SUPEROxyFlush® Unleashed! O Melhor Limpador de Cólon Absoluto! 120 Cápsulas
O SUPEROxyFlush® Unleashed! é o melhor limpador de cólon disponível no mercado. Com 120 cápsulas, este produto oferece uma limpeza completa e eficaz do cólon. Sua fórmula poderosa e avançada ajuda a eliminar toxinas e resíduos acumulados, promovendo uma digestão saudável e regular. Além disso, o SUPEROxyFlush® Unleashed! auxilia na perda de peso, aumenta os níveis de energia e melhora a saúde geral do sistema digestivo. Experimente agora e desfrute dos benefícios de um cólon limpo e saudável!
1. Limpeza Profunda: Remove toxinas e resíduos, promovendo um cólon saudável.
2. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar substâncias nocivas do corpo, melhorando o bem-estar geral.
3. Aumento de Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia, proporcionando mais disposição no dia a dia.
4. Saúde Digestiva: Promove uma digestão regular e saudável, prevenindo desconfortos.
5. Fácil de Usar: Cápsulas práticas que podem ser levadas a qualquer lugar, facilitando a rotina de desintoxicação.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas do SUPEROxyFlush® Unleashed! por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio. É fundamental acompanhar a ingestão com uma quantidade adequada de água ao longo do dia para auxiliar na eliminação das toxinas. Para garantir a segurança e eficácia do uso, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação.
Lee J. Panek III –
Marketing arrogance! I admit that the product is definitely effective and unique in its effect on the colon.
I was happy to originally purchase Super Oxley Flush for $25 and some change. However, when I went to repurchase the product about a month ago I discovered that the price went up to $32.00. I waited a month hoping that the distributors would revert to the original price of $25.00, but as of March 9, 2017 I now find the price at an unbelievable $47.00. What a load of crap! I believe in capitalism and the right to make a profit, however, I don’t appreciate price gouging. This concept of adjusting prices according to what the market will bear is somewhat manipulative, and in the case of this very good product I’m afraid that the suppliers have gone too far and have priced Super Oxy flush out of the realm of reasonable cost.
Based on my personal research I have found that pre-biotics, different than probiotics, are just as effective in providing the living bacteria within the colon the nutrition they need to do the same, if not better job, than Super Oxy Flush.
Avannamarie512 –
Was skeptical and I’ve had issues taking pills in the past that caused horrible stomach pains. These are amazing, no cramping or stomach pain, they don’t make you feel like you have to keep running to the restroom. They get the job done well. Very pleased with this purchase.
Alan –
Best flush yet I have found and I have tried many. This is not like a painful flush that cramps you up. All other flushes I tried never worked. This one worked within 2 days and is still cleaning me out. Best I have felt in quite awhile. I am on heavy pain meds and they really bind you up.Took Mr. Oxygen and started working within 2 days and still going strong. I won’t mention the others as they might work for you. But if you are really clogged up. I would recommend these.
Michael C. –
This product really works. It is worth trying. It also came on time. Very happy.
The Joyful Johnsons –
If you have a candida overgrowth infection that is so bad it has turned to leaky gut syndrome…TAKE THIS FORMULA!! No other colon cleanse formula works better than Super Oxy Flush! I thank God for helping me find out about Ed McGabes Oxy products! He truly is a genius and created the best health formulas on the market! I take 8 Oxy Flush, 2 TBLS Oxy Sulfer and 30 drops of Oxy Lift every morning. My body has eliminated SO many toxins/parasites/yeast it is disgusting! I just know I am on the way to improving my health and getting my life back! I currently have thyroid pain, heart pain, EMF sensitivity, food allergies, low energy, dizziness, brain fog (just to name a few.) If you can only afford to take one product, take Super Oxy Flush! You will be surprised by the amount of garbage you will dump out of your colon!
MY303V8 –
If you have IBS-C, Constipation and incomplete evacuation in the morning, you know how frustrating it can be. It really distracts a person from doing their job/other function until they can get rid of the irritation in their bowels.
High levels of yeast in the GI tend to cause issues with constipation, especially if you crave carbohydrates, sugars (breads, oats, maple syrup to name a few)
I found this product to work well for enabling efficient morning bowel movements. The only thing you have to find is the right dosage as it will make you go to the bathroom anywhere from 2-9 times. This of course depends on the dosage and the dosage depends on your weight.
Sadly I didn’t find this product to help me with weight loss (another mystery) but it does help with morning bowel movements and the need for enemas/laxatives’.
FBJones –
Um ótimo produto de limpeza sem cólicas ou fezes moles – apenas uma sensação de evacuação completa. Tenho usado este produto de vez em quando durante vários anos e não o trocaria.
Shan –
Estes são AWEsOmE! A sério, sempre tive problemas com a casa de banho. Especialmente quando viajava. Eu nunca ia à casa de banho e sentia-me tão inchada e com mau aspeto. Estes são óptimos, funcionam muito rapidamente e nunca me fazem sentir mal quando preciso de ir à casa de banho. Sou mais regular do que alguma vez fui em 20 anos! Além disso, contei a vários amigos que também os estão a adorar.