Descrição do Produto: Pomi-T Polyphenol Food Supplement 60 Cápsulas (Pacote de 2)
O Pomi-T é um suplemento alimentar inovador que combina o poder dos polifenóis, extraídos de ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente selecionados. Cada embalagem contém 2 frascos de 60 cápsulas vegetais, totalizando 120 cápsulas, proporcionando uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca melhorar sua saúde de forma natural. Este suplemento é formulado com uma mistura poderosa de romã, chá verde, cúrcuma e brócolis, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias.
A romã é rica em polifenóis, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres no organismo, promovendo a saúde celular. O chá verde, por sua vez, é famoso por suas propriedades termogênicas e de suporte ao metabolismo, enquanto a cúrcuma, com seu composto ativo curcumina, é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias. O brócolis, um superalimento, complementa essa fórmula com suas vitaminas e minerais essenciais, contribuindo para a saúde geral.
O Pomi-T é completamente natural, não contém corantes, conservantes ou aromatizantes artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha segura e saudável para quem deseja incorporar um suplemento de qualidade em sua rotina. Com a combinação única de ingredientes, o Pomi-T não apenas promove a saúde, mas também se alinha com um estilo de vida saudável e consciente.
1. Ação Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo.
2. Suporte ao Metabolismo: O chá verde contribui para a queima de gordura e aumento da energia.
3. Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: A cúrcuma ajuda a reduzir a inflamação, promovendo o bem-estar geral.
4. Saúde Cardiovascular: Os polifenóis da romã podem auxiliar na saúde do coração.
5. Fácil de Incorporar na Rotina: As cápsulas vegetais são práticas e podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora do dia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Pomi-T por dia, preferencialmente com um copo de água, durante uma refeição. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo. Este suplemento é adequado para adultos e deve ser armazenado em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
robert collocola po box 787 millbrook ny 12545 –
Good product
John P. –
I ve been through almost every product for prostate releif.This product shocked the heck out of me..Psa was 3.4 …started taking retested 3 months later..2.3.I take it everyday.It also seems to help flow .I can almost go normally now..from a drip to a flow.Stopped taking it for 2 days and noticed a big difference.Only pet turns urine kinda dark, at least thats what i noticed. But still Its a keeper!!!
RS –
This is a great product, but the distribution service was less than stellar. The shipment was half of what was ordered, but was written as complete. When I made contact with customer service, the gentleman on the line did not ask me why I called, I then explained the problem with order, which he didn’t understand, and then could only track the order by the date the order was placed, not name or order number. Once he found the order, he was better able to assist, but this entailed another long explaination and, honestly, he did seem to care much. I am a pretty forgiving person, but this was truly poor service.
T. Smit –
After looking online for the right supplement to aid with my prostate, I FOUND IT IN POMI-T.
My numbers from my PSA had gradually climbed since 2016 from 3.5 to 5.5. Had to undergo a biopsy which came back clear. No bad cells. Dr said to try a supplement he gave me, but no help there. Numbers climbed again in Aug 2017 to 6.5. He said we need to do another biopsy or an MRI. He said the MRI will be more accurate for any abnormal growth. If there was he said we would do the biopsy. Well, I had found this POMI-T just a week before the MRI and the results came back CLEAR as well!! PSA Numbers were still 6.5. He said see me in Feb of 2018 for another PSA. I STAYED on the POMI and also started eating extra red onions with my Subway lunches and any other meal I could add it to. Got a call today Feb 21st on my results. My PSA went from 6.5 to 4.1 in 7 months. I have only been taking 1 a day. Needless to say I will be uping that dosage to 2X a day as recommended!!!!
I am 55yrs old and my Dr is PLEASED!!!
His nurse said she recently told from another patient that actually had Cancer, that MD Anderson told him to use POMI-T.
I NEVER trusted product reviews that much with supplements, because there is just so much BS and people wanting to make money. But I will say this, Thank You Jesus and the makers of POMI-T!!
Doc said, keep doing what you are doing!!
Can correct problems with out Rx from doctor. Husband has used this for years
ralph liston –
It lowed my PSA by two points. That’s an improvement from 9 points to 7 points. Also making less trips to the bathroom at night.
daniel c –
Good value and ingredients
Bruce Boyd –
I’m 69 and my PSA came in at 5.1, which was a bit disturbing. At that point, I adjusted my diet and did all the ‘right’ prostate stuff including drinking straight pomegranate juice, exercise, etc. So, it’s impossible to say where the credit goes, but I also took 2 Pom T every day, and just one month later my PSA was down to 4.3. Also, I can *almost* sleep thru the entire night without getting up to pee. I think I had resigned myself to ‘old guys have prostate problems’. Now I have a whole new outlook on the subject.