Superior Source Vitamina B1 (Tiamina), 100 mg, Comprimidos MicroLingual de Dissolução Rápida Sob a Língua, 100 Unidades, Aumento do Metabolismo e Produção de Energia, Sistema Nervoso
Sinta-se mais energizado com a Vitamina B1 (Tiamina) da Superior Source. A Vitamina B1 faz parte do Complexo B, um grupo de nutrientes essenciais. Ela ajuda a apoiar o metabolismo de energia no corpo, reduz os níveis de estresse e é essencial para um sistema nervoso saudável.
Nossos comprimidos MicroLingual são compostos apenas por ingredientes puros. São livres de OGM, glúten, conservantes, corantes, enchimentos excessivos, aditivos, estearato de magnésio ou sílica. Diferente de outras vitaminas, nossos comprimidos contêm apenas os nutrientes ativos puros e outros ingredientes naturais necessários.
Os comprimidos MicroLingual da Superior Source dissolvem instantaneamente, sem a necessidade de engolir pílulas. Nós fomos pioneiros no melhor sistema de entrega de vitaminas MicroLingual, que se dissolve rapidamente e proporciona máxima absorção para o corpo.
Nossa qualidade é certificada pela GMP (Boas Práticas de Fabricação). Testamos todas as matérias-primas recebidas para os ingredientes ativos, metais pesados, OGMs e contaminação microbiana por meio de um laboratório certificado de terceiros. Após a fabricação, os comprimidos MicroLingual da Superior Source passam por testes adicionais de potência, contaminantes e pureza. Somente quando confirmamos que o produto final atende ou excede nossos padrões de qualidade em conformidade com a GMP, ele é liberado para você.
A Superior Source é uma empresa que se preocupa. Desde 1998, criamos vitaminas MicroLingual puras em nossa instalação de fabricação familiar. Somos uma empresa construída com amor pela saúde, bem-estar, fitness, nutrição e pela necessidade de uma vida melhor.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Aumenta o metabolismo e a produção de energia
- Reduz os níveis de estresse
- Essencial para um sistema nervoso saudável
- Comprimidos MicroLingual que se dissolvem instantaneamente
- Qualidade certificada pela GMP
A Vitamina B1 (Tiamina) da Superior Source oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, ela é fundamental para o aumento do metabolismo, ajudando o corpo a converter alimentos em energia de forma mais eficiente. Além disso, sua capacidade de reduzir os níveis de estresse contribui para um bem-estar mental e emocional, promovendo uma sensação de calma e foco. A Tiamina também é essencial para a saúde do sistema nervoso, ajudando a manter a função cognitiva e a comunicação entre as células nervosas. Os comprimidos MicroLingual garantem uma absorção rápida e eficaz, eliminando a necessidade de engolir pílulas, o que é especialmente benéfico para aqueles que têm dificuldade com formas tradicionais de suplementação. Por fim, a qualidade certificada pela GMP assegura que você está consumindo um produto seguro e confiável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, coloque um comprimido de Vitamina B1 (Tiamina) da Superior Source sob a língua e deixe dissolver completamente. Não é necessário engolir. Recomenda-se tomar um comprimido por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Essa forma de administração garante uma absorção rápida e eficaz dos nutrientes, otimizando os benefícios da Tiamina para o seu organismo.
Shihan Storm –
Nasty. Dislike the taste but it works quickly and that’s what I desire the most.
Nancy –
I have a 14-15 year old cat that developed seizures after getting a convenia shot this past winter, being on an rx kibble for struvites, and metronidazole for a c.perfringens infection over the winter and spring. Both drugs and the d-methionine in the kibble to lower urine ph lower the seizure threshold. It wasn’t until he was given just two doses of the metronidazole that the seizures manifested clearly and scarily ~ tonic clonic aka grand mal seizures. Looking back to the winter his symptoms appear to be seizures. Seizure meds have helped for the most part but he’s still having too many periods of him looking out of it and lost and walking around in circles which point to absent seizures aka petit mal seizures. He’s on a keto diet with MCT oil to help with the seizures but we just started the MCT oil about 3 weeks ago. We’ve added homeopathic remedies and an herbal remedy for pets specifically for seizures which bring him out of it for a while. My daughter who spends the majority of time with him has been researching (as have I) and stumbled across a case study of two cats presenting with seizures due to thiamine deficiency. Both recovered quickly after B1 injections. As well as another article written by a woman who suffers from metronidazole toxicity and found that she had a thiamine deficiency that contributed greatly to her symptoms, one of which was a slightly enlarged heart (the vet has detected a grade 1-2 murmur which is also a thiamine deficiency symptom). So I got this to give it a try. We are starting at a lower cat-sized dose since he appears to be sensitive to everything. I cannot even give him CoQ10 for his heart since it triggers seizures. Anyways we’re on day 2 of supplementing so too soon to tell if it’s helping. I dissolved a couple of tablets in water in 10 mls of water in a small brown glass bottle and keep in the fridge. To dose him I pull the amount I want (this morning was 25mg ~ so 1.5ml) into a dosing syringe and squirt it down his throat. He doesn’t seem to mind it. I guess he’s gotten used to all the supplements we’ve been giving him. I also got the b-complex by the same company for kids to make sure he’s not getting depleted in the other b’s. I just put the tablet in a dosing syringe and pull in a mil or two of water to squirt down his throat so it’s over quick.
So people who are having problems getting past the bitterness or taste of the b100, they can try what we’ve been doing. Dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water (1 teaspoon or less) and then hold your breath and put it in your mouth and let it absorb into your mouth. Holding your breath will help blunt the taste. Follow up with a sip of water.
Nancy –
These B1 tablets are great for anyone who has a hard time swallowing the larger pills/capsules these usually come in. They melt right under the tongue in no time flat. The only downside is that they really taste pretty horrible, so have plenty of water on standby to help you remove the traces of the taste.
Retired in California –
I am shocked that this company has made a product that is the worse-tasting thing I’ve ever put into my mouth. I thought I got a defective product until I read the reviews and saw that I wasn’t the only person with this response. This company makes the D-3 that I take, and it’s tiny and delicious, so I was shocked by the difference. I’m going back to the Bluebonnet capsule that I can open up and pour on a tablespoon of applesauce so I can get my vitamin B1 without the bitter taste. Surely, Superior Source can fix this.. yikes
Jasminj –
*Please read the whole thing*
These comments are not exaggerating. I cannot tolerate pills so I have cut every medicine imaginable in half. This was by far the worst tasting med I’ve ever had. But I got used to it!
At first I quite literally had to eat a mint after taking this tablet, but a month later I don’t even notice it. It’s become apart of my daily routine
I used to wake up exhausted, could barely get out of bed, dizzy during the day and had to take naps or drink multiple cups of coffee.
Now I’m waking up well rested and I have more energy. If I go a week without taking these vitamins, I notice! This stuff is the real deal. Life changing
Jackie Cecil –
I read the reviews before ordering this B1. A lot of people in the reviews had strong complaints about the nasty bitter taste of this B1, but I didn’t hesitate to order it anyway, because in most cases I receive a product and it tastes fine to me even though a lot of people hated the taste. I usually just man-up and endure supplements that taste bad. But in this case, I threw the rest of this B1 in the trash after tasting the first one. What a waste of money. I also saw someone on the reviews saying they didn’t understand why people are complaining about the taste. That person must be a representative of the company, because these things are truly awful. Maybe they work great to increase your B1 levels, but considering how bad these things taste, most people would probably rather die of B1 deficiency. These are microlingual, so they have a lot of contact with your taste buds. To me they taste like some kind of harsh bitter chemical that doesn’t belong in anyone’s mouth. I’ll have to kiss my money goodbye and look for a similar product that tastes better. I love the Superior Source microlingual D3, but I’ll never try their B1 again, because right now I feel like cutting out my entire tongue and throwing it in the trash with the full bottle of B1 that I tossed. I bet even the Superior Source company CEO wouldn’t put one of these things anywhere near their own tongue. I still gave it 2 stars because it’s still B1 and a good brand.
VA Mom –
With some research, I realized that B1 was needed. As I grew older my feet began to burn. I added B1 to my daily life and the burning in my feet stopped within one week.
Jackie C
These tablets are bitter to dislove under the tongue but they are easy to get used to.
Tammy Crosby –
I bought these for my husband after his stroke. He was having a hard time swallowing, so I thought these would be great since they dissolved. He said the taste was awful!! I even tried one to see, and I have to agree. Concept is great, would definitely help if the taste was better.