Descrição do Produto: Doctor’s Recipes CoQ10 200mg por Porção
O Doctor’s Recipes CoQ10 200mg é um suplemento de coenzima Q10 de alta absorção, formulado com um processo de fermentação de levedura que garante a pureza e a eficácia do produto. Cada cápsula contém 200 mg de CoQ10 na forma “trans”, que é idêntica àquela naturalmente presente no corpo humano, livre de isômeros cis menos ativos frequentemente encontrados em produtos de qualidade inferior. Este suplemento é apresentado em duas cápsulas de gel oleoso, otimizando sua biodisponibilidade e garantindo que seu corpo absorva o máximo de nutrientes.
A adição de azeite de oliva extra virgem não é apenas um toque de qualidade, mas uma necessidade técnica. Como a CoQ10 é uma substância solúvel em gordura, a presença do azeite de oliva aumenta significativamente sua solubilidade, permitindo que você aproveite ao máximo cada cápsula. Isso resulta em um produto com valor biológico superior, proporcionando ao seu corpo um acesso mais eficiente à coenzima Q10.
A CoQ10 desempenha um papel vital na produção de energia celular e é essencial para o funcionamento saudável do coração. Presente em quase todas as células do corpo, sua concentração é especialmente alta no coração, um dos órgãos que mais exige energia. Além disso, a CoQ10 atua como um poderoso antioxidante, combatendo radicais livres e protegendo as células contra danos oxidativos, contribuindo assim para a saúde cardiovascular.
Produzido com orgulho nos Estados Unidos, o Doctor’s Recipes CoQ10 é formulado em uma instalação certificada pela GMP, utilizando ingredientes da mais alta qualidade e naturalmente obtidos. O produto é livre de OGM, glúten e laticínios, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um suplemento seguro e eficaz.
Na Doctor’s Recipes, acreditamos que produtos e serviços devem ser oferecidos com profissionalismo e entusiasmo. Nossa missão é nutrir o que há de melhor dentro de você, ajudando a manter um estilo de vida saudável. Com tudo o que você precisa e nada do que não precisa, você sempre saberá o que está colocando em seu corpo. O nome desta marca excepcional fala por si só, e é um título que merece ser respeitado.
– Aumento da Energia Celular: A CoQ10 é fundamental para a produção de energia nas células, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a melhorar o desempenho físico.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Suporta a função saudável do coração, essencial para a manutenção de um sistema cardiovascular robusto.
– Ação Antioxidante: Protege as células contra danos oxidativos, contribuindo para a saúde geral e o bem-estar.
– Alta Absorção: A combinação com azeite de oliva extra virgem maximiza a biodisponibilidade, garantindo que seu corpo absorva mais nutrientes.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produzido em instalações certificadas, livre de OGM, glúten e laticínios, oferecendo um suplemento seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Doctor’s Recipes CoQ10 200mg por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição que contenha gordura, para otimizar a absorção da coenzima. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Steve Thompson –
This formulation and company checks all the boxes. Non-GMO, gluten/dairy free made in a certified GMP facility and MOST IMPORTANT –THIRD PARTY TESTED. I will NOT use a supplement which lacks 3rd party review. Each SMALL easy to swallow cap contains 200mg of Coenzyme suspended in virgin olive oil. This is a preferred and safe delivery system for highest absorption which is what it is all about–not how much you take, but how much makes it into your system. A 60 day supply for $18.99 is an OUTSTANDING value and highly competitive among the top suppliers. I RECOMMEND.
NOTE: My VINE review of supplements reflect my Research, First Hand Experience and consultation with my physician. The FDA has not reviewed or commented on these supplements. Some come with age and health advisories and you should ALWAYS consult a health professional before using any supplement.
being 100 –
Not here to state WHY I take them, or WHY I believe these are beneficial, but I can state that the product clearly lists what is included in the capsule.
Information is there for you to check dosage of each supplement/ingredient.
Information is there for you to compare how many capsules are recommended per day (2).
There is a LOT of competition for sellers/products containing COQ10. Some are “mixed/blended” with other ingredients, some are sold solo with just 1 ingredient.
I have found that taking too much of a supplement actually made me feel ill (that was COQ10, in a high dosage). So, everyone has to educate themselves as to what dosage is truly best for their body weight and individual needs. I had not done research to understand the recommended dosage of COQ10 and once took a product that was 1 pill with 500mg of COQ10 and I was nauseous and dizzy.
Often when starting something new, I start with 1/2 dosage and work my way up, or cut back if I see any discomfort. I LIKE this product in that dosage is 2 pills, in that I can start with just 1 pill and ramp up.
Personally, I don’t know how you verify the effectiveness of taking these. For me there might be too many factors: sleep, diet, stress, activities, etc.
My doctor has recommended COQ10, but honestly, he never stated a dosage, nor did he state how he would monitor my blood testing. Again, I have to do more research on this.
Each person truly needs to take more ownership of their health and increase their knowledge of what their individual body needs.
I always try to internet search the company.
At least the bottle gives a website to go to.
The bottle also gives a phone number.
Sadly, many products do not offer up solid company information.
Product was adequately safety sealed.
Denny –
COQ10 is an ensym that is naturally produced by our liver, and has been a part of my supplementation protocol for over 10 years now, as it helps our bodies generate energy and is also an anti-oxidant. I take it to help control high blood pressure and also to help control the way sugar is processed by our bodies. There are many other well documented benefits and one of them is to help keep statins from depleting the COQ10 that our bodies naturally produce. Like any other natural supplement it may take 4-6 weeks to see results as it slowly absorbs and changes our metabolism and body chemistry to change our system. So, it’s not a quick fix by any means, one must be patient and let it work its wonders. If for instance,you have muscle aches from depleted COQ10, it will take time for that to be ameliorated. This supplement will always be a part of my routine for its many benefits.
Allan P –
It was recommended that I start taking CoQ10 as I get older. It is supposedly good for the heart and antioxidants are good for you. I ordered the Doctor’s Recipes CoQ10 mainly because of the price for a 4 month supply.
The capsules were all whole with no leaks. They are small and easy to swallow so taking two wasn’t a problem. There is no after taste of negative effects to my gut. I have been taking them for 3 weeks now and have been fine. As with most supplements, it can take a month or two for any effects to take place so I can’t speak to those yet though.
The bottle states that they are GMP certified and the company is located in Arizona in the US. The bottle doesn’t say where they are manufactured unfortunately.
So far I am very happy with the Doctor’s Recipes supplement. They are GMP certified, have no negative intestinal issues for me and, at $30 (on sale for $27 at the time of this review) for a four month supply, they are a great deal.
Mr. Knox –
I like taking some Coenzyme Q10 as it is said to have positive effects on heart health, and feeding on a mostly vegan nutrition I may lack some of what comes normally from meat/eggs/dairy. Difficult to measure the effects, but one could argue it falls into the “won’t hurt, might help” category.
Doctor’s Recipes CoQ10 200 mg with Extra Virgin Olive Oil comes at a significant cost, which the 240 soft gels spread over a four month period. Or eight months if taking just one instead of the two recommended soft gels. However, the expiration date on my box is only 7 months in the future, not sure if the shelf life of this product is shorter than other comparable ones, or if it had been sitting in a warehouse for a while. Just something to watch for if you are not planning on immediately starting with it.
The label on the tamper-proof seal protected bottles does not mention where the fermented ubiquinone is sourced or produced, but the listing claims that it is proudly made in the USA. The capsule is not vegan or vegetarian, in case that matters to you.