Vitinity Anti-Drink Support Supplement: A Revolução na Saúde do Fígado e Controle de Cravings
O Vitinity Anti-Drink Support Supplement é um suplemento inovador, desenvolvido especialmente para aqueles que lutam contra o uso excessivo de bebidas alcoólicas. Com uma fórmula proprietária que combina 15 ingredientes-chave, este produto é uma solução abrangente para quem busca não apenas reduzir o consumo, mas também restaurar a saúde do corpo e da mente. Através de uma mistura poderosa de ervas, minerais e vitaminas, o Vitinity oferece suporte para o controle de desejos, saúde do fígado e uma limpeza natural do organismo.
- STRUGGLING WITH DRINK USE? 30-day money-back guarantee. Vitinity Anti-Drink Aid é um suplemento multi-ingrediente repleto de ingredientes herbais, minerais e vitaminas para bebedores regulares que desejam controlar e alcançar uma mente e corpo mais saudáveis. Nossa fórmula proprietária pode reduzir os desejos, minimizar os sintomas e reforçar o sistema imunológico do seu corpo. O suplemento de limpeza Anti-Drink da Vitinity é projetado para apoiá-lo a alcançar seus objetivos!
- MULTI-VITAMIN FORTIFICATION: Contém um regime vitamínico, incluindo B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Ácido Fólico e Biotina. A mistura de vitaminas pode contribuir para a restauração de quaisquer deficiências que seu corpo tenha sofrido devido ao uso prolongado de bebidas e fornece uma base sólida para uma recuperação adicional. O Complexo de Vitaminas B também combate a letargia e a fadiga, além de promover a limpeza. Um corpo equilibrado e saudável pode começar a se curar e é uma excelente fortificação contra ocorrências futuras.
- SYSTEM CLEANSE: Nossa limpeza do fígado é carregada com ingredientes-chave que visam áreas do corpo danificadas pelo consumo excessivo. Projetamos cuidadosamente esta mistura para ajudar a gerenciar sintomas que podem apoiar desejos, irritabilidade e fadiga, sem perturbar sua vida. A Vitamina B-5 ajuda a aliviar sintomas como dores de cabeça e fadiga. A Raiz de Kudzu é conhecida por reduzir seus desejos de beber. O Extrato de Cardo Mariano e a Raiz de Bupleurum atuam como suporte ao fígado, antioxidante e limpeza para todo o corpo.
- CLARITY & EMOTIONAL SUPPORT: Nossa fórmula Anti-drink prioriza a clareza e a saúde emocional. O Guaraná é incluído pelo excelente suporte ao humor que pode proporcionar, podendo reduzir a inquietação e as oscilações de humor. O Inositol pode aumentar a clareza e reduzir sintomas. Uma mente clara e feliz pode apoiá-lo com a melhor chance de sucesso!
- PROFESSIONALLY FORMULATED: O Vitinity Drink Support Multi-Vitamin é criado por um doutor que escolheu meticulosamente os melhores ingredientes para repor os nutrientes, vitaminas e minerais perdidos pelo corpo durante o processo de consumo. Nosso suplemento contém uma variedade de ingredientes herbais que foram estudados e considerados benéficos para a saúde do fígado.
1. Redução de Desejos: A combinação de Kudzu e outros ingredientes ajuda a controlar os desejos por bebidas alcoólicas.
2. Suporte ao Fígado: Ingredientes como Cardo Mariano e Bupleurum promovem a saúde do fígado, essencial para a recuperação.
3. Restauração de Nutrientes: O complexo de vitaminas B ajuda a restaurar deficiências nutricionais causadas pelo consumo excessivo.
4. Apoio Emocional: O Guaraná e o Inositol oferecem suporte ao humor, ajudando a manter uma mentalidade positiva durante a recuperação.
5. Limpeza Natural: A fórmula promove uma limpeza do organismo, ajudando a eliminar toxinas acumuladas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do Vitinity Anti-Drink Support Supplement diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e, se possível, consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação. A consistência no uso é fundamental para maximizar os benefícios e apoiar a recuperação e a saúde geral do corpo.
Bill –
When I first started taking this in early 2024, it was the big smelly pill that did wonders to reduce my alcohol cravings. Now the pills are different and don’t seem as effective for me. I suspect they have morphed into just another complex vitamin in which there are many products out there to choose from, maybe at a lower price point.
Daniel P. Haney –
I have been in and out of AA for the past four years. Tried multiple supplements ALONG with the desire to stop drinking. I bought this on the thought “it probably won’t do much to curb my drinking desires, but it seems like it’s pretty healthy otherwise”, but after four days I actually thinking it’s helping with the physiological desire to drink, NOTHING WILL REPLACE AA and the other tools you need, but I liked it enough I bought a second one to help for 30 days. I actually recommend, and I really have no tolerance for bs.
A. H. –
When I first discovered this brand of liver detox pills in September 2023, they were large yellow “horse pills” visibly filled with minerals and vitamins essential for liver detoxification. They had a noticeable vitamin-like smell and caused noticeable effects: bright yellow urine for days, darker bowel movements, and, according to my doctor, clear signs of the body flushing out toxins. During this time, I experienced reduced cravings and a surge of energy, especially since I wasn’t drinking daily.
However, when I purchased a new batch in July 2024, the pills were completely different—a plain white color. I believe the formula has changed, as I’ve experienced none of the physical signs of detox that I noticed previously. This inconsistency suggests the seller may not have a stable product, and I wouldn’t recommend purchasing it again especially since the quality is deteriorating, but the price is increasing. I purchased this item in September 2023 for $19.99 and now it’s up to $23.00 and it has only been a bit over a year since my initial purchase….
Alicia W. –
At first I ordered the yellow pack (drink support) and not the red detox pack. I liked the drink support so much that I ordered this duo to try the detox and to replenish my drink support stash.
First of all the drink support is great. The pills are huge but if you’d like you can snap them in half. I felt more energy and since taking them I noticed drinking much less. My workouts improved and overall I am very glad I gave them a try. Gave me energy but in a good way. Not jittery and unnatural.
The detox pills however I noticed not so great reviews (look them up individually). I’ve done different detoxes before and since I liked the yellow pack I gave them a shot. 3 day detox. Day 1 I took the recommended 3 pills with lots of water. I felt a little sick with some lower back pain most of the day. I thought to myself I wouldn’t take them the next 2 days. Then I realized that the detox was working and I remembered feeling those effects in the past with other detox pills and baths. Day 2 and Day 3 I didn’t feel bad. Only day 1 I felt bad enough to skip a workout and was drained even though I took it easy all day. My body must have been working hard to detox. Now I’m all done with that and my stomach is flatter. I suffered a lot of bloating I couldn’t get rid of. I workout almost daily but I do feel the detox pills helped a lot with my stomach bloat. Probably the flattest tummy I’ve sported in some time. So I’d recommend both products. The only downside is the size of the pills and I read someone mentioned there are a lot of fillers.
Also, I highly recommend taking L-Glutamine Amino Acid in combination with these. They regulate digestion and help with mood and energy. I’ll continue the L-Glutamine as my regular daily 1-2 a day from now on. These yellow and red packs I’ll prob order here and there but not take every day. The yellow pills are good but I feel like they do a job and I don’t need them all the time.
Keep in mind everyone individually can have very different experiences. Good luck in your journey✌
Terry –
I took 1 pill the day I received the pills that was about 6 pm and wow it really works!! I didn’t want anything to drink, I made a shot to drink when I got home and I really didn’t want it let a long another as always. The next day I took 1 at noon and then when I was leaving work at 5 and I didn’t want to drink anything that night again and I’m so happy that I found something that really works!!! If anyone that can’t stop drinking than this is it! It is so much easier to stop drinking or even slow down, the pill is BIG but who cares if it works and my pee is bright but I think that lets me know it is working!! I really didn’t think it would work but I’m so happy that my husband interduce this to me, if you really want to slow down or stop this is it!! try it and see if it works for you! No, I haven’t been paid or asked to do this I just know how hard it is to slow down or quit but I see myself not drinking in just a few months! I sure hope so, this has taken over my life and I want to fight back and win this
Lucas Schulte –
Taking it when not drinking yields a calming effect but this did nothing to curb the amount I drank when deciding to drink. Still put away 2/3 a bottle of whiskey in one evening.
MnSD –
Probably the right ingredients just not a therapeutic dose? Will try other things with Kudzu included
Amazon Customer –
I was very concerned after receiving lab results that my liver functions were extremely high. I don’t remember if it was the ALT, or the AST that was 108 The other number was in the mid 90s. After taking the supplement for three months, I had my liver functions retested and my lab results came back that my functions were just barely high. 46 and 39 a drastic improvement! If I find my lab report, I will post it. I will buy this forever! Going to try the lung support next!