Descrição do Produto: Swanson Vision Defense Antioxidant Vision Health Supplement
O Swanson Vision Defense é um suplemento alimentar projetado para promover a saúde ocular, combinando uma poderosa mistura de antioxidantes e extratos naturais. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas macias, formuladas com ingredientes de alta qualidade, como Luteína, Zeaxantina, Astaxantina, Extrato de Brócolis e Extrato de Mirtilo. Esses componentes são conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas para a visão e proteção contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres.
A Luteína e a Zeaxantina são carotenoides que se acumulam na retina e ajudam a filtrar a luz azul prejudicial, reduzindo o risco de degeneração macular relacionada à idade. A Astaxantina, um potente antioxidante, é reconhecida por sua capacidade de proteger as células oculares e melhorar a circulação sanguínea na área dos olhos. O Extrato de Brócolis é rico em sulforafano, que possui propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, enquanto o Extrato de Mirtilo é conhecido por melhorar a visão noturna e a saúde vascular ocular.
Este suplemento é ideal para pessoas que passam longas horas em frente a telas, que desejam manter a saúde ocular à medida que envelhecem ou que buscam uma forma natural de proteger seus olhos contra os efeitos nocivos do ambiente.
– Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, protegendo as células oculares.
– Saúde da Retina: A Luteína e a Zeaxantina ajudam a manter a saúde da retina e a prevenir doenças oculares.
– Melhora da Visão Noturna: O Extrato de Mirtilo pode auxiliar na adaptação à luz e na visão em ambientes com pouca luz.
– Redução da Fadiga Ocular: Alivia o desconforto causado por longos períodos em frente a telas.
– Suporte à Circulação Ocular: A Astaxantina melhora a circulação sanguínea, promovendo uma melhor nutrição dos olhos.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas macias por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Cleveland E. Norton Jr. –
The medical staff at the V.A.Hospital eye clinic in La Jolla,( San Diego, CA) were surprised after my visual acuity test of 20/20 on my good left eye and 20/25 on my right eye! Previous visit I was checked for prescription lenses(I’m 76,never wore prescription lenses)so it was funny my much younger eye doctor was wearing glasses!This is a quality product and I recommend it !!
aguasdemarco –
An Eye doctor said Lutein is helpful to prevent disorder of the nerves in the eye which can result in blindness.
I use Ltein on that recommendation. I gave a 4 rating instead of 5 because I do not know just how effective the product actually is.
Tina M. –
Great product!
Helped before & after I had cataract surgery. I still take it because I can actually feel the difference when I’m taking it.
Mr.Win –
As a person who has to use my eyes on screens such as computer, tablet, phones, my vision gets blurry along with eye fatigue even if you follow the eye stretching steps, a few rest time after every 20 uses and so on. I am 21 years old, and have all vitamins in my body at ideal rage according to blood test since I customize my own vitamins. But this eye problems is very persistent. I have good results with Instant Vision product on Amazon, but that product has 25000IU of Vitamin A in their product which is too much since I also get Vitamin A from other supplements I take. So, instead of taking 2 pills as directed by that product, I take one in the morning for Instant Vision brand, and one in the night for this brand. Look at the ingredients and the amount they contain rather than just trying out brands. I think my regime has all the nutrients my eyes needs. Also learn which ingredient is for which use online just by searching on Google. This will let you know why you have to take which ingredient. Also take Sam Club fish oil if you want all around support for eyes. Other products don’t have this much amount of ingredients in their product and more expensive!
LiveLaughLove! –
Wow! We have been using another mail order brand of vision supplement for several years and have had good results with it. My eye exams have changed little over the years and my night vision is so much more clear using it. I am 66 years young. I was having some retinal thinning beforehand, as measured by a machine at my optometrist’s office. After using the other supplement for three years my retinas became healthier and slightly thicker each year, as measured by the machine.
So, I reordered the other brandlast week, but it was going to take a while to arrive. To bridge the time, I ordered Swanson Vision Defense. Oh my goodness! I only took it an hour and a half ago and was sitting watching TV when suddenly it was as if someone turned bright lights on in the room and everything was so clear and even more easily in focus! The other supplement has been great but I believe this is even a step higher! They both have the same amounts of Lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin, but in different formulas… and Swanson’s additional ingredients may be making the difference. I get ocular migraines from megadoses of bilberry, but the amount in Swanson’s formula is causing me no difficulty. Great so far! I’ll update this review if anything changes. I appreciate no soy, and wish there was no caramel color, otherwise I think it’s perfect!
Thanks, Swanson for trustworthy and effective supplements!
This formulation contains LUTEIN (20mg), ZEAXANTHIN (4mg), BILBERRY (50mg), BROCCOLI SEED EXTRACT (50mg), ASTAXANTHIN (4mg), etc., etc., etc.
Broccoli seed extract has cancer-fighting & anti-inflammatory properties. It’s perfectly safe & might help prevent diseases.
Bilberry is in the same family as blueberry & cranberry. It’s a potent antioxidant & it’s used as a remedy for a wide range of disorders including eyestrain. It may help to protect the retina. However, the side effects of long-term usage have not yet been established. We do know that it can affect blood glucose levels.
THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS MALTODEXTRIN. I try to avoid it, because it can cause spikes in blood sugar. Diabetics should steer clear.
Critical Mass –
I was first attracted to this product because of my familiarity with the individual ingredients. However, this was the first time I saw them all in Swanson’s Vision Defense. I especially liked the fact that it included 4 mg each of Zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin which have been shown to be highly recommended anti-oxidants for general and eye health. The formula also contained 20 mg of Lutein. However, recent studies have demonstrated that 40 mg of Lutein is preferable. Therefore, I recommend augmented the 20 mg with an additional 20 mg which I do. The Astaxanthin can also be supplemented with an additional 6-8 mg. Bilberry and Broccoli extract are also included. Don’t expect an immediate change. My eyes began to feel better after about three-four weeks of usage. Continue using even if you hit a plateau. Adjustments are not sudden despite all the raving ads that you might receive in the mail about so many different supposedly helpful supplements. A CAVEAT: ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR MEDICAL PRACTITIONER BEFORE USING ANY SUPPLEMENT, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE TAKING PARTICULAR MEDICATIONS.
George L –
This product has most of what I had been purchasing seperately but at a much lower price. Seems to help so I will keep taking it.