Descubra o poder do Suplemento de Bromelina 6 em 1, uma fórmula inovadora que combina 500mg de Bromelina com uma mistura de ingredientes naturais que promovem a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar geral. Cada cápsula contém uma combinação sinérgica de ingredientes potentes, incluindo raiz de cúrcuma orgânica, gengibre, fruta de mamão, pectina de maçã e quercetina, todos projetados para apoiar a saúde do sistema digestivo, imunidade, respiração e articulações. Com 210 cápsulas por embalagem, você terá um suprimento para 105 dias, bastando tomar apenas 2 cápsulas fáceis de engolir diariamente.
Produzido por um fabricante certificado Halah e cGMP, nosso suplemento de Bromelina utiliza tecnologia de extração de ponta para garantir a pureza e eficácia dos ingredientes. É uma solução segura e eficaz para quem busca melhorar a qualidade de vida, proporcionando um suporte essencial para o corpo. Além disso, nosso produto é vegetariano e passa por testes rigorosos de terceiros, garantindo a confiança e a qualidade que você merece.
– 💚 Apoio Digestivo: Melhora a digestão e alivia desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– 💚 Fortalecimento Imunológico: Contribui para um sistema imunológico mais forte, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– 💚 Saúde Articular: Promove a saúde das articulações, reduzindo a inflamação e melhorando a mobilidade.
– 💚 Respiração Facilitada: Auxilia na saúde respiratória, tornando a respiração mais fácil e confortável.
– 💚 Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes orgânicos e vegetarianos, é uma escolha saudável e segura para todos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas do Suplemento de Bromelina 6 em 1 diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também maximiza os benefícios para a saúde digestiva e geral. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Jeff N –
Bromelain and 6in1 Digestive Health Blend by DEDICAD 500mg, 210 Capsules
with Quercetin, Ginger, Turmeric, Papaya
I have been taking Alka Seltzer every time I eat too much and have a small headache for years. It’s probably not really good for me, so I decided to try these. They work really well!! I am amazed at how fast my stomach feels better, and with that, my head does too!! I feel better all over within a half hour. It’s amazing. It really is.
Very strong seal around cap. Very strong seal on top of bottle.
October 2026. Arrived December 2023.
This is 3rd Party Lab Tested for 6 types of bacteria and four heavy metals! That is awesome because a large number of these I’ve tried lately do not say they are tested at all, let alone what they are tested for!
These are also made by a Halah & cGMP manufacturer with organic ingredients using cutting-edge extraction technology, and they are Vegetarian & Vegan friendly.
These are great for digestion when needed (with absolutely no aluminum).
And the Quercetin & Bromelain cleared up the tendonitis in my arm.
My arm forearm was hurting from lifting weights too heavy, and my chiropractor told me it’s tendonitis, then a friend told me that these would work on that because they have Quercetin & Bromelain, and they did work. It was awesome.
Bill S. –
They aren’t too big to swallow fairly easily and there is no flavor I can sense from them. That makes them a good option.
libertyfordean –
So, my initial dose led to a little tummy discomfort. Kind of like the feeling you get in your stomach if you eat too much pineapple and it is the only thing on your stomach. I don’t know if I’m the only one who gets that… but that is what this felt like initially.
Been taking it a week now, and it does seem to be helping a little with digestion… but often still feel like my stomach a little bit uncomfortable. But it isn’t horrible and I feel like with time it will pass.
I will update with results after I’m through the bottle.
baazjg –
I am a firm believer in the benefits of turmeric. Unfortunately, I have trouble taking it because it causes terrible acid reflux. I’ve tried many different brands but have yet to find one that doesn’t give me severe heartburn. For that reason, I was excited to try this one. The recommended dosage is three capsules but knowing the issues I’ve had, I started with one capsule per day. Everything was fine for the first week. I experienced no heartburn or other bad side effects so I upped it to two capsules per day. After a couple of days, the heartburn started. I stopped taking this supplement entirely and the acid reflux is slowly getting better. I may eventually try one capsule per day again so I can at least get some of the benefits. All in all, this appears to be a quality supplement but you may want to try a different brand if you are prone to acid reflux.
Deborah Varnado –
The reason I tried these is because it contains turmeric and ginger which work great for my health needs. So far I’ve been able to stomach them well and they help with digestion.
Zahid H. –
Currently there is a 49% coupon available, so about $20 for a 105 day supply of 2 capsules a day. You don’t need to take supplements every single day so this could easily last you around a year. It has a lot of good things in it, which I’ve used previously separately, but this makes it a convenient combination.
Bottle comes safety sealed, and then under the cap another seal with a plastic pull off part, which makes it easier to cleanly take that part off. Most bottles don’t actually have the plastic convenience tab, but I do like seeing it and using it. It’s the little things sometimes.
The capsules themselves are fully vegan, regular sized but a bit smaller and easier to swallow. Generally odorless when you take the dose, but the inside of the bottle has a faint turmeric scent (it’s one of the main ingredients). Maybe because of that odor but I can also get a faint spicy taste after taking the capsules, it’s nothing major but that’s what I noticed.
I’d probably have also liked some bioprene in this combination, but I likely get enough in my diet and those might be more expensive in general. The supplement industry has significant pricing disparity and you have to look around for a good price, these absolutely look like a great price to me–especially on sale. My general belief is most people really only need Vitamin D, and then rotate around a supplement or two that you personally think works for you. These would work well in such a rotation, as they are cost effective, have a great combination, are easy to store (just in a cool dry place, no need to refrigerate) and have a long shelf life (the one I received has an expiration date of almost 3 years later).
Gregor Samsa –
Just from reading the label, this appears to be a well-thought out product with supporting ingredients for a few different uses of bromelain. It’s not just about digestion, Bromelain can support immune health, the healing process, and some other things.
I have two purposes with Bromelain: 1) to help clearing bruises which I get for medical reasons and 2) to help with healing process for connective tissue where damaged tissue needs to be broken down. I’ve been taking this a few times a day, both with and without meals, for a few weeks. Unfortunately I haven’t noticed any obvious improvements since starting this. Perhaps the effect is too slow or subtle, and I’m hoping for too much.