O Standard Process Allerplex é um suplemento dietético formulado para promover a saúde pulmonar e apoiar a função hepática saudável. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes-chave, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam um suporte natural para o sistema respiratório. Entre os componentes destacados estão o Pneumotrophin PMG e o Drenatrophin PMG, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades que favorecem a função pulmonar. Além disso, o Cataplex A-C, Betacol e Antronex se juntam a essa fórmula poderosa, proporcionando um suporte abrangente para o organismo.
Este suplemento não apenas apoia a função hepática, mas também ajuda o corpo a gerenciar de forma eficaz o movimento do muco, promovendo uma respiração mais livre e confortável. A presença da vitamina A é um diferencial que contribui para a saúde das mucosas, essencial para a proteção das vias respiratórias. A Standard Process é reconhecida por oferecer produtos de alta qualidade que funcionam de acordo com a intenção da natureza, garantindo que cada ingrediente seja cuidadosamente selecionado para maximizar os benefícios à saúde.
– Suporte à função hepática saudável, essencial para a desintoxicação do organismo.
– Combinação de ingredientes que favorecem a saúde pulmonar e respiratória.
– Ajuda na gestão do movimento do muco, promovendo uma respiração mais eficiente.
– Contribui para a saúde das mucosas, protegendo as vias respiratórias.
– Produto de alta qualidade, desenvolvido com base em princípios naturais.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 a 4 cápsulas de Standard Process Allerplex por dia, preferencialmente durante as refeições, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do suplemento para otimizar a sua eficácia. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do Allerplex com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
Buxbug –
I just came to amazon to buy my second bottle of Alleplex and I thought I might as well leave my two cents on the product too. I always read reviews before purchasing on Amazon so I thought this might help someone who isn’t convinced. I purchased Congaplex a few years ago when a friend told me to use it for sinus issues…works like a charm when I feel a cold coming on. I have always had sinus issues and then allergies to pollen/dust etc developed in my late 20’s. My 70 year old father has undergone 3 sinus surgery’s in his lifetime (in fact I should buy him a bottle too!). The reason for the background is that I feel i’m quite experienced when it comes to otc and prescription sinus medication, allergy meds, nasal irrigation, z packs, etc.
So about a year ago I bought another bottle of congaplex and on a whim I read the reviews for Allerplex and bought a bottle. It sat in my cupboard for the past year…I continued on my zyrtec and nasal sprays thinking this stuff really can’t battle these springtime allergies. About 8 weeks ago my nasal congestion was horrible…and I knew the instant my medication wore out…I couldn’t breathe…so I got back on the nasal sprays…again I knew exactly when they wore out too. Finally, I thought what the heck let’s try the allerplex. It really is amazing! no more nasal congestion!!! Funny I usually sneeze about 4 times around 10:30 in the morning and i’m fine the rest of the day. Plus I just read another review before writing this and they described their chronic watery eyes…I’ve always had that issue…EVERY spring…and completely forgot about it because I’ve had maybe one morning with watery eyes! There are no side effects whatsoever. I take 2 or 3 in the morning and 2 or 3 before bed. If you have allergies give it a try…if it doesn’t work you’re out $30 but if it does…you’ll be back for more, like me!
James –
I get seasonal ragweed allergies, BAD! Every year starting in August until the first hard freeze my symptoms are horrible here in Northeast Wisconsin. Itchy & watery eyes, itchy throat & roof of my mouth, sneezing constantly, stuffed up and running nose, congestion.
I never had allergies as a kid, but in my late teens to early 20’s I started getting them really bad. I took all of the over the counter meds, Zyrtec, Claritin, you name it. Those products worked, but had side effects. The OTC meds dried out my mouth and sinuses so bad. I would get nosebleeds, be super drowsy or tired. And I have read other bad things about anti-histamines that they can cause dementia after taking them over many years.
My father-in-law is a big believer in natural products so he recommended Allerplex to me in combination with Fermented Cod Liver Oil by Blue Ice.
I am a skeptical person and thought there was no way something like this could work. I was so wrong. I have read many reviews of this product and some are correct when they say it takes some time to start working. I believe it has to build up in your system to start making a difference. So don’t take two pills and say it doesn’t work. The dosage I read works best is 6-12 daily.
I started my regimen August 1st. In Wisconsin this is before ragweed pollen was peaking. I would take 3 Allerplex pills with breakfast and 2 Fermented Cod Liver oil pills by Blue Ice I would repeat that dosage for lunch for the first 2 weeks.
I had zero allergy symptoms. Then the ragweed peaked around August 16th with a very high count for a few days. I had slightly itchy eyes in the morning with a sneeze here or there. But nothing major. Had to blow my nose a little more than usual for a few days. So I started taking 3 pills for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and then with a snack in the evening for a few days.
My symptoms are gone again. It’s August 21st now, and for the last 3 days, not one sneeze. No itchy eyes, stuffy nose, etc. Nothing!
So I lowered my frequency again only taking 3 Allerplex in the morning and 2 fermented cod liver oil for the last 3-4 days. Still no symptoms.
I monitor the pollen count daily. And it is very high for ragweed.
I saw my neighbor outside when I got home from work today and she was sneezing. I asked her if it was allergies. She said they were horrible for her right now. And my symptoms are gone! Naturally I had to tell her about Allerplex! So amazing! Standard Process has really changed my life in such a wonderful way. I tell my wife that I have to tell the whole world about this product!
Just remember, let this product work through your body for a couple weeks. It may not work overnight. But it has been a game changer for me. I will never by an OTC allergy pill for the rest of my life. No side effects whatsoever! How could you go wrong?
One last statistic I read about Allerplex in conjunction with fermented cod liver oil is that this combination works for 95% of people. As bad as my allergies were before Allerplex and as good as I feel now, I truly believe it. Allerplex 6-12 daily, Fermented Cod Liver Oil 3-6 daily. Everyone is different so monitor your body cuz no one knows it better than you. If no symptoms take less. If symptoms are bad take a bit more.
Joyful Living –
Excellent product that has helped me tremendously.
NashGatorGirl –
This product is a LIFE CHANGER! I’ve had allergies my entire life. The past few years they have been so bad that I was in constant pain most of the year. No allergy medicine helped. I had intense pain behind my eyes, severe congestion that lead to daily migraines and jaw/teeth pain. I went to a chiropractor a few months ago for a non-related issue and discussed my migraines and sever allergies to him. Much to my surprise he was able to literally cure my sinus/allergy issues simply by suggesting I start taking Allerplex. The bottle says to take 3 per meal. He said I should just take 1 per meal (3x day). Immediately I started seeing and feeling results. I’m now down to ONE Allerplex a day and the chiropractor said I can probably eventually come off them for good because my system should stabilize and not over-react to allergens or even insect bites as drastically as it was. Even more proof that this supplement works wonders – I got bit on my toe by a fire ant last week – in the past my entire foot would swell up so badly that I couldn’t even get a shoe on. Now that I’ve been using Allerplex, the bit swelled up, but nothing more than like a mosquito bite. It did sting and was irritating for a few days, but, in comparison to how I used to react to one bite, that was minimal!!!!!!! I can now mow my entire yard and there is no more suffering afterwards. I used to be so allergic to grass, dust, pollen that any time in my yard – especially mowing – would have me sick in bed the entire next day. As I said, Allerplex is truly a life changer. I cannot thank my chiropractor enough for his recommendation of this product! Seriously, if you have any allergy issues, BUY THIS PRODUCT! You will be so glad you did!