O Suplemento Avançado para Suporte do Sono é uma solução inovadora que combina uma fórmula líquida de alta absorção com ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente selecionados. Composto por melatonina, magnésio, teanina, valeriana, flor de maracujá e camomila, este suplemento foi desenvolvido para proporcionar um sono tranquilo e reparador. A entrega líquida dos nutrientes garante que o corpo absorva rapidamente os compostos benéficos, promovendo uma experiência de sono mais eficaz e revitalizante.
A melatonina é um hormônio essencial que regula o ciclo do sono, enquanto o magnésio atua como um relaxante muscular, ajudando a aliviar a tensão. A teanina, um aminoácido encontrado no chá verde, é conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, enquanto a valeriana e a flor de maracujá são ervas tradicionais utilizadas para promover o relaxamento e reduzir a ansiedade. A camomila, por sua vez, é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades sedativas suaves, tornando-se um complemento perfeito para esta fórmula.
Além de sua eficácia, o Suplemento Avançado para Suporte do Sono se destaca pela facilidade de uso. Com um sabor agradável, a aplicação é simples: basta usar o conta-gotas para administrar a dose diretamente na língua, sem a necessidade de água ou pílulas. A fórmula é livre de álcool e foi elaborada através de um processo de extração a frio, preservando a integridade dos ingredientes e garantindo a máxima eficácia.
– Suporte natural para um sono saudável e reparador.
– Fórmula líquida que proporciona rápida absorção dos nutrientes.
– Sabor delicioso que torna a experiência agradável.
– Ingredientes de origem natural e orgânica, priorizando a saúde do consumidor.
– Produzido sob a orientação de um herbalista treinado, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 ml (30 gotas) do suplemento NoctuRest antes de dormir. Para utilizar, basta apertar o conta-gotas na língua e engolir. Não é necessário ingerir com água. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso deste produto, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou utilizando outros medicamentos.
af –
When I was looking for a natural sleep aide, I looked at several sites that listed the top 10 products. Nocturest ended up at the top of both site lists. In addition to melatonin, it has more useful sleep promoting herbs than any other brand that I saw reviewed. I had tried another melatonin product in tablet form that claimed it had herbal characteristics, but it didn’t work well enough. I also tried another herbal product in capsule form. It worked well, but I found that the capsules were more expensive in the long run. One bottle of Nocturest lasts a long time for me. The capsules were cheaper per container, but not per dose. I don’t know for certain, but think that the liquid form is more quickly absorbed. Once I take the dose, I will fall asleep in lest that 30 minutes. I have serious trouble sleeping so this is one aide to sleep I use to get to sleep every night. But there is no doubt that for me Nocturest has made a big difference helping me to get to sleep at night. Plus, if I wake up in the night due to wind or worry, I can take another dose of Nocturest and not be groggy in the morning when I need to get up at the usual time.
M. C. Ferreri –
I’ve been using this for some time and just received a reordered shipment of two bottles. The taste is a little different, but I understand the product has been reformulated.
I am trying to find a way to contact the seller because the stopper on one of the bottles arrived broken at tue tip. I’m afraid to use it as it may have broken in the bottle and glass shards would be in the liquid. Hate to waste the product.
Amazon Customer –
For me this product works as well as any sleeping aid prescription I have tried, and seems like a much more natural and safer option. It sometimes does take more than an hour to kick in.
Joby –
Good sleep aid, from my experience. Kind of expensive and one must be careful with the dosage. Little product gets pulled into the dropper from my experience (on my 3rd shipment). Paperwork included states that 2 ‘half droppers’ full of product are the typical adult dosage. I can never get more than a quarter dropper at a time, so 4 ‘quarters’ are a full dosage for me. Good flavor, arrives in fancy packaging. Recommended.
Bobbimrn –
I took a chance & ordered this and I’m so glad I did! I don’t normally have trouble sleeping but I work nights and need help on those days to sleep during the day….I have trouble sleeping long enough even with a sound machine, dark cold room etc. I tried another similar pill product that was just ok. Benadryl works, but you wake up a little hung over and it’s not good for you long term. I tried a prescription (not Ambien!) but it seemed to make me irritable….not popular at work that way! Finally I saw this product and liked that it was a liquid and supposed to quickly. It’s the very best I’ve found. You wake up refreshed without grogginess. They even sent 3 bottles! I just take one to two dropper fulls and sleep peacefully. If I’ve had a really long night sometimes I add 2 ibuprofen to relax my muscles and it’s pure bliss. Highly recommend.
Pam S. –
I have suffered for years with insomnia, I’ve used over the counter products (that didn’t work), and addicting prescription meds to help me sleep. Several months ago I got off the prescription sleeping pill, and started using Nocturest, from Rejuvica Health. The results are truly amazing!! Within 20 min of taking it, I fall asleep, stay asleep, and 7-8 hours later wake up rested and alert. No fuzzy head, no “drug hangover”. I try to put only natural, organic foods into my body, and this totally fits that criteria. I even showed my bottle to a nutritionist I know, and he said this has all the ingredients conducive to good sleep. No side effects, nothing harmful. The taste was a little “earthy” to me, but I am now totally used to it. Put under tongue, hold 10 sec, swallow, and in a few seconds the taste is gone. I can’t praise this product enough!!
Sharon –
I bought this product to help me sleep, stay asleep, and wake up without any groggy feeling. This product does not always work for me. It helps me to fall asleep sometimes, stay asleep rarely all night, or fall back asleep easily. It might take an hour or more for me to get back to sleep and that is taking another dose of Nocturest. Others have told me Nocturest works well for them, but I have found it does not always do well for me.
Joyce –
I have Parkinson’s Disease and one of the problems with PD is not being able to sleep. I had several months where I was waking at 2:00, 3:00, or 4:00 a.m. and would not be able to go back to sleep. I’ve NEVER had sleeping problems like this. During one three-night period, I got a total of 5 1/2 hours of sleep. I had to have help, and I DID NOT want to take sleeping pills. I did some research on natural products and found NoctuRest. It took a few nights and then I returned to my old sleep patterns. I get a very restful sleep and wake feeling refreshed. We have enough problems with chemical drugs these days. (My acid reflux medicine was just recalled for possibly having carcinogens in it.) I wish regular MD’s would be more open to trying natural products. We’d all be a lot better off. If you have problems sleeping, give it a try. I rarely give reviews for products, but this product is worth the time.