O suplemento Pure Encapsulations Boswellia é uma escolha excepcional para quem busca promover a saúde das articulações e do sistema gastrointestinal. Com 60 cápsulas de 500mg, este produto é formulado com boswellia, uma planta amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias. A fórmula pura e encapsulada garante que você esteja consumindo um suplemento de alta qualidade, livre de aditivos desnecessários e ingredientes artificiais.
Saúde das Articulações: O suplemento Pure Encapsulations Boswellia fornece suporte herbal para a saúde musculoesquelética, gastrointestinal e celular.*
Função do Cólon: A Boswellia apoia a função saudável das células do cólon, crucial para a saúde digestiva; também auxilia na saúde e conforto das articulações.*
Equilíbrio Enzimático: O incenso indiano (Boswellia serrata) pode apoiar o metabolismo saudável das enzimas, ajudando a manter a integridade saudável dos tecidos conectivos.*
Ingredientes Puros: Como suplemento alimentar, tome 1 cápsula, 3 vezes ao dia, com as refeições; a fórmula é não transgênica, vegana e livre de glúten.
Diferença Pura: O que deixamos de fora também importa; os produtos Pure Encapsulations são LIVRES de alérgenos comuns, ingredientes artificiais ou desnecessários e organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs).
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte para a saúde das articulações
- Promove a função saudável do cólon
- Auxilia no equilíbrio enzimático
- Ingredientes puros e de alta qualidade
- Livre de alérgenos, ingredientes artificiais e OGMs
- Alívio eficaz das dores articulares, proporcionando maior conforto no dia a dia.
- Redução da inflamação, contribuindo para uma recuperação mais rápida após atividades físicas.
- Suporte à saúde digestiva, promovendo um trato gastrointestinal equilibrado.
- Fórmula vegana e livre de glúten, ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
- Ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo segurança e eficácia no uso diário.
Como suplemento alimentar, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula, 3 vezes ao dia, acompanhada das refeições. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso deste produto, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob medicação. A adesão a esta sugestão de uso maximiza os benefícios do suplemento e assegura uma experiência segura e eficaz.
Stephen T. –
Easy to take
Alicealso –
I just started ordering Pure Products. I love knowing I am not adding other things in my body which might cause harm. I had a shoulder which was hurting to the point that I couldn’t sleep. This has been a game changer for me. And if it was good enough for the Wise Men to bring as a gift, it is good enough for me!
Esther –
This brand of Boswellia really works! I’ve tried other brands but they never helped. I’ve had 2 hip replacements & back surgery with rods etc. & knee meniscus surgery. None of which eliminated my pain. Plus i have arthritis.I have to take a prescription pain med. along with ibuprofen & Tylenol. And still hurt. With Pure Encapsulations Boswellia & taking 4-5 a day of them I have been able to eliminate the Tylenol & cut back some on the ibuprofen & my pain is sooooo much less. I could tell the difference in a day or two. Others that say they can’t tell a difference need to take more than 1 capsule a day. If I follow a wheat & grain free diet pain is almost nonexistent because wheat & grains cause inflammation. I’m giving this brand 5 stars because it works far superior than other brands.
Irene B –
Since I couldn’t find a really good and pure Frankincense on the market ( except of outrageously expensive Young Living – their prices driven
insane , because of MLM company ) – I turned to the second best thing, which is the resin. I chose the Pure Encapsulations, because they guarantee not to use any other ingredients except of the listed ones. They don’t put any fillers or preservatives. This product is pure and effective. I’m taking it for a month now , twice a day – before the meals. Of course, this is an addition to everything else I’m doing – but ever
since I added Boswellia to my daily regime , my inflammation is tempering.
C Roy –
Update 5/20/23. Amazing customer service. Based on this review, this seller offered me a refund without me even asking! So impressed.
I’m so disappointed. I deal with chronic inflammation in many forms and this stuff was really helping. At first I thought the warnings about stomach distress were not going to apply to me! yay! Then after about a month of taking it, the acid reflux kicked in, like I’ve never experienced before-terrible. I quit taking this two weeks ago and am slowly getting better in terms of the acid reflux. Just wanted to warn everyone to take that seriously. If you’re at all prone to digestive issues, it likely will get you. So bummed, because I think for those who can tolerate it, it really does work for pain.
bluesinthenight –
I have osteoarthritis and the pain in my joints was making my life difficult. My shoulders, back, knees, hips, hands and feet all hurt to some degree. I can’t take NSAIDS and rarely take Tylenol.
I started taking Boswellia – just 1 pill a day – for 2 weeks and could already tell a difference. I tried going up to 2 pills a day, but after about a week, I started feeling lethargic, fatigued, and I began to have headaches. These are possible side effects of Boswellia. I recommend starting with one pill and seeing how your body reacts. I went back down to one pill. It’s definitely helping my joint pain, and the unpleasant side effects have gone away. I still have a bit of joint pain and would love to be able to take more of this miracle supplement, but I’m grateful for what it’s done for me.
I also recommend doing gentle stretches. An excellent book for this that I found on Amazon is “Stretching for Beginners.” You can find stretching exercises for those areas that are a problem for you.
It’s good if you are able to do some form of gentle exercise. Exercising in a swimming pool is excellent (but not required). My shoulders are something of a problem, so I can’t swim, but I live on a lake, and I walk laps. And I don’t believe in “No pain, no gain.” For those of us already in pain, doing things slowly and gently and working up to higher degree of exercise is best.
I think all of these things are helping. Stretching and exercising will also help your joints to stay flexible. I was in terrible shape when I began, but I can see a lot of improvement. I believe it’s a combination of the Boswellia, the stretching, and the exercise. The Boswellia helped me to start moving again by reducing the pain. I trust the “Pure” brand. Good luck to all of you in pain. I empathize.
Tahoe Peaks –
This company has quality products and is not their fault but I had a strong allergic reaction. Itching all over body, swollen lips and bags under my eyes.
We use this with our Tumeric