Descrição do Produto: Cherry Force
O Cherry Force é um suplemento de extrato de cereja azeda que se destaca pela sua riqueza em fitonutrientes, oferecendo uma experiência única e saudável. Este produto é elaborado a partir de cerejas azedas de alta qualidade, cuidadosamente selecionadas na natureza, garantindo que apenas as frutas originais e premium sejam utilizadas. O processo de extração é otimizado para garantir uma taxa de extração elevada, permitindo que o produto mantenha seu sabor delicioso e suas propriedades benéficas.
A praticidade do Cherry Force é um dos seus grandes atrativos. Ele pode ser consumido diretamente na boca ou adicionado a alimentos, proporcionando uma forma simples e agradável de incorporar os benefícios da cereja azeda na sua rotina. O sabor é inconfundível, com uma acidez marcante e um toque de doçura que torna cada gota uma experiência memorável.
Além disso, a Cherry Force se compromete com a satisfação do cliente, oferecendo um excelente serviço pós-venda. Se por algum motivo você não estiver satisfeito com o produto, pode entrar em contato a qualquer momento, refletindo a confiança da marca na qualidade de seu suplemento.
– Rico em Fitonutrientes: Contribui para a saúde geral, oferecendo antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres.
– Apoio à Recuperação Muscular: Ideal para atletas, ajuda na recuperação após exercícios intensos.
– Melhora a Qualidade do Sono: Pode auxiliar na regulação do sono, promovendo um descanso mais reparador.
– Ação Anti-inflamatória: Os compostos presentes na cereja azeda ajudam a reduzir a inflamação no corpo.
– Facilidade de Consumo: A forma concentrada e prática permite que você leve os benefícios da cereja azeda para qualquer lugar.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Cherry Force, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma a duas colheres de sopa do concentrado por dia. O produto pode ser consumido diretamente ou misturado em smoothies, iogurtes, ou até mesmo em receitas de sobremesas. É importante agitar bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade do extrato. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do Cherry Force com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo.
Barb –
I ordered this because Cherries are known to be high in antioxidants and have heart health benefits. The images for the item do not completely show all text on the box so I’ve taken initiative to provide you with an image from each side that isn’t repeated (such as front/back).
The liquid is a very light amber, slightly viscous, with a faint scent. The scent and flavor are similar. A concentrated drop has a flavor similar to a Smarties candy; tart with a little sweet. Diluted in water, it’s clear and a has a light tart aftertaste. Not unpleasant.
A serving is 1 mil 2-4 times daily. One bottle contains 30 servings which would be less than a 10 day supply if you consumed it 4 times daily (maximum).
Back to the labeling and spelling. I’ve posted a picture showing a misspelling of “Cherry” as “Cheery”. On another side of the box it reads “Cofure provides excellent dietary supplements….” Ok….so what is Cofure? Is that a brand? The box reads “MUUKOO”. I can’t find any such brand. That’s curious.
There’s no country of origin, which always makes me leery since production standards may lack quality assurance. Even with the small icons showing different things such as “Vegan” “Non-GMO” “ISO” (whatever that means), it doesn’t mean they are in fact meeting quality specs since the distributor on the box is not the manufacturer.
Any time I can’t see where a product is manufactured, it makes me nervous.
To be fair, I tried it, it didn’t cause any problems, nor did I discern any difference after consuming.
If you are comfortable with products made in “who knows where”, you may enjoy it and benefit from it.
This item was given 3 stars for two reasons- Problems with spelling indicating that the labeling was hastily put together giving the impression that it’s just a quick money maker, and I don’t know where this was made and looking up the distributor doesn’t give any clues into this product’s actual quality.
I really wanted to like this, but out of care for my safety, I’m not going to consume any more of it.
AmazonCustomer –
Very disappointing! The cherry is not sour as expected and described
It’s actually the opposite — sour and unique very sweetness. The sweetness comes from the vegetable glycerin, which seems to be mainly what I’m tasting. Cherry extract or “ exiract”. Didn’t notice the misspelling right after I tasted it … YUCK!!
Would not recommend this product. Seems very suspicious
These tart cherry drops aren’t tart in favor at all I was just expecting a more bitter flavor but these are pleasantly sweet and have a nice flavor. I like how convenient these drops are to use as part of your daily supplemental intake. I was told by my health care provider that tart cherry would help me with sleep and muscle relaxation since I suffer from a rare neurological condition which causes my spasms to muscle all day every day without much relief I’m always will to try out new supplements or treatments to better manage my pain and condition so I thought why not give these drops a try. I do like the taste and quality ingredients used it does give my body a sense of relaxation in combination with other supplements I take and help
Improve my fatigue by getting me through my days with experiencing less pain. I’d have to continue taking this longer to see how it would work for me overtime like all supplements it’s good to find out from your doctor if there’s any side effects with Rx meds your taking to avoid any potential side effects. I really like this so far I just wish it came in a bigger bottle size. If you use this 3 x’s a day it may only last for a shorter period of time or if you share this with anyone else in your family your better off getting a secondary bottle.
Steve-O –
This came from the vendor shrink wrap tamper evident sealed with a best by date (06/15/2026) clearly printed on the bottom of the box.
In order to really be able to test this for effects you would need more than the few portions per day this bottle can supply. It was not unpleasant to take but in the couple of weeks the bottle lasted we did not notice any differences one way or the other regarding any changes in our health.
I’d likely not order it again as there are other products that are more of a value available, if I wanted to try for enough time to make an observation.
Estela –
Easy to take and has a wonderful taste.
This is a review for: MuuKoo Cherry Force Supplement Tart Cherry Extract Rich in Phytonutrients Nature Tart
I tried this only once. It tasted fine. The typos in the packaging left me a bit unsettled. If they’re not paying attention to the package, are they paying attention to manufacturing? It left me unsettled so I didn’t get to fully evaluate the bottle to see any results.
Sweettea –
I failed to research the company before ordering, but did so afterwords and can’t find any information. The tart cherry tastes like cherry flavored candy, not quite like a real cherry. There’s a small chemical taste like fake cherry . I can’t quite describe it. I’ve noticed zero benefits from using this, it’s not effective for me. It doesn’t help me with sleep. Not a great value for the money. I’d just as soon buy the real stuff from a reputable company. This company is not transparent.
M. Tucker –
I think this is some really good drops. I noticed since I’ve been putting these drops in my fluids, it has helped me rest and relax at night. Nighttime is the main time I use this. As far as pain relief, I don’t see much of a difference but maybe I will if I continue using it. This is very easy to use and the taste not really bad so I plan on continuing using these drops.