Descrição do Produto: Suplemento 5HTP 100mg com B6 e Alimentos Integrais Orgânicos
Descubra o poder do nosso Suplemento 5HTP 100mg, uma fórmula inovadora que combina a eficácia do 5-Hidroxitriptofano (5-HTP) com a vitamina B6 e lecitina de girassol orgânica. Diferente de muitas marcas disponíveis no mercado, nosso produto é feito exclusivamente com ingredientes orgânicos, garantindo a mais alta qualidade e pureza. O 5-HTP é extraído da planta Griffonia Simplicifolia, padronizado para 98% de potência, proporcionando um impulso significativo na produção de serotonina, o hormônio da felicidade.
- POR QUE ESCOLHER O NOSSO 5-HTP? ✔ Ao contrário da maioria das marcas, o nosso é feito com ingredientes 100% ORGÂNICOS – Griffonia Simplicifolia com a maior potência disponível padronizada em 98%: ✔ Adicionamos B6 [P5P], que é essencial para ajudar a converter mais 5-HTP em serotonina: ✔ Incluímos LEITINA DE GIRASSOL ORGÂNICA para melhor absorção e maior biodisponibilidade: ✔ Nossa dose de 5-HTP é de 100mg (cápsula fácil de engolir), permitindo ajustar a quantidade necessária ao longo do dia.
- QUANDO E COMO TOMAR 5-HTP: ✔ Sempre que você se sentir um pouco para baixo. O humor está indiretamente relacionado aos níveis de serotonina, norepinefrina e dopamina. O 5-HTP é convertido em serotonina, que é o “hormônio da felicidade” do seu cérebro e ajuda a melhorar seu equilíbrio. Com a adição de B6, há uma maior conversão do 5-HTP em serotonina, resultando em efeitos mais significativos do nosso suplemento de 5-HTP.
- ✔ PARA UM SONO MELHOR: Tome 5-HTP cerca de uma hora antes de dormir. Seu cérebro converte 5-HTP em serotonina e melatonina. A melatonina é responsável por manter padrões de sono saudáveis no corpo.
- ✔ REDUZINDO CARBOIDRATOS? Tome pela manhã, 30 minutos antes das refeições, em jejum, o que ajuda na absorção mais rápida. O efeito pode estar relacionado ao aumento da serotonina, que é conhecida por reduzir o desejo por carboidratos. Portanto, se você está em um regime de exercícios ou apenas buscando cortar alguns quilos, um suplemento confiável de 5-HTP pode ajudar a alcançar seu objetivo.
- ✔ QUALIDADE PURA EM TODOS OS NOSSOS PRODUTOS: Compare nossos rótulos com outras marcas e você encontrará nossos ingredientes como os melhores, sem “outros” ingredientes ocultos. Livre dos 8 principais alérgenos e SEM: OGM, carne, laticínios, ovos, trigo, glúten, soja, nozes, crustáceos, aglutinantes e enchimentos, corantes, conservantes, gelatina, levedura. Use nosso B-Complex com 5-HTP para suporte ideal. GARANTIA DE SATISFAÇÃO 100%. Adequado para homens e mulheres.
1. Aumento da Serotonina: Melhora o humor e promove uma sensação de bem-estar.
2. Melhora do Sono: Contribui para padrões de sono saudáveis, ajudando na conversão de 5-HTP em melatonina.
3. Apoio à Redução de Peso: Pode ajudar a controlar o apetite por carboidratos, facilitando dietas de emagrecimento.
4. Fórmula Orgânica e Pura: Garantia de ingredientes de alta qualidade, sem aditivos ou alérgenos comuns.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser tomado em diferentes momentos do dia, adaptando-se às necessidades individuais.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Suplemento 5HTP 100mg, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula diariamente, preferencialmente em jejum pela manhã ou cerca de uma hora antes de dormir. Para aqueles que buscam um efeito mais imediato no humor, a ingestão pode ser feita sempre que necessário. É importante ajustar a dosagem conforme a resposta do seu corpo, sempre respeitando as orientações de um profissional de saúde.
Ana A Regus –
Is good but give second effect
J. Willoughby –
I have PMDD and if anyone is familiar you know for several days per month it can be crippling, and I am not referring to walking ability. I am talking about your ability to function, physically, emotionally and mentally. I’ve taken medication for years and for the most part the medication helped. But for the last couple of years the medication was becoming less effective on certain times of the month. I tried adding hemp oil, and that helped for about 6 months, then the effects started to diminish. I started to implement anything that I read about that people were reporting would help. Several things actually did, but nothing would continue to help after a few weeks. I stumbled across this product when i was actually looking for something else and started reading the reviews and thought, “what have I got to loose”? Now keep in mind, I have had several different combinations of things work, but only for a short time.
I ordered my bottle and started immediately when it arrived. I had the best nights sleep I had in month’s that night. And that wasn’t even one of the problems I was hoping to solve! I have been taking these for almost a month and I can honestly say that so far, this has been a game changer for me!! Of the 27 days that I’ve taken these, I have had more good days than bad. I haven’t been able to say that in a very long time!! My husband has noticed the change and my coworkers have noticed! I couldn’t be more pleased!! I am praying that these continue to do what they have done for me so far. If so, I will be a lifetime customer!
Chalise –
Im definitely a believer in this pill. Its been 3 days and I’ve had 3 days of normalcy. I havent cried once and I’ve actually felt happiness…EVEN AT WORK!! I hate my job with a passion and never ever ever ever feel happy there. I went 2 solid days without complaining! I feel happy at home and thats only from 3 days on this! The only complaint I’d have is you definitely need a full tummy (not a snack) otherwise you can get nauseated, which happened to me the first time because it says you can take it without food. I highly recommend this pill! I use to take prescriptions but I had horrible side effects and the artificial happiness they brought only last a few months. I was off them for about 6 months and then became severely depressed. I decided to get these after the reviews and glad i did! So far so good! **update, I’ve added a probiotic (our entire well being is located in our gut) and my depression is gone! My mom died 2 1/2 years ago and i had a life changing event that crushed me. I sat in a puddle of tears daily and I feel like me again! Add a probiotic to this and slow down alcohol intake and you’ll feel great again too!**
Wolf –
Wow! I’m impressed with the decrease in my fibromyalgia pain. Now, the sleep part I slept very well the first few nights, then I started to wake up again but I was able to go back to sleep. So, in the long run I’m sleeping better than I was before 5-HTP. My stabbing pain in my hands and feet almost went away… and the pain around my legs where they connect to my pelvis almost went away, but it came back. My anxiety is better. My energy is also better. I could use more energy but I can take a B12 if I need more. All in all, I’m pretty impressed with the results. Now I just need to research more on getting fibromyalgia FREE. I forgot to mention I also have a back injury so I still deal with back pain but now I can feel the separate pain from back vs fibromyalgia. I’ve been taking it now over two weeks and I’m more hopeful now than before. Thank you. 😁
Barbara Melton Perkins –
I have had problems with insomnia for several years but it was exacerbated by my recent knee replacement surgery. After surgery I was only sleeping 1 – 3 hrs per night. I tried different products to help me sleep. Some didn’t work, others left me with a “hangover” and not feeling rested. When I returned to work I was desperate as I wasn’t functioning well. Someone recommended this product, plus a magnesium supplement. I take 300 mg and am now sleeping 6-7 hrs a night and feel like a new person. My husband, who is retired and hasn’t had surgery, also takes it. He is sleeping 8-9 hours per night, when before he was averaging 4-6 hrs per night. It is a lifesaver!
Yana Nodelman –
I wanted to use this product first before doing a review on it. It has been 3 weeks already and I have to say that after first week having it in my system i started to see the difference. My sleep has improved, I can now not only sleep through the whole night, but I feel refreshed each morning. The deep sleep helps me to regain energy and feel refreshed.
I also have noticed that I am not hungry constantly as I used to be since I started to take these supplements. I can now control how often I eat and especially not being hungry before going to bed. Doing so, reflects in my weight now, that I am not gaining extra pounds.
I will definitely buy this product again as I would love to keep getting my beauty sleep and continue maintaining to stay lean.
xtremerjay –
One month update: This product actually works! I started using it for mainly weight loss and mood support. This product contains Serotonin which is a hormone released in your body when you work out, I kinda needed that kick to get into my workout schedule and this product delivered. Combination of Serotonin and Griffonia extract helped me get into my gym routine and aided weight loss with suppressed cravings. I have dropped 3 pounds in a month so far and plan to continue using this to reach my goal. Definitely recommended! Remember to be regular if you want this to work!