Descrição do Produto: Amen Leaky Gut Supplement
O Amen Leaky Gut Supplement é uma fórmula avançada projetada para promover a saúde intestinal e o bem-estar geral. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes bioativos, este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam restaurar a integridade da mucosa intestinal e melhorar a digestão. Cada cápsula contém uma mistura abrangente de L-Glutamina, zinco, cúrcuma orgânica, raiz de alcaçuz (DGL) e raiz de malva, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas para o trato gastrointestinal.
- Fórmula Abrangente com Ingredientes Chave: O suplemento Amen Leaky Gut+ combina L-Glutamina, zinco, cúrcuma orgânica, raiz de alcaçuz e raiz de malva em cápsulas de fácil utilização.
- Mistura de Probióticos e Prebióticos: Este suplemento de glutamina apresenta 10 bilhões de CFUs de probióticos estáveis, com quatro cepas diferentes (Bacillus clausii, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis e Saccharomyces boulardii), além de prebióticos orgânicos e fermentados, como vinagre de maçã orgânico, gengibre orgânico e cúrcuma orgânica.
- Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Inclui L-Glutamina, um aminoácido importante, e um extrato concentrado de raiz de alcaçuz (DGL) processado para remover a glicirrizina.
- Fórmula Vegana e Não-OGM: Feito com ingredientes não-OGM, este suplemento vegano é livre de soja, glúten, leite, ovos, trigo, crustáceos, corantes, aglutinantes ou conservantes.
- Fabricado nos EUA: O suplemento em cápsulas Amen Leaky Gut+ é fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação certificada cGMP, utilizando ingredientes globais para garantir qualidade e pureza. As cápsulas podem ser tomadas com ou sem alimentos, e o pó pode ser adicionado a alimentos ou bebidas.
1. Suporte à Saúde Intestinal: Ajuda a restaurar a barreira intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável e reduzindo a permeabilidade intestinal.
2. Equilíbrio da Flora Intestinal: A combinação de probióticos e prebióticos favorece o crescimento de bactérias benéficas, melhorando a microbiota intestinal.
3. Ação Anti-inflamatória: A cúrcuma e a raiz de alcaçuz possuem propriedades anti-inflamatórias que podem ajudar a aliviar desconfortos gastrointestinais.
4. Fórmula Segura e Eficaz: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade e livre de alérgenos comuns, é uma opção segura para diversas dietas.
5. Facilidade de Uso: As cápsulas são práticas e podem ser integradas facilmente à rotina diária, com a opção de adicionar o pó a alimentos ou bebidas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas do Amen Leaky Gut Supplement diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Caso opte pela forma em pó, adicione uma colher medida a um copo de água, suco ou smoothie, misturando bem antes do consumo. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
Cleveland Area –
My 20-year-old daughter has been suffering with horrible stomach pain when she eats and with a like high feeling when she eats. It has been so bad we gave the high feeling a scale of 1-10, ten being like she was going to pass out. Dr. after Dr. and nothing. I read an article about Leaky Gut and that was an eye opener for us, so I started to do more research. Leaky Gut is not a medical diagnosis but a symptom. I decided to get it for her the Amen Leaky Gut after reading the reviews there are so many supplements for Leaky Gut Amen just seem to look the best to me as a mother. It has been almost 3 weeks now and the improvement is amazing, not perfect but 85% better. She takes 1 capsule about 30 min before she eats. We are also tracking what she eats and how bad it affects her and affording the foods on the Leaky Gut charts that are bad. I hope this helps you if you are having the same issue my daughter did. FYI she has not side effects from the supplement.
B –
It took several days before I was back to normal!
Honu –
Make sure you’re taking it at the right time of your gastrointestinal healing process. If you have not changed your lifestyle while you are taking this product then it wont counteract your bad habits. I’d recommend a whole foods diet consisting of celery, (red) cabbage, carrots, broccoli, leafy greens/kale, zucchini, unsalted walnuts, sardines and mackerels for omega 3, salmon and other non starchy vegetables for two-three weeks. You should feel a difference within three days but keep going and DO NOT BY ALL MEANS go back to eating junk food if you have suffered with gut ailments. The problems can EASILY come back at the beginning of recovery. After three weeks reinoculate ONE FOOD item at a time every two days or so, Investigate what you’re eating and see how it really effects you and what nutrients you truly need. Eggs, Quinoa, Apples, occasionally sweet potatoes for treats, small amounts of kefir with oatmeal, make sauerkraut(EASY), HALF of Bananas. All of these would be good to start (one at a time) because they have prebiotic fiber that your good gut bacteria needs for growth which will prevent the cravings from coming back and overtaking you. I would encourage a microbiome test after 3-4 months of doing this. Your gut bacterial ratios will show you which foods you should focus on in your diet for proper health. With all of this it is inevitable that progress will be made. God Bless You.
Marla Allen –
Hmm, I think my experience with these supplements is one of those subtle effects you don’t notice until maybe you’re not taking it anymore. I don’t notice any huge impressionable difference, however my stomach does feel more at “peace”. I feel this light, airy, calmness in my gut vs the typical feeling of fight mode.
Im still however, having some ibs issues- bloating and like some others have mentioned, gassiness from this supplement. Maybe the creators can change something up to eliminate that effect of gassiness since that is also a leaky gut symptom so it’s very frustrating for us with leaky gut to also have more gas.
Im going to finish the entire bottle. Maybe these take awhile to be completely effective in the system. I don’t regret this purchase. It’s definitely having an overall positive effect on my body, even if I can’t exactly identify it lol.
Margie Guest –
I just started using this product so it’s too soon to tell if it has an impact. I previously used Gannon Ultimate Gut Defense & Restoration with great success. Unfortunately, that product is no longer available so I’m giving this a try. Time will tell. I’ll update my review.
Cleveland Area –
36 years old and started suffering from severe GI issues 15 months ago. Debilitating symptoms to the point it was affecting my mental health. Had all scopes, tests, catscan of gut, labs done was diagnosed with IBS and was told to eat a healthy diet. Symptoms got worse went to a different provider and that GI Dr said it’s just IBS it’s normal. Got even worse, realised I was lactose intolerant out of nowhere. Went to last provider in my area got more embarrassing tests done just to be told the same thing IBS. Was told the same usual, imodium, metamucil, bland healthy food, quit smoking. Got even worse and ended up in the psych ward for severe depression and anxiety. While my gut felt like it was constantly on fire and burning bubbling pressure the psych Dr told me it was all due to anxiety and that’s why i been dealing with crippling GI issues. Paid cash for the best psychiatrist around and it got only slightly better. Ended up quitting my job cause I missed so much work already and couldn’t perform my job description fully and was only a matter of time before they fired me. Continued see the psych dr and just accepted the fact that this was my life and it’s not gonna change. 8 months later I got way way worse, started developing brain fog, weakness, severe fatigue, lightheadedness, virtigo, losing feeling in fingers and toes going cold and numb, severe bloating in my sturnum and upper chest, my sense of taste and smell was getting distorted and started getting a constant taste of menthol in my mouth. Started experiencing labor breathing, shortness of breath, weight loss due to being scared to eat cause I couldn’t figure out what was safe and what wasn’t. Tested for covid twice negative both times. Tested for diabetes, HIV, STD’s, vitamin and mineral deffinciensies multiple blood tests for who knows what, chest xrays, catscan of my brain. All comes back normal. Getting severely depressed with all the testing and no answers I’m sure the Drs were thinking I was a crazy hypocondriact. Realised I had to take my health into my own hands and started doing research and all sorts of stuff and started making desperation buys in hope of relief. Ended up seeing an internal medicine dr today and after I told him all my symptoms I got the same impression from him that he thought it was in my head or it was my psychiatrist fault and it was all due to psych meds. Until he asked me if anyone in my family had Celiac Disease. Never been tested for that before so gave the blood and right after I got the delivery confirmation this product was delivered. Got home in horrible shape grabbed the bottle took the 3 pills and curled up in a chair forgetting all about any hope of getting better. Was so weak I could barely walk cause I lost all muscle definition and strength in my calves, hands and feet so numb cold they were hurting, heavy brain fog and I headache so bad I was just sitting there losing my temple with eyes shut. After experiencing these horrible symptoms for over a month in a constant rollercoaster ride I knew I was gonna be falling asleep the same way I was feeling. About 3 hours after taking the 3 pills I realised feeling was coming back in my hands and fingers faster than it ever has before. Made a comment to my wife that that’s a relief. Still not making the connection. Shortly after the same with my feet and toes. Then it hit me and I made the connection. My vision was no longer blurry, my headache had subsided greatly along with my joints pain. I was like holy …. Is this really happening? I have never had relief of almost all my major symptoms so rapidly. I don’t know yet if I have Celiac Disease or just a gluten intolerance but looks like this might really do what the label says it does. I didn’t even know that people could develope gluten allergies or intolerances I thought it was something you were born with. This review is kinda jumping the gun but if I’m wrong about these pills believe me I will edit this review.
Christopher Ryan –
Since I had gastric sleeve surgery it’s working amazing. Don’t have to take pharmaceutical as often.