsula, contém: L-Leucina 165mg, L-Isoleucina 140mg, L-Metionina 115mg, L-Fenilalanina 150mg, L-Valina 140mg, L-Lisina 140mg, L-Treonina 75mg, L-Triptofano 35mg e L-Histidina 40mg. Trata-se de um complexo de aminoácidos veganos BCAA e EAAS que potencializa seus treinos, sua saúde e seu bem-estar. Faça seu pedido agora mesmo e comece a cuidar da sua saúde e dos seus treinos hoje.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suplemento de aminoácidos essenciais mais completo do mercado
- Absorção rápida e eficiente para suporte ao crescimento muscular e recuperação
- Revestimento de celulose vegana para fácil ingestão e sem sabor amargo
- Qualidade farmacêutica e aprovado por nutricionistas
- Suporte gratuito de profissionais de saúde e fabricação certificada pela cGMP e NSF
- Suporte ao crescimento muscular e recuperação rápida após os treinos.
- Melhora da função cognitiva e aumento da energia mental.
- Fórmula vegana e livre de glúten, ideal para dietas restritivas.
- Absorção rápida, proporcionando resultados visíveis em pouco tempo.
- Sem adição de enchimentos, garantindo pureza e eficácia do produto.
Tome 3 cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, antes das refeições ou antes do treino. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Lori M. Ennis –
I am a busy mom and wife. We are an active duty military family and I volunteer a lot, in addition to working full-time from home. Having the world break with the COVID-19 pandemic not only set me on a path to ensure I was as healthy as I could be, but to make sure my brain and my body were as on point as they could be in this new, weird world. My anxiety began to get to me, and even though I already take quality supplements to help me be my best, I was basically fatigued. I wasn’t sleeping really well and had no real motivation to exercise, even though that is one of the best ways to keep my mind in a good place. I was eating poorly, as I basically just craved junk and knew that wasn’t a road I wanted to really stay on—food is supposed to be fuel!
These were suggested as a way to help me mainly get some energy and motivation. I’m not a huge work out person, but I usually try to make sure I’m fueled before working out. After reading the ingredients, I went to the website to check the company out. I’ve been into natural products long enough to know they’re not all created equally. I always look to see not only how transparent a company is, but what certifications they have and what science they have that backs their claim. I was impressed enough to give these a shot.
The nice thing about them is that they’re just capsules. They make it really easy to take regularly, and honestly, you can tell the difference when you take them. While I know that food is fuel, I am also sometimes the worst about missing meals because I’m working (or just not motivated to eat). I know they’re not meant to be meal replacements, but I absolutely believe that the energy and motivation that comes from them is noticed even more when a meal may have been skipped.
Even better is sleep. Restorative sleep is so important, and these make such a difference in brain happiness and sleep patterns! When you’re well-rested, you’re more motivated to make a difference in your day, and that changes just about everything!
And because they have 9 essential amino acids that are pivotal to better hormone regulation and body health, they really do make a difference in not just individual workouts, but body definition and shape overall. Most importantly, there’s no junk in them. They are vegan friendly if that’s an issue for you, gluten-free if that’s an issue, and they’re cGMP certified and have no toxins. Like I said, not all natural products are created equal, but these were a great recommendation! They’re clean and full of only good things. They make a HUGE difference in how you feel after you’ve worked out (as compared to workouts where I don’t take them) and honestly, I think the better sleep and better, consistent energy is reason to buy them—even if you’re not a workout person! That said, if you do regular workouts, they’re a must!
these are essential to our VEGAN lifestyle! they boost our energy, our endurance, our LIBIDO, our stamina and make us feel STRONG 💪🏼 we take 5 at a time 1-3 x a day as needed. We will continue to use this product for life, it is quality and affordable and a staple in our lives! cut out the middle cow, the middle chicken, the middle fish, the middle pig, and go straight to the source, the amino acids! you dont need to harm innocent, sentient, loving, beautiful animals to GET YOUR PROTEIN, BRUH 🙄 these aminos are cruelty free and ALL YOU NEED TO ASSIST YOUR WORKOUTS RIGHT HERE 🙌🏼
Aras Berkin –
I’m sure this is a quality product, but too complicated for time “window” to take these. If I remember correctly, you have to take them like an hour before you eat or an hour after, twice a day. Sounds simple enough but it is difficult to remember, trust me. Ended up purchasing another, similar product that was not effected by food.
Seth –
First these smell terrible. Besides that if they made these in capsules I’d keep buying them. For some reason I can swallow as many capsules as I want but one tablet choaks me up
Aras Berkin –
Received it quick and on time.
Very nice product. This supplement gives you the essential amino acids, and one of the biggest benefits you will see are better performance during your workouts that give you that “extra push”. Recovery is faster as well. I think the manufacturers are quite generous with the product, the bottle is huge and it will let you enjoy the supplement for month and a half.
I feel much more refreshed and energetic ever since starting using this product. This refreshing feeling will not only benefit your workouts, but they will increase your performance on mental tasks by increasing your acuity as well.
If I had to make a criticism, my only criticism would be the taste of the product. There is no coating which helps your body absorb it much faster, but if I were the manufacturers perhaps I would consider just a tiny bit of sweetener to mask the taste, – some people said it doesn’t have a taste but I can taste it and I didn’t like it much – but it might not be the same for everybody so it’s only my personal opinion 🙂
Definitely a great supplement as an addition to my protein shake.
M –
I’ve been a huge fan of Master Amino Pattern for years and decided to give this clean, competitively priced blend a try – seems it sells out fast so I jumped on two bottles when I saw the tablets were back in stock and super glad I did! I can’t speak to what I notice about the inclusion of Histidine in contrast to the original MAP formula, but I’ve been feeling amazing on these aminos, not only in terms of my workouts but overall mood, energy, skin, mobility. There is nothing I don’t like about the product, for me the tablets are very easy to swallow, only positive effects and I look forward to taking them daily! On average I take 10-15 a day (5 before workout, 5 after workout, sometimes 5 before bed) I notice that my muscles have more definition and that my overall strength has improved.